Chapter 117.)

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Thursday, 7:45 p.m.

"I just want to know who invited fat ass" Fatima spat, while taking a sip of her wine.

Everybody looked at her like she said something crazy Madea let out a "Urrr" Sound and said "OH LORT" while laughing.

Blue was trying her hardest to hold her laugh in, but once she looked over at Madea she started bursting out laughing.

"Really FATIMA?" Angela said pissed.

"Nah In all seriousness, why is you even here like I'm not understanding her reasoning for being here?, so somebody please let me know " Fatima said.

"Well Fatima, we all supposed to be family, how are we ever going to come together if everybody fighting" Mona said.

"Her ass is not my family, that bitch fuck that up a long time ago, and quite frankly this bitch still got something coming for that ass" Fatima said.

"You're just so evil, like what's gotten in to you" Malik says.

"Mona how about you answer that, or Faheem somebody, please enlighten this little nigga why I'm the reason I am, PLEASE for the love of god!"

-Everyone was silent-

"Hellur is anybody going to speak?" Madea asked.

"Exactly everybody want to shut the fuck up now, but any other time y'all mfs always got something quick to say, fuck out of here with this shit" Fatima said getting up, blue stood with her.

"I'm outta this bitch, for all I care are y'all bitches can die slowly" Fatima added.

"Oh she's serious" blue thought to herself she always said she never wanted to be on Fatima's bad side.

"Sit the fuck down FATIMA" Faheem yelled.

"oh HELL no!l Madea shouted "have you lost your damn mind, You don't SPEAK to her like that"

"EVERYONE PLEASE JUST REALX" Mona said on the verge of tears "I just miss my daughter for crying out loud,  Fatima I'm sorry"

"Man fuck this, she don't want to be here let her ass leave momma"

"NO! Fatima please sit, please I'm begging you"

"I'm ready when you is T" blue chimed in.

"Who is you nigga, I mean bit -" Mailk didn't get to finish his sentence Madea grabbed from the other side of the table " Now boy I done told you about that mouth, sit there and SHUT THE HELL UP"

"Madea please let him go" Mona asked, Madea finally had let him go. Malik knew not to speak for the rest of the dinner.

Blue was getting a kick of it, she thought her family was something, but she was wrong.

"Who is you?" Amber spoke talking to Madea.

"If I was you I will just mind my business over there, for you get put in something you can't come out of" Fatima said

" I guess nobody told you that I'm Madea. MA to the DAMN D-E-A, you understand that" Madea said.

"Yes ma'am" Amber said shaking in her boots.

This was Zac third time calling Fatima, Fatima got up and took the phone call in the living room.

"Hey babe" Fatima said in an nervous tone. "Yo I called you like three times what the hell is going on with your phone Fatima?" "It's on silent babe I'm sorry"

"It's whatever how is the dinner going?" "It's going" Fatima said rolling her eyes, "they invited big bone here"

"The fuck" Zac said with a mean mug look "I know right bullshit" Fatima said "where M at?" He asked "Um" Fatima said clearing her throat

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