Chapter: 131.)

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Monday, 9:05 a.m.

"I'm late" Peyton said to Zayden, his heart immediately dropped. "Late to what? Work? Your hair appointment?"

Peyton playfully punched Zayden in his chest. "Stop playing Zay, not the time for games bubs I'm being serious"

" How late is we talki-" Zayden try to say but his words got cut short when the doorbell went off, he got up from the kitchen table and went to see who it was and it was Heather.

"Mother, wassup? What's brings you by?"
Zayden asked confused.

"These" She said holding up a folder with paperwork.

Zayden grabbed the folder and started tossing through the papers, it was adoption papers, all he had to do was sign.

"I think Halo is better off with you, you sign these papers she's all yours, me and Nathan we spit weekends with her if that's okay with you" Heather said simply.

"Just like that, you got a change of heart? Just couple days ago you just didn't want me to have nothing to do with her" Zayden said looking at her with a stern look.

"Look Zay, do you want her or not.. just sign the papers and come on"

"Nah" Zayden said simply. "I don't trust you, you be on that bullshit"

"Have you not talked to your father Zay? I'm not bullshitting, he told me to get the paperwork situated and I will get my money come on Zay I need that money"

Zayden didn't say anything, a million one thing was racing through his mind, his heart broke for Halo. He decided to just sign the papers, and Heather went about her business.

"What was that about?" Peyton asked.

"I don't even want to talk about it Pey, this whole situation with my sister is just bogus yo, but fuck it, on the bright side I got her, back to us ... how late are you?"

"My situation can wait love, you have to get to work.. we can talk about this later on. While you working I can spend the day getting halos room together"

"Thank you my love" Zayden said, bending down to kiss Peyton.

He grabbed his things and his keys "I'll send you some money, for the last bit of items she needs, after I get off we can go grocery shopping for my little mut you know how picky she is" He said chuckling.

"Fine with me bubs, have a great day I love you" Peyton said sweetly.

"I love you too" He said back, blowing a kiss before disappearing out the door.


"Why are you here?" Fatima asked irritated, walking out her law firm door, Paul was standing outside.

"Why are you trying to act like, what we had was nothing Fatima?" Paul said.

"What the fuck did we ever have nigga?, please go on with that shit Paul.. todays it not the day"

"Okay look I'm sorry, I just what to start over with you. Can we do that.. it's just when I see you in target I couldn't stop thinking about you"

Fatima just turned around and went back into her law firm.

"Everything good Mrs. Taylor?" big Jimmy asked.

"Everything is good, can you just make sure his off the property before my husband gets here, we don't need what happened 10 years ago, happening again" Fatima said, lightly chuckling.

"I hate to say it, but I would love for Mr. ZT to beat his ass again"

"I bet you do crazy ass" Fatima said jokingly.

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