- Chapter - Eighty - Four -

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Sunday dinner at MeMaw's house was successful, even though Fatima kept her distance from Zac she enjoyed her time with the family. Zac didn't know why Fatima was mad at him, but that was typical Zachary Taylor for you.

Lori, Fatima , Gia was helping Maw clean up the kitchen, all the children was sitting in the living room watching a movie, the guys was in the back cleaning up as well.

Lori's mom: I just want to thank you guys for helping me clean up MeMaw appreciate it, we have to do this more often, you guys have such a beautiful family. It's was very nice to meet you Gia, and you have a cutie pie on your hands. - smiling-

Gia: Thank you so much for having me, food was amazing, and your house is gorgeous.

Lori's mom: Thank you baby!

Fatima: You know I love when you cook maw maw, so we will definitely be coming over soon. - Hugging her -

Lori's mom: You better, y'all been keeping my babies away from me.

Lori: Mom them kids will drive you up a wall, you gone be calling us to come back to get them, we don't have time for that - laughing -

Fatima: Right they don't know how to sit there as- I'm sorry there butts down.

Lori: - laughing - I be having to catch myself too.

Lori's mom: So much foul language on the lords day.

Fatima: - Cringe face - Sorry Maw maw - laughing -

Lori's mom: I hope to see you all next week!

Fatima: You will Maw!!

A hour had passed The family was home, Fatima got the twins washed up, doing their nightly routine, Zac did the same thing with Kai. Zayden was already sleep. The kids got tucked in, Fatima went in her room to take a shower and do her nightly routine, Zac came in the room about 30 minutes later, Fatima was laying in bed on her laptop.

Zac: - Taking his clothes off - You been quiet lately , like you haven't said nothing to me all day Fatima.

Fatima: Because nothing I say to you Zachary matters, it's just a repeated cycle with you.

Zac: What is you even talking about babe?

Fatima: Nothing Zac, like you said to me earlier you don't wanna do this right now, I don't either.

Zac: So you just not gone talk to me?

Fatima: Now you wanna talk, but when I wanted to have a conversation with you earlier, you wanted to have that funky ass attitude of yours, and cut me off.

Zac: It's wasn't even that serious, like you just always putting a 100 on 10, it's not even that real Fatima.

Fatima: - closing her laptop- Sometimes I ask myself is this nigga slow, or is this nigga slow? - Serious Face -

Zac: Really Fatima, really? - blowing his breath- all I said was I didn't wanna have that conversation with you at the time, and here you go being "PETTY FATIMA"

Fatima: - Getting frustrated- And that's your problem Zac you wanna have the conversation after the fact, Heather comes here and tell you Nathan dumb ass was planning something with your mom and them other bitches, you don't wanna believe her, you not even asking the right questions Zachary you just so focus on Heather sleeping with Nathan, what if they is planning something? But because you are so gullible and STUPID ASF EVERY-TIME, nothing gets through to you until it's too late.

Zac: She's sleeping with Nathan? Right right who says she's not in on it Fatima?

Fatima: If she's in on it, she's a dumb ass bitch. Zachary y'all have a child together why would she put Zayden in harms way?

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