- Chapter- Sixty - One -

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Fatima: - Knocks on Gia door - Gia?

Gia: - Opens door - Hey Fatima, everything okay? Thank you for dinner it was amazing.

Fatima: - Smile - Thank you, I'm heading out with my girls, just wanted to check on you, make sure everything okay? Do you need something? If you need someone to talk to I'm here for you.

Gia: Thank you for that, but I am good. I'm just gone call it a night.

Fatima: Don't hesitate to ask for help, I'm not trying to be in your business, but if something is wrong please be rational Gia.

Gia: Did Z tell you about my behavior from earlier?

Fatima: Yes he did, so is there anything you wanna tell me? Cause whatever it is I can help you.

Gia: Are you sure you ca- you know what never mind everything good, thank you?

Fatima: What was that? - curious look-

Gia: What was what?

Fatima: You was about to say something then you changed your mind, I don't like that. In this house we say what's on our mind we don't keep nothing battle in.

Gia: Fatima.. like I said I'm good. Thank you.

Fatima: Okay now!

Fatima walked away, and she went to kiss Zac goodbye, Gia makes its obvious that clearly she's hiding something, one thing about Fatima she's going to get to the bottom of it, Fatima left out to go meet Madam and Andi at Club Eden for some drinks. About 20 minutes later they was all sitting down drinking.

Fatima: - Sips drink - So I had an interesting weekend, but before I get into all that Andi girl? You been missing in the wolves? What's going on with that?

Andi: I think i caught a bug or something these past couple's days I have not been feeling it.

Madam: What's in that Cup Andi?

Andi: Cranberry juice.. - sips drink -

Madam: Her ass is pregnant, she's trying to hide it - laughing -

Fatima: - looks at Andi - Andi? You got something you wanna say?

Andi: WHAT? No I am not pregnant please don't spread that negative energy over here, I have a wedding to prepare for, I'm definitely not pregnant!

Fatima: Don't be lying to me now Andi, why you not drinking?

Andi: Because I'm driving like I'm not crazy like you fools

Fatima: You driving? But Amp is here dancing? You're not good liar Andi - laughing-

Madam: Her ass not, but what's going on with you Fatima what happened this weekend, some more crazy shit?

Fatima: Well I just found out Zac has a sister, 27 , 28 I think she is...

Andi: What? Zac had a sister how come I never knew that.

Fatima: Listen I didn't know either.

Madam: What she want now after all these years Fatima?

Fatima: They got some childhood trauma they gotta face, but I think it something else up with her, I told Zac let me scan her, he's like no.

Madam: Fuck what Zac saying Scan that girl Fatima, you need tonknow who in that house with you and your kids, I will kill a motherfucker if they fuck with you.

Andi: Why doesn't Zac want to scan her? He doesn't wanna know?

Fatima: Zac being too gullible right now, he thinks if we scan her, we betraying her trust and all that other bullshit.

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