Chapter: 140.)

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Sunday, 11:59 p.m.
Christmas Eve, 4 weeks later.

"Well" Fatima said as she exhale sharply. Her and Zachary just got done putting all the gifts under the tree, Zachary came back in the living room with cookies and milk.

It's was just hitting midnight, Christmas Day. Fatima and Zachary couldn't wait for this holiday season to end, the amount of money they have spent, well let's not discuss that.

"You alright?" Zac said placing the cookie tray down, and kissing Fatima forehead. "Yes I'm alright, I'm just grateful to be in this position that we are in" Said Fatima as she sat down on the couch, taking a sip of her wine.

"It's grind time once all this shit over, them kids of yours are expensive as FUCK" Zachary emphasized on the last part, and Fatima had chuckled.

"Zyla been clocking me about that damn pink Van Cleef set, but by the time i tried to get it, it was sold out .. so i know mamas gone be upset" Fatima said, as she laughed in her head, Zyla was dramatic.

"It's cool Rob grabbed it for us, while he was in Paris , it's under the tree somewhere" Zac said

"Wait what? Oh thank god, because I did not want to deal with that little girls attitude in the morning"

"Grandma T" Halo said coming half way downstairs, leaning over the banister.

"Yes Baby?" Fatima said looking up at her, In these past 10 years this will be Halos first time actually celebrating Christmas.

"Can I have some cookies and Milk please?" Halo asked softly.

"No, Go to bed Halo.. or Santa ain't coming" Zachary joked.

"I'm ten old man, I know Santa ain't real" Halo said coming down the steps, Heather ruin Halo dreams telling her Santa wasn't real a long time ago , after a while Halo got use to it.

"You could have two cookies, and some milk.. then you're going back to bed" Fatima said

"Deal" Halo said jumping down on the couch, as she digged in. Halo was the sweetest thing, very respectful and kind. They made sure this will be the best Christmas Halo ever had.

The three sat and watched a Christmas movie, while they waited up for Zyla to get home from work.

Ever since the famous Keith Lee, did his review on "Sweet Treats By Tommy" earlier this week business had been booming than usually, since Zyla was the employee who took Keith Lees order, and since her customers service skills was "magnificent" He tipped her $1,000 and took a picture with her.

Zyla loved her some Keith, and she love watching people eat that was her favorite thing to do on her spare time. Over at the shop, they just had closed up at 11 pm. Tommy was in the back counting the money, while Zyla and her other employee sat in the break room.

"You still at work?" Royal questioned over FaceTime. "Yes Uncle Tommy counting the money back there , we was so busy today, my feet hurt so bad" Zyla complained. "Big money Zy" Royal said and Zyla chuckled. " How's Paris treating you? What time is it down there?

" I love it here, but I'm not a big fan of their food but it's cool or whatever and it's 6:15 a.m." Royal said.

" Why is you up so early for?" "I don't know, I'm about to go back to sleep in a few though, I saw you on instagram so I'm like let me call Zy"

"Yeah Uncle Tommy driving me home, that's why I'm still here, but I'll call you later my phone about to die" "Okay, bye" Royal said, and Zyla hang up.

"So Is you gone answer my question?" Malachi said.
"What was your question Malachi?" Zyla said, as she smiled, but not giving him any eye contact. "You're trying to play hard to get, you like me and you know you like me but you trying act like you don't"

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