- Chapter- Sixty- Six -

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The next day came around, Fatima didn't wake up until 12:00 p.m. Zac wasn't in the bed with her, as she expected him not to be.

When Fatima got up to do her morning routine, there was rose petal going from their bed, into the bathroom, when Fatima walked into the bathroom Zac had put pictures of them, and the kids on the mirror and under each picture there was 10, it was a reason why Zac loved her.

On the sink counter there was a card message that read " You're right, I am asshole. You didn't deserve how I talked to you, so this is me showing you how sorry I really am. I love you."

"Oh I love you more Zachary Taylor" She said out loudly, as she continued to do her morning routine reading the reason why Zac loved her.

1. I love the way you ride for me and ride me
2. I love the way you love our children
3. I love the way how you will do anything for anybody you care about.
4. I love the way, you swear you not crazy but you're crazy as hell.
5. I love the way even time I don't deserve you, how you never put anyone above me.
6. I love the way you kiss me in the morning
7. I even love the way you say "You're pissing me off Zachary" that shit turn me on
8. I love the way no matter what right or wrong you're always there for me
9. I love the way you swear you not mad, but be mad as hell
10. And lastly I love you the most because our home is not a home without you.

That right there made Fatima whole morning, she was smiling ear to ear, it was reason like this she knew she married the right person, and Fatima knew marriage wasn't gone be all sunshine and rainbows, but one thing she loved about their marriage was they was never mad each other for long.

Fatima finished her morning routine, heading downstairs to make her some coffee when she walked downstairs the living room was cover in a whole bunch of flowers and balloons that said "I love you" Fatima was on cloud nine, Zac was pulling out all the stunts.

Fatima admire all the flowers, smelling them, taken pictures, she walked into the kitchen it was more roses with a note card that said "I see that smile!, this just the beginning I know you probably making you some coffee but when you done,get dress and meet me at the place where we first met"

Fatima was loving this game Zac was playing it was very thoughtful and sweet, Fatima made her coffee, then going upstairs and getting dress for the day.

About 30 minutes later Fatima was ready and out the door, in her car, driving to where Zac told her to meet him. When Fatima pulled up to chain-breakers Zac car wasn't out there, but she got out the car, and in the same exact spot they met, it's was another note card, taped to the ground, Fatima pick it up and started reading it. " Where my life changed forever, and my forever lady, thank you for choosing me. You right you come before all this shit. Turn around"

Fatima: - Turns around- - laughs - Andi what is you doing here girl?

Andi: I have something for you - smiles -

Fatima: What is Zachary up to now - laughing -

Andi: He called me, told me you was mad at him, and he's pulling out all the stunt for you because he doesn't want you mad at him anymore and I had the perfect idea.

Fatima: Oh what is it Andi?

Andi: - Hands Fatima a bag -

Fatima: - Takes the bag - What in here, I don't know what y'all up too but I'm scared.

Andi: Just open it and see, I promise you it's a good one, and don't start that crying shit cause you know how you is - laughing-

Fatima: - Opens the bag - STOP IT ANDIII, YOU ARE SUCH A LIAR!!! - starting to get emotional - This just made my whole day, Madam was right Amp knocked that ass up fr, you're already making me a god parent I love it, thank you so much Andi.

Andi: You're Welcome T, - smiles - Zac thought you should hear some good news, and with everything going on I wanted you to have some as well, That boy loves you, and you love him.

Fatima: I do love him, a lot. And the fact he woke up and planned this whole day out I couldn't be even more thankful for him.

Andi: He was making phone calls at like 5 a.m. I thought something bad happened. - laughing- but one thing I love about Zac, is he always been the one for you.

Fatima: Always, and I wouldn't want it any other way.

Andi: Love you T, at the bottom it's another note card, I'll see you later to drop Kai off.

Fatima: Love you more Andi, and Congratulations to you and Amp on our little munchkin!! I'm so happy for y'all!!

Andi: Thank you T, - smiling- I know this is going to be a great journey as long as I got you along my side!

Fatima: You damn sure about that!

Fatima hugged Andi, and Andi left, Fatima pulled the note card from the bottom of the bag and it read. " I know your crybaby ass was crying but wipe them tears baby, I'm not finished yet, I want you to go to the place where we first made it official"

Fatima drove 15 minutes to her old apartment, she found joy in this little scavenger hunt, when she pulled up to her apartment, it was another note card attached to the door. "This place was where we created our most memorable memories, this is me showing you, you matter. I love you T, and I know you probably hungry right now, cause your ass is always hungry, so now meet us at our favorite restaurant"
"I am always hungry" Fatima said with a smile.

Couple minutes later, Fatima pulled up to mount blue, Zac was waiting outside for her, with some gifts and some more flowers, he walked over and open the car door for her, Fatima had put the gifts in the car and the flowers and Zac helped her out the car.

Zac: - Smiling- You don't even have to say it, I know the gifts isn't going make up for the way I treated you, but I want you to know I do love you, and I'm sorry.

Fatima: - Smiling- Babyy, you really outdid yourself, it's not even about the gifts you planned this out so thoughtfully, thank you really.

Zac: Always tell you T, none of this shit works without. Our house wouldn't be able to function if you wasn't here, and I realized you're right if something was to happen to you, I wouldn't know what to do with myself. - getting emotional- You needed your husband, and at that moment I wasn't him, so again I really am sorry.

Fatima: That's all I wanted from you in the beginning was you to trust me, but I get it, you felt like I betrayed your trust and I will apologize for that, but I'm glad I did do it. I get it, you have a lot going on with your childhood trauma, you going through a lot next time lean on your wife, and not be against her.

Zac: I hear everything you staying and I will take all of that into consideration. I rented the whole place out just for us, so come on - grabs her hand -

Fatima: - Doesn't move -

Zac: What?

Fatima: No kiss?

Zac: You know when you mad, you don't be wanting me in your face - laughing -

Fatima: You right about that, but I'm not mad anymore.

Zac: - Kisses her - I love you.

Fatima: - Kisses him back - I love you!

Zac: Can we go eat now?

Fatima: Come on - laughing - let's go eat baby.

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