- Chapter- Sixty- Four -

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Victor: You thought I wasn't gone find you bitch - grabs Gia by her neck - Where the fuck is my money at bitch?

Fatima: Hol- Hol- Hold up, really nigga putting your hands on a female that's what you doing?

Zac: Nigga you got 2 seconds to let her the fuck go now nigga!

Victor: - Let's her go -

Gia: - Trying to catch her breath-

Victor: And who the fuck is you nigga? Mind mind your fucking business this is between me and her.

Gia: - Finally catches breath- If you here to kill me just kill me already, I've already lost everything I have no more fight in me - crying -

Fatima: - laughs - Only person dying tonight is this nigga, you came to the wrong house mf!! - leaves and go upstairs-

Victor: What you say bitc-..

Zac: - punches Victor - - Victor drops - Watch that bitch word nigga.. - drags him in the house -

Gia: - Shuts and locks the door -

Zac: - Takes his shirt off - Really nigga a 2 year old? - kicks him in the face - Then you had to nerve for all these years to put your hands on my fucking sister, is that what your punk ass is on? - kicks him again -

Victor: - Spits out blood - When I get up you're fucking dead!

Zac: I'm show you what it's like, you wanna put your hands on my sister, I'mma show you nigga! Yo Gia go grab me a chair, and grab me that rope out the first draw in the kitchen.

Gia: - Runs off to the kitchen-

Zac: Man - laughing- you really had the audacity to FUCKING KILL A 2 YEAR OLD NIGGA, HE WAS A FUCKING BABY NIGGA backhands him -

Victor: Nigga hit me more time I fucking dare you!

Zac: - Start choking him -

Victor: - Fighting for his life -

Zac: - Let him go - Yeah you don't like that nigga, now the roles switched looks who fucking fighting for their life now, bum ass nigga. GIA WHAT THE FUCK YOU DOING?


Fatima made way back downstairs, with her strap.

Fatima: All that torturing him shit for the birds we gone blow this nigga head off and call it a night, nigga don't deserve to be breathing no fucking more, nigga lost my respect after fucking killing a 2 year old fuck wrong with you nigga!

Zac: Nah babe, he needs to know what feels like to constantly get his ass beat, fuck all that. Shooting him off back is the easy way out fuck that.

Victor: - on the floor - - laughing-

Zac: - Kicks him in the face - Keep fucking laughing nigga you ain't gone have no fucking teeth!

Gia made her way back in the living, Zac got Victor tied up in the chair, and just started whooping his ass, Victor was begging for his life, Zac tune everything out, he was out of it. Zac snapped back into reality.

Zac: Yeah you don't like that nigga, fucking pussy. How you pull up and get your ass beat? Talking about he's "known for a dangerous man" nigga over here crying for his life. You just a fake putting on an image fucking bitch. You ain't nothing but a woman beater and a fucking kid killer.

Victor: Keep talking man, keep talking you caught me slipping untie me I'll show you who the fuck I am.

Zac: Show me nigga - unties him -

Fatima: - Points gun a Victor - Fuck all that Za-

Gia: - Snatches gun - it's falls -

Fatima: - Punches the fuck outta Gia - Cause why the fuck would you do that bitch?

Zac and Victor started fighting over the gun, fatima had took the safety off, the guns went off three times, but the shots was silent, fatima had to upgrade in case of emergency like this.

Fatima: - Drops to the floor -

Zac had head butted Victor putting 6 shots in him, Zac wasn't even paying attention to Fatima.

Gia: - Crying - ZACCCC, ZACCC.

Zac: - Looks at Gia - FUCKING WHAT GIA?

Gia: She's not moving ..

Zac: - Looks at Fatima - - Drops the gun and runs over to her - FATIMA? WHAT THE FUCKKK FATIMAAAA.

Gia: No No No .. - crying-

Madam's POV:

When Fatima was up stairs she called Madam and let her know what was going on, Madam jumped up and got Tommy and Blue, while Rafael stayed with the girls, Fatima just told Madam she needed a clean up crew.

Tommy: You driving to crazy Madam Slow down.


Blue: He's right Madam, you drawing too much attention on us.

Madam: If y'all don't wanna get the fuck out, I advise y'all to shut the fuck up!!

Tommy: - pulls out cookies - Here

Madam slammed on the break, she had put the car in park, Snatched the cookies out Tommy's hands and got out the car and started stomping on the cookies, she got back in the car and started driving to Zac and Fatima's house.

Blue: - dying laughing - Dumbass always offering cookies at the wrong time.

Tommy: What's that necessary Madam?


Blue: Really Madam?

Tommy: Yes Madam!


Blue: Damn Madam what we ever do to you.

Madam: Y'all play to fucking much, I'm sick of Tommy's ass with these fucking cookies. Nigga don't take nothing serious.

Tommy: I'm sorry Madam!

Blue: So what's going on with Fatima?

Madam: Zac crazy ass sister boyfriend found them, I've been calling her no answer, T always answer my calls.

Blue: You sure everything okay? Nigga crazy I heard.

Madam: I'm pretty sure T got his ass, she probably just left her phone upstairs or something.

Tommy: You know Madam how it said they had a 2 year old son, I did some more digging no body was ever found.

Madam: WHAT?

Tommy: No funeral, no thing Madam. The cops just took the girls words. It's a chance he hurried the kid himself or he's still alive.

Blue: This girl life belong in a lifetime fucking show, this shit is crazy.

Madam: CRAZY ASF! Let me call Fatima again. - calling Fatima -

-No answer -

Blue: Call Zac Madam

Madam: - Calls Zac - No answer - WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!

Back at the Taylor home:

Victor had put a tracker in Gia's car, that's how he was able to find her.

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