Chapter 116.)

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Thursday, 11:05 a.m.

I kind of seen some messages on your iPad and it made me feel some type of way" Lori said confessing to Robin on FaceTime.

"Well what did the message say? and why do you have my iPad in the first place Lori?"

"It was left open on the couch, as I was cleaning up I've came across it, and I seen the messages"

" Ok And what did it say? " Robin said asking again becoming frustrated.

"Something like I can't wait to see, something of that sort idk"

" I don't know what you're talking about , I don't know who would want to see me and I am married, doesn't sound like that would be something on my iPad" Robin said honestly.

"So what you saying is I'm lying to you on something? I know what I saw Robin don't try make it seem like I'm making shit up"

"You are, ever since the phone situation you acting like you don't trust me Lo"

" Because you're hiding something! Or you're doing something sneaking and I'm not fucking with that"

"Okay Lo, whatever you say"

"See and now you're dismissing the conversation"

"What do you want me to say LORI? I'm not hiding nothing, I'm not cheating on you, I'm loyal to you and only you, take my words or you do what you have to do Lo, I don't know what to say anymore"

"What is you getting so defensive about?

" I'm not getting defensive, you looking through my iPad just not right, you don't trust me and I'm supposed to be your husband"

"See now you putting words in my mouth because I never said that Robin, and I didn't look through your iPad the message was clear as day, even T seen the message so don't try to play me"

"And what did T have to say"

" She told me to call and ask you about it, but obviously you don't know what I'm talking about so maybe I am seeing shit.

"Do you even want to be in this marriage Lo? never mind don't answer that I'll see you at home tomorrow night then we can discuss this I don't want to have this conversation over the phone because I actually value you" That's all Robin said before hanging up.

"He have a point" Fatima said sipping her wine. "You need make sure you have all your ducks in a row, if you gone accuse him of anything"

"I'm not accusing him of anything, I was asking questions" Lori said.

" Okay Lori " Fatima said.


"She's talking about she seen some messages on my iPad saying "I can't wait to see" that don't even sound right brother" Robin said to Zac.

" But why would she just make that up? You have to understand from her side to bro, I get what you saying but I also see where Lor coming from"

"Bro I just checked my messages, nothing "

"Let me see your phone bro" Zac said and Robin handed Zac his phone Zac typed in the message search bar "I can't wait to see you"

"Look nigga, right here who the hell is that?" Zac said giving Robin back his phone so he could see.

"Bro that's fucking Autumn the lady that's doing Lori shop, she didn't mean it like that" Robin said.

"What you hell you mean she didn't mean like that nigga?" Zac said looking at him with a side eye.

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