- Chapter- Fifty- Seven -

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Zac: - Clears throat - Um how'd did you even find me Gia?

Fatima: - Pissed- Nigga I just asked you a question, and you asking this hoe "how did you find me" who the fuck is this Zachary?

Gia: - Pulling her self together- Long story, I'm sorry if I'm causing any problems.

Zac: You not causing any probl-

Fatima: Zachary you really testing me right now, I'm about to punch the fuck outta you!

Zac: Would you just relax, DAMN! You already putting 100 on 10!

Fatima: I'm asking you questioning, and you not answering me, if this the bitch from the mall, I swear to god, I will fuckin-

Zac: The name calling unnecessary T, it's not the girl from mall, I'm about to explain everything but you already tripping out!

Gia: This isn't Karen is it?

Fatima: - Death stare- You know what, Whoever this bitch is stay with her.

Zac: Fatima wait! NO! Let me expl-

-Fatima open the door and slammed it-

Gia: Come on bro, why didn't you just say I'm your sister, you making her have bad assumptions that not good, I see you still stuck in your old ways big head!

Zac: First of all - walking down the steps - I'm not, it's just shocked me that you really standing right here, wassup with you baby sis, how you been? How your ass find out where I live? 

Gia: You know I got my ways, but seriously it's soo good to see you, I didn't even think you was gone remember me.

Zac: You got that long big ass head like mom, and that raspy ass voice like Jeremiah - laughing -

Gia: - Going in for a hug - I figure no one knows about me I got some warming up to do.

Zac: - hugging her back - Yeah I don't really talk about my past life shit, I be trying to forget it now everything coming back full circle shit crazy man

Gia: I'm sorry for popping up like this, Kids now? - laughing- You got kids now bro? I can't even believe that

Zac: I do, 4 actually, married for 6 years now, that's the loml, oh yeah don't mention Karen - straight face -

Gia: I'm sorry the last time I talked to you, you telling me how you got stabbed and all that. But I won't. And congratulations you finally settle down, I love that for you I can sense she's a sweetheart.

Zac: Thank you sis, and she really is.. and A lot had happened man, you see your mother?

Gia: - rolling her eyes - Can we not talk about that lady. Tell me about your kids, my nieces? Nephews?

Back in the house:

Lori: Is he still talking to her?

Fatima: yes his ass is, like who is this girl? As soon she seen Zac she started crying like what the fuck

Robin: Maybe it's a cousin, sister , a friend but don't be putting my boy in the dog house let him explain first

Fatima: His cousin? His sister? Really you just trying to take up for him Robin. He just told me before we got home he seen a old friend at the mall, that the nigga was dating, now all of sudden some girl at my door. Fuck all that.

Robin: If you didn't trust him T, you will be out there causing hell sis.

Fatima: - Nodding - You are absolutely right.

Lori: T take your ass out the-

Robin: - Death stare-

Lori: Never mind let just sit here and wait and see - sips drink -

Fatima: - laughing- Robin what you doing to my girl to just strengthen her up like that?

Lori: It ain't funny Fatima - rolling her eyes -

Robin: I told her she need to fix her ways, or sh-

Lori: Nigga threaten me with a divorce if I don't calm my crazy ass down, which I don't even think I'm that bad.

Robin: I didn't say that babe, I said keep acting the way you acting and you not gone have nobody

Lori: Same shit babe

Fatima: I mean he's not wrong, but y'all's relationship is not my business- sips drink - but I actually think it's funny and cute how she finally listening to you bro - laughing -

Robin: - Hopefully it stays that way!

Lori: It will Mr. Prince!

Back outside:

Zac: My bad I had to take that call, but yeah I have a 11 year old son Zayden, my big boy the sweetest little boy, then I have my twins Z-

Gia: Your ass had twins?? - hyped -

Zac: Yes tsss and 2 girls at that - laughing- Zyla and Zaria my hands are full with them! They're 6.

Gia: I bet they are truly daddy girls, and Zayden I think I've met him already he was outside when I pulled up he's a little cutie

Zac: Yeah they are, when you meet my wife, y'all get to know each other, you'll see how each girls got both of our personality, and my last born Zakai, my boy is 5, now my kids some saints so if they say some slick comments don't take it personally- laughing -

Gia: Oh I'm scared!

Zac: don't be, where you staying at?

Gia: I got a little hotel.

Zac: Man I got hella room you can stay here, I do have to talk to my wife first, I'm sure after I tell her everything she'll understand.

Gia: No it's okay bro, this your family I don't wanna overstep or create any problems, or put y'all in a weird position.

Zac: You my baby sis, as long as you are you staying with me.

Gia: - getting nervous- Do I have worry about Jeremiah?

Zac: You don't ever gotta worry about that nigga sis!

Gia: Thank you bro really from the bottom of my heart!

Zac: I wasn't able to be there for you then, but I'm here now and we got each other.

Gia: - getting emotional-

Zac: Come on

Gia: No I'm gone wait in my car, you talk to your wife, I don't want to overstep this is her place as well.

Zac: You right, yeah stay right here and don't leave cause you know how you like to Vanish

Gia: I feel safe bro, I'm not going anywhere- opening in her car door -

Zac: Good, - walking to the house -

Gia got in her car, and Zac went in the house Fatima, Robin , and Lori was in the kitchen, Zac went in there.

Zac: - before walking in the kitchen- She's about to cuss my ass out - shaking his head - -walks in the kitchen -

Fatima - Death stare-

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