- Chapter Thirteen -

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The next morning came around, Zac was getting the kids ready, and Fatima was downstairs in the kitchen with Zayden packing their lunchboxes.

Zayden: Mom you think I can sleep over DeAndre house this weekend?

Fatima: Your dad had plans for you and Kai this weekend, DeAndre can come over here, or you can ask again the following weekend.

Zayden: Dad said I didn't have to go if I didn't want to, he told me to ask you can I go to DeAndre house

Fatima: You can go after your game on Saturday, come on your van about to be outside.

Zayden: Okay thank you, love you and I will like to have a mom after school don't go to crazy on them at the school mom (he laughed)

Fatima: Boy (laughing) I love you! Have a great day!

Zayden: You too mom!

Zayden grabbed his lunch box and hugged Fatima and she kissed him on the forehead and he left out the door, Zac and the kids made they way downstairs, and 10 minutes later they was out the door, Into the car.

Zac: Calm, collected parent T, say it with me

Fatima: Zac I'm not being calm about shit, them mfs is in a rude awakening, don't play with me about my kids!

Zac: If you go in there flying off the handle, nothing gone get resolved babe.

Fatima: Well if somebody funky ass son, would of kept his hands to himself, we wouldn't be in this predicament, if the teacher did their job my daughter wouldn't be sitting in no damn office with blood, all over her. So I'm gone be the parent that's gone show my ass today!

Zyla: mommy said what she said!

Fatima: Tell them again baby!

Zyla: Mommy said WHAT SHE SAID!

Fatima: Thank you baby!

Zac: No mommy didn't said what she said, Zyla sit back and be quiet!

Kai: Daddy you killing the vibe!

Fatima: Don't talk to my kid like that cause she's agreeing with her mom!

Zac: And that's why she act the way she acts, because you be condoning her little sassy attitude

Fatima: She knows when and not to say something Zac, don't try make it seem like she be off the wall, cause she don't.

Zac: Her ass do!

Fatima: Just drive us to the damn school!

Fatima turned the music up, and they rode to the school, they got there like 10 minutes later, Fatima and Zac took Kai to his classroom and then took the girls. Then they headed to the office where Ms. Bishop was

Ms. Bishop: Good morning, Mr. And Mrs. Taylor, you do know Zyla , Zaria and Zakai is suspended?

Fatima: You can scratch that, they not getting suspended for protecting their sister, fuck outta here with that bullshit! The Principal where he at? And who was the teacher that supposed to be looking out for my daughter!

Ms. Bishop: I am the teacher.

Fatima: So you the reason my daughter was sitting in her for hours with blood all over her? And didn't think to take her to the nurse office or make sure she was okay? Have you lost your fucking mind?

Zac: T, babe, calm down.. it's parents and kids in here.

Fatima: No Zac ain't no calm down, I got questions and they need answered! So start talking.

Ms. Bishop: Like I told your husband yesterday, we didn't have time to get her there, with all the commotion that was going on yesterday.

Fatima: What commotion? Cause only children I know that was fighting was mine, and after y'all got things situated, why didn't my daughter still go to the nurse? Y'all are full of shit! When my husband got here she was just sitting there, this how y'all treat children ?

Ms. Bishop: We try our best to keep the children safe and taken care of.

Fatima: But that didn't happen yesterday? So how you or y'all trying y'all's best? Matter of fact, where is that child's parent at?

Ms. Bishop: He should be on his way.

Fatima: My child told you on Monday and yesterday that a student was messing with her, you did nothing,

Ms. Bishop: Not tru-

Fatima: Let me finish, THEN THE SAME LITTLE BOY PUSHED HER ON THE PLAYGROUND, YESTERDAY! And it took my three kids to handle it, what type of shit it that

Ms. Bishop: I would really like for you to be respectful and calm down on the cussing it's students around.

Fatima: I don't gave a fuck, some way y'all didn't gave a fuck about my child!

Zac: Is Principle Ford here yet?

Ms. Bishop: Not yet!

Fatima: That's cool we will wait!

Zac and Fatima took a sit.

Fatima: I could of sworn the principal had to be here first, why all of sudden he's late today.

Zac: Cause he know your crazy ass is here!

Fatima: Calling me crazy, is crazy I'm not crazy.

Zac: You swear you not crazy, then turn around and do the craziest shit babe!

Fatima: You swear you know me

Zac: I know you pretty well Fatima

Fatima: Mmmhmm

Zac: Mmm yeah

5 minutes later Aaron walked in.

Aaron: Good morning Ms. Bishop, I'm here for a meeting with Principal Ford about Kameron Mott.

Ms. Bishop: He'll be right in.

Aaron: Thank you!

Zac and Fatima made straight eye contact.

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