- Chapter- Ninety - Two -

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Zeem: - Following behind Zac to his car - Look son, it's not what you think, or whatever stories you made it in your head. Or what ever picture your mother painted to you.

Zac: - Turning around - On the real I'm not your son. I don't know what the fuck you and that lady up to, but y'all need to stay far away from me with that bullshit.

Zeem: I never meant to hurt your feelings son, it's was your mothers idea for me to stay away from you.

Zac: - Getting in Zeem's Face - HOW YOU LET SOMEBODY WHO'S WAS SPRUNG OUT ON DRUGS KEEP YOU AWAY FROM YOUR OWN SON? I don't want to hear that shit man.

Zeem: You angry son, I get it. But at least let me explain shit, I wasn't perfect nigga.

Zac: Nigga it ain't about being perfect, it's about you being there for somebody who's supposed to be your son nigga, I haven't seen you since I was what 5 years old? Now all sudden everyone wanna pop back into my life, where y'all niggas was at when I didn't have shit? When I was homeless. Now a nigga doing good in life now everyone want piece of me. Man fuck all that. You didn't care about me then, so don't start caring about me now.

Zeem: So this how you gone be? We can't just forgot the past and move on?

Zac: - Chuckling- Forget the past, that easy for you to say. Nigga I can't just forget the past. I'm out here being a father, the crazy thing is I don't even know what it takes to be one, because I never had one. But I know one thing I'll never abandon my children like y'all niggas did.

Connie: - Walking up to Zac and Zeem and Gladys behind her - Zac don't be like that, that's your father.

Zac: All due respect Connie, Shut the hell up. This is y'all little game? To make my life miserable this what y'all niggas on?

Connie: Zac, No. we just want you to remember where you came from. I know you ain't happy over there so just come on home.

Zac: YO, you bitter I'm over all this shit.

Gladys: I told you he got a bouji little girlfriend, he don't gave a shit about his family.

Zac: You on them drugs bad Gladys, like am I the only one who fucking remember how y'all treated me, and all the fucked up shit y'all did. and Gia, let's not forget the crazy ass shit Jay was doing to her.

Zeem: Gia?

Zac: - Throws his hands up - Let me guess you don't know about your own fucking daughter, tell him Gladys.

Connie: Them are still your parents Zac learn some respect.

Zac: Shut the fuck up Connie, I'm not talking to you damn. Don't you got your own damn family to be worried about? Fuck is so invested in my life for

Gladys: Don't talk to your wife like that son.

Zac: Yeah I'm gone head out, cause the way I'm feeling not gone be good for none of else. On the real all y'all stay away from me. - Zac throw his deuces up and left them in the parking lot-

Connie: Don't worry he'll come around, we just need to get rid of that wife of his.

Zeem: - Stern Voice- Gladys we need to talk! What you call me for?

Gladys: We need to throw him off track, my son is not right with that girl friend of his.

Connie: He sure ain't, I'm the one for him that nigga need to never forget that.

Zeem: - Shaking his head, walking away getting in his car leaving-

Zac was trying to drive home in silent, his childhood memories just keep replaying in his head, making his eyes burry. He was angry the last person he expected to see was his father. Childhood trauma for Zac hit him in waves, one minute he's good trying to forget the past, then the next minute he's just remembered all the fucked shit he went through. He never got the chance to actually mourn his trauma. His family always made him feel like a little boy, that why his love for Fatima was different the only reason Zac knew the importance of family is because of her. But Zac was fighting silent battles.

Although he gets the reassure that he's a great husband, father, and friend in his head he doesn't feel that way.

Zac: - Wiping his eyes - FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!

Zac pulled the car over and just cried, he wanted to call Fatima, but he didn't want to interrupt her mood, but that was the person he needed the most. Zac could hear Fatima's voice in his head "Lean on me"

Zac: Siri Call "The Wife"

Back at the house:

Fatima: - laughing - Oh Lori please, you just be making shit up girl!

Lori: - Looks at Andi - Andi please tell Fatima to stop all that lying, she knows she's always falling into Zac's trap.

Andi: I mean she's right T, who doesn't I think we all do. Especially your ass Lori. - laughing - Robin got your ass on leash!

Lori: Alright lady bug, you talking to much now his ass does not - rolling her eyes -

Fatima: - picking up her phone, blushing - Baby? Yes?

Lori: - mocking Fatima - Baby? Yes?

The girls started laughing, Fatima was smiling but then her face suddenly went blank.

Zac: On the other line, low crys voice- I need you, the way I'm feeling I don't think I'm gone make it home safe.

Fatima: - Standing up - Zac what's wrong? Where are you?

Zac: - Silent -

Fatima: ZACHARY? You better not be playing games with me, I'm really not playing with you.

Madam: T what's going?

Fatima: Zachary Taylor? you're scaring me, say something.

Zac: - Clears throat- I'm here.

Fatima: - Starting to get emotional- Talk to me, like I don't like this feeling.

Zac: Fatima, do you love me?

Fatima: - Going in the house to look for her keys, Madam followed behind her - Of course I love you Zac, why would you even ask that. I love you more than anything.

Zac: Sometimes I just think one day you gone get tired of me, and leave me too.

Fatima: Zac where is this coming from?

Zac: - Phone disconnected -

Fatima: What the hell - putting the phone back to her ear - Zac? Zac?

Madam: What the hell is going on Fatima?

Fatima: I don't know M, he called me upset, asking me do I love him which is weird, checking his location he's like a couple block over from target.

Madam: Here I got my keys, let's go see what the hell is going on.

Fatima: - Grabbing her purse -

Madam and Fatima left out the and headed into Zac's directions. ... Where Zac was at its was a bridge, the phone disconnected when Zac turned the car off. Zac got out the car and started walking towards the bridge, the more he got closer the faster his heart rate went up . He just keep hearing voices in his head, from the people he loved and from the people he hated.

"You will never be shit" "I'm rocking with you, through hell and high waters" "I hate you" "The best daddy in the world" "I regret the day I ever meet you" "That nigga ain't shit Fatima" "You got me always brother" "You silly daddy" "You are all the men I want" "Really Zac three years didn't mean anything to you" You selfish"

A 15 minute drive, turned into a 8 minute drive. Family was one thing Madam and Fatima didn't play about, they jumped for the ones the loved . Madam pulled up behind Zac's car, Fatima watched Zac as he looked at the water as it flowed.

Madam: You don't think this nigga gone do something stupid Fatima? Do you?

Fatima: - Stern look at Madam - No Marilyn! I know my husband.

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