Chapter - 105.)

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A month later: 🙂

Lori reached out to Nathan, this time he actually replied, she asked him to meet her for dinner, he agreed. Lori was trying to be on her grown woman shit, she didn't want to argue with Nathan, she just wanted closure so the two could primarily focus on their children, or if it came down to it she would completely get Nathan out of their life for good.

It wasn't that Nasir was acting out, but his demeanor was changing and his attitude. She knew the only reason behind his behavior was Nathan.

Nasir snapped out when he got confirmation that his dad and Zayden mother was actually having a child together. He kind of pushed Zayden away, Zayden brushed it off.

Lori was the first one to arrive at the restaurant, she told Nathan to be there at 7:30 p.m. it was now going on 8:00 p.m. as she was getting ready to leave Nathan finally showed his ass up.

Lori: - pissed - I asked you to be here at 7:30 I'm not on your time, I'm on my time and I have kids to look after, if you was gone be late Nathan you should of texted me or something.

Nathan: - sitting down - I'm here now ain't I Lori? Stop all that tripping yo.

Lori: You know what - Getting up - I don't even want to have this conversation anymore.

Nathan: - Grabbing her - No Lori sit down, B had some shit going on, I had to make sure my son was good I should have texted you my bad .

Lori: "make sure your son is good" - chuckles - and what about making sure your other son is good, or your daughter for that matter? Listen if you don't care about them, just let me know so I could cut you out their life completely, I'm not doing this half ass stepping with you. - sitting back down -

Nathan: Lori you know I care about Noor and Nasir it's just - shaking his head - I can't get over you leaving me so I guess you leaving me, I'm kind of taking it out on the kids.

Lori: You didn't even appreciate me when you had me Nathan, so I don't want to hear that lame ass excuse, no matter what you and I got going on, my children are innocent.

Nathan: - laughing - Your children?

Lori: Like I said "my children" I'm the one who's been working my ass off taken care of them, picking up the pieces that you left for them.

Nathan: Yo why everything always me, never you?

Lori: What the fuck that supposed to mean Nathan? I'm not abandoning my fucking children, because you got an issue with their mother.

Nathan: Where Robin? That's nigga ain't doing his part?

Lori: Oh trust me, he's doing his damn part, more than you could ever imagine, I'm here to get closure and figure out a plan for Noor and Nasir, like I said before just tell me how you wanna move, so I know the plan moving forward with my children.

Nathan: Stop fucking saying "your children" they my fucking kids too Lori.

Lori: Nigga you don't even act like you got more than 1 child it always about Brandon, fuck my two huh?

Nathan: I'm all B got.

Lori: - shaking her head - My children could ask you for nothing, and you still won't have it.

Nathan: Man chill out with that yo, I'm trying fuck.

Lori: Trying? Trying what, to lose your fucking children?

Nathan: Nah I'm not but shit crazy out
here, Heather fucking pregnant what I look like having 4 fucking kids yo.

Lori: Is you gone actually take care of this one? - sipping her drink -

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