- Chapter Thirty- Five -

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Zac: What? Why you looking at me like that, you still mad at me?

Fatima: Why would I been mad at you Zac?

Zac: Maybe cause you said like 2 words to me last night when we got back in the house, then you went straight to sleep, so wassup what's wrong?

Fatima: Nothing.. nothing at all.

Zac: Fatima I could clearly see something bothering you so wassup? Don't gave me that "it's nothing bullshit"

Fatima: Really Zac nothing wrong with me, I just wanna clean up, and get the kids ready for this next school week.

Zac: Okay whatever Fatima, whatever you say, you not mad I'm gone take your word for that.

Fatima: Thank you, can you go put some clothes on, Lori about to come over.

Zac: What do I need to put clothes on in my own house Fatima.

Fatima: Can you not! Just put some damn shorts on babe

Zac: Okay Fatima

Zac went back upstairs, Lori made her way over.

Lori: Where Royal and Nasir at?

Fatima: Oh Robin took them earlier, they didn't go home?

Lori: No he storm outta the house, after our little argument I guess.

Fatima: Why he mad?

Lori: Have you checked your phone Fatima?

Fatima: No it's upstairs.

Lori: Well the incident at the restaurant made the news, Robin found out about it, he said something like he paid the damages and he's keeping us from going to jail.

Fatima: FUCK! I just knew we shouldn't have went to that damn place! This is not the end, Hayden gone try everything in his power to get me or Zac in jail.

Lori: You need to get Madam up on that plan ASAP, before it even goes there Fatima.

Fatima: I know I know, but wait why you and Robin get into it? Where Shanya and Renee?

Lori: For one this nigga walk in the house at 9 a.m. in the morning I couldn't even ask where the fuck he's been at, then he's yelling like "everyone get up, and get out" so boom, Renee and Shanya leaves, he's arguing with me about the fight talking about I'm doing the most and we shouldn't be fighting, it's other ways to handle the situation.

Fatima: He's not wrong Lori, we probably shouldn't have never went to that restaurant but we had to do what we had to do.

Lori: I told him I'm real street bitch, I handle
shit the street way, and if he don't like it, then maybe I'm not the one for him.

Fatima: Lori don't even go down that rabbit hole, you know damn well Robin the one for you, I really hope you didn't tell him that.

Lori: I did, I'm not biting my tongue for nobody, not even that husband of mine, he knew exactly what he was getting himself into when he married me.

Fatima: He just want you to act like you got some damn sense sometimes Lori that's all.

Lori: This coming from you? Like we don't be acting crazy together? Fatima please.

Fatima: I tried to be the civilize one in this situation but it was no stopping you crazy mfs!

Lori: Well I'm appreciative that my baby keeping us outta jail, maybe I am a little hard on him, but sometimes I just don't think he gets it.

Fatima: Oh he gets it Lori, you just need to bring it down notch, if he said let him take the lead in some things, let him.

Lori: It's you giving me advice like we not the same person (laughing)

Fatima: I listen to my man (laughing) Well now I do.

Lori: Exactly, speaking of that man.. where Zac ass at?

Fatima: Upstairs, I told his ass to put some clothes on.

Lori: Well I'm about to go get Noor, I'll see you later.

Fatima: Yes you will, you need anything from target? I gotta do my weekly grocery shopping,

Lori: I'm actually good, be on your best behavior at target, you know somebody messy ass gone be in there, it happens every time.

Fatima: Tell me about it (she rolled her eyes)

Lori: See you boo!

Fatima made her some coffee, Zac made his way back downstairs. The two cleaned up the entire house, Fatima got the kids clothes picked out the week. The girls hairstylist was coming over around 3 because the girls was getting their hair braided today, And Kai was getting his haircut. Andi was bring the kids home at 2

Zac: Do you need anything from me to make your day better? I just wanna make sure we on the same page and we good?

Fatima: I'm good baby, we good. Do you need anything from me?

Zac: A kiss, the energy feel off with you.

Fatima: I'm just trying make sure the house in order, I just want a smooth peaceful week.

(Fatima kissed Zac, Zac pulled Fatima in between his legs)

Zac: I get that, I want that as well, have you talked to Carmen yet?

Fatima: Not yet this weekend have been a wild one, I need you to check on Robin as well make sure his good, he's not to happy about what happened last night.

Zac: Oh I talked to him when I was upstairs, bro good. Where you have to do today?

Fatima: Gotta do some grocery shopping, Lex will be here at 3 so get the girls could get their hair done , and Kai is going to get a haircut. What about you?

Zac: probably going to go the gym.. that's about it.

Fatima: Okay

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