- Chapter - Eighty - Six -

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Zac: - Walking around Hospital, holding Kai trying to comfort him - It's okay man, daddy got you. - Fighting back his tears -

Fatima just went blank, nothing matter in the moment but Zakai, Kai have never acted like this, so Fatima knew it was something bad wrong with him.

Zayden, Zyla and Zaria have called about 5 times to check on them, Fatima told they was still waiting to see a doctor, Fatima phone rang again she thought it was the kids but it was actually Andi calling her.

Fatima: Andi? Are you okay? Why you calling me so late?

Andi: I was calling to ask you the same thing, I can just feel something is wrong, is everything okay, where you at?

Fatima: I'm at the hospital with K-

Andi: I'm on my way Fatima.

Fatima: No Andi it's fin-

The phone disconnected, Fatima knew Andi was probably already half way there. Fatima gave Kai some children's Tylenol in the mean time, About 20 minutes had passed.

The nurse - shouting from the door - Jonathan Jones?


Zac: - Grabbing Fatima - Calm down babe, not here come on it's all these kids in here.

Fatima: - Stern Voice - Zac I don't gave a fuck who the fuck is in here, I'm not for the bullshit!

Front desk lady: Sometimes that just how it is, just sit down and wait your turn Ma'am.

Fatima: BITCH WHAT? Somebody better get her before all I lose all my shits in this fucking hospital.

Jonathan Mom: If they was here first they can go, My son just got a cut, their son have been crying the entire time so he can be seen first.

Front desk lady: No you was called first, so your son is going to be seen, go on now.

Zac: On the real, I will go to jail tonight,  get my son in that fucking room, or you can be the next fucking name they fucking calling.

Fatima: - Trying not to lose her shits, going to sit down - mumbles - "Kai is here, Kai is here " "Calm Tima"

Jonathan Mom: I think you should really let them go.

Front desk lady: Either you go, or you going to lose your spot. Go on now.

Zac: - Takes a breath- It's fine just go, but if my son names isn't called next - Takes a deep breath - Just make sure my son is next to be seen.

Front desk lady: - Chuckles - Please have a sit sir, before I have you removed.

Fatima: - About to charge at the lady -

Andi: - Grabs Fatima - No Fatima! - Serious Tone - go sit down.

Fatima: ANDI NO! This bitch been talking smart the enti-

Andi: I got this, take a sit. Now. - Pointing at the chair -

Fatima goes to sit down, Zac went to sit down next to her, Fatima laid her head on Zac shoulder, while rubbing Kai's back.

Andi: - Death stare - Is my god son next to be seen? If not go head get whoever is in charge down here right now.

Front Desk Lady: Like I told them, like I'm telling you now when he is ready to be called he will be called. Now you can have a sit too.

Andi: You're an unprofessional ass bit-, you know what? Trust and believe this will be your last day working here, Whoever is in charge get them the hell down here now.

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