HVT killed John

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Price POV

I loved seeing how Ghost was with Ash I knew what John asked of him and that he liked her, but he's almost a different person with her here. I get an email at I plug the computer in which makes my blood boil I wave Ghost over to see it.

He give a smiple nod as Ash has Bravo team take there seats for me to begain I go over everything we have on Alex Mason. "So we had Rambo, Ghost and Soap go to save him he ended up dead or so we thought. 141 exfiled with Woods then we were sent to take out that nuke that you helpped us with Ash. We had no idea Mason was alive tell he was one of the people behind the lanching of that nuke."

I take a deep breath then say, "So I sent Ghost, Soap and Rambo to take him out.....that's when Mason saw them and open fired on them hitting Rambo with a .50 pistol. Ghost and Soap took them out while Mason got away when the fire stopped...."

I didn't wanna say it so Ghost did, "I rushed back to him and tried to help him, but it was to late I'm sorry." Ghost said while looking straight at Ash I wanted to laugh at him because this was not the Ghost I knew.

"So why does he want us dead?" Ash asks as she just looks at Ghost which makes me smile she likes him to. She looks to me when I don't say anything then I say, "He didn't know it was 141 that was sent to try and help them. He blames the U.S. for not helpping him so he's targeting Tier 1 teams and you just happened to be at the top of that list."

Jason speaks up, "So your telling me he want's us dead because we are to good at what we do?" I give him a nod I see they are cooky, but there rep gives them that right as they start saying let him come for them. As Ash stands they all stop talking, "Boy's focus up now!" They all look to her as she then says, "So he was the one to kill my brother?"

I nod yes at her, "Bravo we will do what Price thinks is best for now I know you all think we can take him...we proably could but we are gonna work with Price on this. I know John boy was like I brother to my team as well Price and 141 lost a brother to so lets focus on that then go from there."

They all yell, "Hooyah!!" She smiles at them then says, "Bravo dismissed go get some rest we all have been up for over two days I'll see you all tomorrow." They all nod at her and move out of the room I can tell she wanted to talk to us more so she waited for them to be gone.

She looks to me then asks, "What did my brother tell you all about me?" I give her a smile then say, "He was friends with Soap and Ghost that's who you should talk to about that." She turns to look at Ghost.

"He told us a lot about you Ash......He thought the world of you always worried about you. He talked to me more about you then anyone else. He told me you have a harden outside, but are still the same soft girl he called his little sister on the inside." She looks at him like she liked that he told him that as she gives Ghost a smile.

"He's right about that, but I'm more soft on my friends then I use to be. Price I would like to help you take him down for what he took from me.....I fight just like Rambo did and I take orders well." She says with so much emotion behind it I almost want to give in and tell her that I wanted her on the team.

"I'll think about it Ash, but go get some sleep yourself your gonna need it for tomorrow." Ash gives me a nod then asks before she leaves the door, "You all gonna be there tomorrow?" I give her a smile and say, "Wouldn't miss it Ash see tomorrow."

She nods as she leaves I have everyone but Ghost leave to get what he thinks on bring her and her whole team on 141. "What do you think on Seal Team 2 joining 141?" I can almost see his smile as he says, "They'd be good to have with us....but I have a feeling Mason will go for her other brothers team if she's safe with us."

I give him a smile and said, "I thought the same thing so I'm bring her brothers team to are base as well." He gives me nod saying ok. "I know your not good around a lot of people, but be there tomorrow it would mean a lot to Ash and her mom if you came." I say to him before he leaves the room.

"I'll be there for John Sir!" He says as he leaves the room once I'm alone my rage takes over and I let it. I lost a man I haven't had that happen in years and to someone we could easiler take down is what hurts more.

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