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Price POV

I had invited Karen to meet me at the bar to debrief and talk about what happened some would punish Simon and Scott for running off like they did. I knew better if I even tired to stop him he wouldn't have listened Simon isn't a hard person to learn how he works. He will always do the right thing unless it comes to Ash or Johnny/Soap they are the only things he truly cares for.

I didn't wanna punish them at all I feel like if they didn't go when they did Ash would have been really hurt or Makarov would have gotten away again. I look up to see Karen walking over to the table I was at as I give her smile. She was in jeans and t-shirt but she looked so good as I see her give me a smile back.

She sits next to me instead of the other side of the table which makes me a little nervous but maybe I was finally getting to her. "So tell me what happened." She says as she moves a little closer to me.

"Well they found the plane and shot it down with a missile.....everyone else got off in groups Simon said as they went to jump the missile hit which sent him out and Ash falling back into the plane. Simon said he tried to grab her but he pulled off one of her patches."

I took a breath then contuned, "I landed with Gaz, Soap and the Ranger's we tried to get everyone on comms they were out as you know. Gaz got it up again so we could talk to each other but couldn't get you guys back. Ghost landed with Ash's team thinking she didn't make it out when Cerdy went crazy trying to find her. Simon said he used her patch to get Creby to lead him to her."

I could see she was having mixed feelings about all of this, "He lead Simon and the Seals to where they stripped her of her gun's. Simon then told her team about him and Makarov he also knew that if he took her that he wanted something from her. We both know he would have killed her if he didn't want something from her. We got comms up and get the RV to them when Simon didn't tell us he had her."

"He didn't want Scott running off to try and find her....I could tell that he didn't have his mask on and by his voice something was wrong. When they got to us I saw Simon had her M4 on his back with his head hung low. Scott asked him where she was he told him everything that happened then told the Ranger's who he was to. Everyone was wondering how he knew she was still alive, but as I'm sure you've seen the bond they have."

I stop and look at her as she gives me a nod saying she's seen it as I go on, "I knew three things for a fact. One Simon wouldn't be standing if she was really dead, Two he would have gone and killed everyone if she was dead, Three he didn't know where he took her so he come back to find out where she was and would leave us when he knew it. If there's one thing I learned about him from working with him over the years. He is deadly good at what he does and he wasn't gonna let Makarov win again."

"We talked about the tackers the U.S. puts in their seals but Jason said we would need Mandy or Davis to pull that up. Scott then asked Simon if Ash was still wearing her bracelet the one with her med details on it. Simon said she never takes it off as Scott walked over to Gaz taking over the computer. Simon walked over as he pulled it up I knew by the way his body froze Makarov had her where I saved him from. In the 10 years I worked with the man that's the only time I've seen him freeze."

I can see how much she knows what that means for how much he loves Ash, "We got into a fire fight with some of Makarov's men they shot the computer. I knew Simon was gonna use this to get away from us when the fire stopped him and Scott were gone. I wasn't mad I knew even if I tried to stop Simon he wouldn't have listened I could have told him he'd be off the team if he left but he wouldn't have thought twice about going to get her."

I knew she knew the rest from the brief with the teams and I could see the worry in her eye's she had for Ash. "I know the rest.....just worried about Ash's head." She says back to me as I can see the pain in her eye's. I put an arm around her and pull her in for a hug as I say, "She is stronger then you think Karen. When Simon told her everything he's been through she didn't even think twice on them being together."

She smiles at that then I say, "As Simon says you can't brake someone who's already broken. Karen she has the one person that can help her through this by her side already Simon will help her. For what I know of what he did to her was just used words to try and get to her all he wanted from her was info on Ghost. Little did he know he did have the one thing that could brake him."

She puts her arms around me and hugs me back as she asks in my ear, "Are you going to punish them for leaving like they did?" I give her a little laugh and say, "I was gonna ask you if you think they should give them one."

She pull back a little but just to where she was looking me in the eye's and says, "Nope they shouldn't they both put there lives on the line to save her and brought her back." I give her a smile then say, "Good I know they will be expecting one but I wasn't going to give them one like I said I knew Simon would have gone no matter what. I was happy Scott went with him so he wasn't alone when he faced Makarov again."

She then says, "Ok I'm gonna go check on Ash then get some sleep goodnight John." She then stands as I give her another hug before she leaves as she gives me a kiss on the cheeck before she smiles and walks away from me.

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