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Scotty POV

We got the intel package and I hated this one we had little intel on this as we had a 4 hour hike to get there. Lincoln speaks up and he loves to complain, "God I didn't miss this place I'm sweating my balls off."

The team laughs at him as I look to everyone, "Stay sharp boy's I have a bad feeling on this one." "Copy that." They all go back to being quite I wished I could call Ash to get her to us. We were about 1 hour out as I look up and see a C-17 dropping off a team of six then a team of 4. I see the Bravo team logo on the side of the plane as I smile, "Boy's we have renforcements push up now."

As we push I see them landing on both sides of us we keep going on ahead tell a bullet goes past me hitting Ender/Bach just above the plate. "Man down fall back to cover Barry grab him!" I yell out helpping Barry get Bach back.

Well if Ash was having trouble finding us this will bring them here, "Barry how bad?" I ask as I start to return fire, "He doesn't have long he's not gonna make it Oden." I shake my head as I yell, "Cover me I'm moving." I wait tell Foxxxy has my covered and I move back to Bach and it hit him right above the heart. "We've got you brother hang in there."

I hear a grande thrown at us as Barry pushes me back jumping on it to save the rest of us. "Fuck man down Barry's down keep fightin boy's!" I yell out as I move Barry over next to Bach I turn as I see the whole force is pushing us.

I knew that Ash knows how we do things and should be on are comms by now, "Ash if you can hear's a trap I have two K.I.A. How far are you away?" I yell as I push up to the rest of the team.

"Oden I copy you. We hear the gun fire I put us 5 mikes out hold on boys we are coming for you." Ash says back as I then hear her say to her team, "Pick up the pace boy's they are down two we need to get to them now."

We fought hard trying to hold them off, but we were down to are last mags as they shoot an RPG at us. "RPG GET DOWN!"

I didn't remember much after that tell I see Ash standing over me with her team and Ghost, "Ash?" I ask as I move one hand to my head, "Yes Scotty it's me stay still." I stop moving as she says that then ask, "Where's the rest of my team?"

I see Price and the rest of 141 show up to as she says, "They got taken Scotty.....I tried to save them they had to many men for us to get to them....I'm sorry about Bach and Barry." I only nod back at her as the lost of my brothers hits me for the first time. I didn't know I was crying tell Ash used her thumbs wiping the tears away as she lightly kisses my head.

"Price is working on a plan to get them and the HVT with Davis and Mandy right now. I need you to stay still though your right leg it broken is two places and I'm sure you have a concution." I give her nod as I feel the pain start to set in I look and see Ghost was looking at my leg. "Ash we need to spilt his leg before we can move him." Ghost tells her as she turns to grab something off my vest.

"Morphine it should help with the pain bro, but I wont lie this isn't gonna feel good." I give her a nod as she puts a turnakit on my leg I growl at the pain, but I knew it had to be tight or I could lose my leg all together. "Sorry mate." I hear Ghost say as he moves my leg to put it in place then uses two sticks to keep my leg staright and ties them off as I try not to scream.

"Ghost help me move him to the tree?" She asks of him as he nods at her he moves behind me helping me sit up as she moves to be sure it wouldn't hurt my leg. "Ready love?" He asks her as she gives him a nod and they move me and lay me against the tree.

She goes over to her team as I turn to Ghost, "Love Uh?" He lets out a laugh and says, "Ya I love her mate more then she'll ever know." I give him a weak smile, "Good because she loves you Ghost." He gives me a nod as I hear Ash say, "We can't get him to exfile yet so Jason you and the team will stay here with him tell we come back for you."

"Yes Reaper," They all say to her as Creby comes over to me and lightly licks my face as I bring up one hand to pet him. "It's ok Creby I'll be fine and good boy." Ash comes back to me as she kneels down and says, "I will get your team back matter how pissed off I am at one for putting you here in the first place."

I put one hand on her face and bring her to me as I put my forhead to her's as I say, "You were always better at being the bigger person Ash. I love you sis stay safe out there." She moves and lightly kisses my forhead as she helps me back against the tree. "I love you bro and always this asshole didn't know what he asked for when he came after the Reaper and her team."

I let out a little laugh and wince as I tell her, "Don't make me laugh that hurts." She looks me over one more time then asks, "Pain?" I nod at her then say, "6 I can fell the morphine working so it should go down soon." She looks to her team I knew they all carried a shot of morphine on them.

"Which one of you has the extra morphine?" She asks as Clay steps forward and nods at her, "If he needs another one give it him but make sure no more then two. Try to keep him awake to please." He nods at her as she looks at me one more time then stands taking Ghost's hand to go talk to Price about the plan.

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