Plan to get more intel

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Mom wanted her, Mandy, Price and Gaz to go get intel, but I couldn't go I had to stay which pissed me off. "Ash you know why I can't bring you on this." Price says to me as I couldn't help the anger that over took me Simon wraps his arms around me. I relax into him as I calm myself down, "I know Price but I don't like so few of you going out there."

He knew I didn't like mom out there with only two fighters yes her and Mandy could take care of themselves. "Ash I promise we will only be gone for two to three days and I will also call you if we need it."

"Ok fine me and my team can't go, but run over the plan for me so I know what is happening." I tell him as fully relax into Simon I was happy he was staying or I'd probaly lose my head right now.

"We are headed to one of Mandys safe houses in Russia where we will stay while they look into where Makarov is. Gaz and I will take 12 hour watch shiftes and I will call you with an update when we have one." Price tells me the plan as I look over everything then I look up to Price again and say, "Keep my mom safe please."

He gives me a nod and says, "Always Ash." I take a deep breath as I walk out of the room leaving everyone in there as I walked down to the river. Simon knew where I went as he finds me a few mintues later and sits down behind me pulling me to his chest.

"Everything will be fine love I know you don't like being sidelined while your mom's out there, but Price will keep her safe. I didn't tell you this but I'm 95% sure he has a thing for your mom and has for a long time." He says to me as I let out a laugh and say, "Good that means he wouldn't let anything happen to her. My mom needs someone in her life it's been to long since my dad passed away."

"How about we go take a bath help you calm down some more then we can cuddle if you want," He says as he pulled his mask up and kissed my neck as I let out a moan, "That's sound perfect love."

I tell him as he puts his mask back down then picks me up in his arms and carries me to his room. He doesn't set me down tell we get in the bathroom as he moves to turn the water on when he gets it nice and warm he turns back to me. He starts to undress me as I say, "I think I remember how to undress myself."

"I know I just do it better," He says as he takes his mask off then finishes taking all my clothes off as I move my hands down and pull his shirt off over his head. "You get in I'll be in right after you." He says as I move over and get in the tub as I watch him undress I had a smile on my face as look over his body. He smiles at me when he was done walking over to the tub I move so he can get in behind me as he turns the water off.

He pulls me back to his chest as I lay my head back on his shoulder's I relaxed into him we stayed like this tell he got out drying off. Then then ties one towel around his waist and helps me out and drys me off. He puts one of his hoddies on me as he pulls on some boxers then leads us over to his bed.

When I wake its the next day so I get up and get dressed Simon has already left so I go to find him. My anger was always low when he's around me, but I can't find him so I go over to Soap, "Hi Soap!" He smiles at me then says, "Morning! Coffee?"

"Yes please." I say as he pours me a cup and shows me where the sugar and stuff was as I make it then move to sit down. I was lost in thought I didn't see Soap was sitting next to me tell he said, "Simon went into town to get a few things he should be back soon." I give him a smile then say, "I'm I that easy to read?"

He lets out a little laugh then says, "Yes and no but I guessed and I've worked with Simon for years so I got really good at reading him." I give him a smile then say, "Thanks and I was wondering where he was.....he seems to be the only person that keeps my anger at bay."

"Ya I've noticed that, but hey why don't we go spar for a bit I wanna see how the Reaper fights." I laugh at him then say, "Be ready to get your ass handed to you." He gives me a cocky smile then says, "I can handle myself in a fight meet you on the field in 15?"

I give Soap a nod as I put my cup in the sink then go change into my work out clothes I put on shorts with a sports bra then walked out to the field. Soap was there a few mintues later as we start to go at it.

"Well your dad trained you well. Let's see how good he tought you how to fight." He says as he takes a swing at me which I dodge and punch him in the face. I see Simon watching us he was walking over to the field along with my team.

I hear Simon laugh but I don't let it distract me from my opponent and we start to go at it. He hadn't landed a hit on me as I move out of his way everytime hitting him everytime. I hadn't noticed that the Rangers were here to watching us as I move out of his way, but this time I grab his arm throw him over my shoulders.

I push myself up as he is catching his breath then gets up again, "Show no mercy for your enemy's Reaper so finish this." He says as he swings and hits me just bearly on my shoulder as it makes me lose my blance. I put one arm on the ground and look up at him, "I was going easy on you Soap and just know you asked for it."

I let myself fall into my harder self as I stode up and went at him first this time moving out of his dodge and punching him hard in the side. Then I push off my back foot and get one leg on his shoulder as I twist pulling him to the ground as I land on my feet. I move and put my knee on his chest and he taps my leg twice saying he gives up.

I stand and put my hand out to help him up which he takes, "Damn your dad did teach you well." "Thanks are you ok?" I ask hoping I didn't hurt him. "I'm fine, but I don't think we need to teach you much."

Simon comes over and says, "My turn I told you I wanted to see if you could take me." I look at him and laugh, "Is that a challenge Lt.?" I ask as he gives me a look that says lets go.

"Oh this I have to see." I hear Soap say as I then hear Jason say, "My moneys on Reaper." As Soap moves out of the way we get into are stances as Scotty then says, "Don't hurt eachother." We trade blockes and punches not one getting a hit on the other as I see his does what I do and hardens himself so I did as well.

I wanted to beat him to prove I can as he moves closer to me and go's to grab my waist I use it push him on his ass as I'm still standing. I let out a laugh, "Come on baby that was to easy." He shakes he's head at me and gets back up. He goes to punch me but grabs my neck and pushes me to the ground. I take a second for the sunden movement as my brain went to a different place and then snaped back as I get him in the move my dad thought me.

"Reapers got you now Ghost." I say as I tighten my legs and I see him smile as he moves just right to get out of it then he moves on top of me pinning my arms. "You haven't won yet." I say as I wrap my legs around him and push him off me enough to get my hands back and move to get him in an arm lock.

I make sure not to pop it out of place as he picks my up with him and I wrap one leg on his shoulder and throw him like I did with Soap. I had to use my hands this time as Simon is a lot bigger then Soap. He gets up quicker the Soap did as he gives me a smile and I can see the pride in his eye's.

"Come on Ash your holding back." He says as he moves to punch me I block and decide that he asked for it as I punch him hard in the face. He stumbles back as he shakes his head then comes at me I let him take me to the ground as I once again get him in an arm lock. "Don't make me hurt you." I say as I pull harder on his arm and he lifts me up again and slams me on the ground as I let go of him.

He pickes me up and puts me in a head lock as I struggle to get out of it. I move to elbow him in the side as he moves out of the way. I can bearly breath as I move my legs and stomp on his foot then I grab his neck as I knee him in the chest. I back up a little to catch my breath as one hand went to my neck as I rub it a little bit and let out a cough as I was still trying to catch my breath.

As we go to keep going I hear Scotty say, "Stop before one of you gets hurts. We can't lose either of you." We both stode up and I then move to give Simon a hug as lay my head on his chest and he puts his in my neck. Then he whispers, "I know you can beat me if you really had to baby. I just wanted Soap to see how good you really are."

I smile as I say back, "Yea I could take you, but not without hurting you and that I can't do." He chuckles at that, "Don't worry baby you could never hurt me." We step out of the hug, but he pulls me to his side as we walk to everyone.

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