Getting my girl back

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Ghost POV

As we get to the building she's in I look to Scott, "I know you wanna go in there, but I'm the only one he wont shoot on site. So I need you up here as my overwatch and I'm sure Price is on his way with the rest." Scott gives me a look like how would he know where we are, "Price can read me like a book I froze when I saw where he had her. This is where I frist meet Price he saved me."

Scott gives me a nod then says, "Simon I know you said whatever it takes, but don't let her lose you to. She loves you more then you'll ever know." I give him a smile I make sure it reaches my eye's so he can tell, "When this is over I may ask her to marry me."

He gives me a smile as I move away from him pushing the building as I find a way inside then I can hear him talking to her. "Tell me everything about 141 and Ghost." I do the mentle math he's had her for 4 hours now as I stay to the shadows that's when I see her. He's beat her to get her to tell him about me as I see her body relax alittle 'That's right baby I'm here just stay calm'.

"Why do you want 141 so bad?" She asks him as he pulls his gun out pointing it at her, "Simple Price took something of mine and I want him back." She let's out a little laugh then says, "Well you may have to be more specific on what you want from me." He shakes his head at her then hits her again it takes every once of will power I had to lock my muscles and not go for him.

I had to wait she'd give me an opening when I could take him before he could shoot her, "Well your dad was a pain in my ass that's for sure that's why I had his team killed." I can see her body tighen up with rage she was trying to not let him get to her. I see her relax a little again then says, "Seal's tend to do that to people like you."

"What do you mean people like me what do you know about me?" I can see her smile from here then she tells him, "Well they send to best of us to kill the worst of you......I'm sure you know that already though or you wouldn't have put a hit on my team. Your a real POS you know that right what you've done in this life has dug your grave for you."

He hits her again as she laughs at him, "What's so funny bitch I'm still standing and you wont live to see tomorrow unless you tell me what I want to know." She spits the blood out of her mouth at him then asks, "Like I said before what exatily do you wanna know Makarov?"

"Who's Ghost closest to on 141?" She laughs agian she was gonna tell him because she knew he wouldn't make it out of here alive. I can also see she's gotten one of her hands free from the ropes. I smile that's my girl keep him talking baby, "Well that's plain as day Soap."

He hits her a again then says, "No code name's what's Soap's real name." "Well I can tell you he doesn't like to be called by his real name and I only know his first name which is Johnny." He laughs in her face then says, "A pretty girl like you doesn't know his last name."

God I wanted to ripe him apart for even touching her and for assuming she's a whore when she says, "Like I said he only go's by Soap Ghost is the only one that calls him by his first name and I've only known these guy's for a month and you think I have all the answer. Next question."

"What do you know about who Ghost is?" I can see in her face that she's playing it like she doesn't know me the truth is she know's everything now. "Well I know he's a hardass that likes to get things done. Other then that I don't talk to him at all he sticks to himself or he's with Soap 24/7."

He laughs at her again he knew that much to be true then he gets in her face and says, "Come on your telling me you don't wanna know what is behind that mask he wears." I can see a flicher of her think about me but she uses it then says, "Well I can't lie but no I don't wanna know what's behind the mask. I would how ever climb him like a tree if he ever gave me the chance but even I can tell the mans to broken."

"That you are right on he's been broken just not by me yet anyway." Good job love you got his plan right out of his mouth I can see in her eye's she knew what he ment by that. He looks away from her for a second as she looks over to where I was slowly then nods her head telling me to get ready.

"So what else do you want to know?" She asks him as he turns back to her and asks, "So you'd fuck him if you got the chance?" She anwsers with a simple "Yes! Isn't that what climb him like a tree means in Russia too?"

He laughs then she says as I see her nod her head bearly noticeable then says, "I think any women given the chance would fuck a 6 foot 2 British man that's built like tank. Plus Simon is a sexy name." As soon as she said my name I see him freze as I run at him grabbing the gun out of his hand. Ash takes the pistol out of my leg holster shooting the two guy's then points the gun at him as she moves to check on Trent.

I knew Scott was probaly making his way down here so I had to be quick or he'd see the side of me that would make him take his sister and run. I rip the gun out of his hand as my other wraps around his neck and say, "I'm here."

I can see the fear in his eye's good he should be afriad of me I was finally gonna get my revenage on this asshole.

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