Getting my mom and Price together

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I was sitting on the field watching Simon and Johnny/Soap spar as I see my mom as come back from her meeting with Price. I could see she was blushing and thought maybe she did like him but didn't wanna do anything bacause of dad. He'd be happy for her she needed to move on one day.

About 10 mintues later Price comes back to base I give him a smile as I see he's blushing too. Price walks over to where I was sitting and sits next to me on the grass and asks, "How you doing kiddo?" I give him a smile and say, "Better then I thought I would be but I think it's because Simon let me kill him even after everything he did to him."

I can see he knew that I was the one that killed him and then said, "Simon may not seem like it but he is really good at helpping people get what they need to heal. He forgets about himself sometimes which is why I'm glad he has you now."

I give him another smile then say, "Don't worry Cap I've got you and my mom?" I can see on his face that he was like Simon in away when it comes to talking about his feelings. "I like her Ash but I know she doesn't like me back."

I put a hand on his shoulder then say, "I can tell she likes you Cap it's not that it's my dad....." I take a mintue to think of how to word it. "I asked her a few years ago why she hadn't started dating again. She try to play it off has she had to take care of us kids but I think it's because she thinks dad would be mad at her for moving on."

I can see he understands where I'm coming from when I see Simon and Johnny are done with there work out. I give Simon a look to say I'll meet him in few when he walks over to us then gives me a quick kiss. I smile up at him then he says, "I'm gonna go take a quick shower then I'll come find you."

I give him a nod as he walks away from us with Johnny next to him talking about something I look back to Price when I can't see Simon anymore. I see a smile when I look at him and I shake my head at him, "Yeah I know I have it bad."

He gives me a laugh then says, "Ash I really do like your mom and I promise to treat her like the queen she is." I give him my real smile then say, "I know you will Cap because I'll kick your ass if you ever hurt her or brake her heart." I can see the smile on his face as he already knew I would kick his ass for that.

"I know how do you think I can get through and show her that I wouldn't hurt her?" I could see he really did want her as I think, "Well you said you knew my dad so remind her you know how much he loved her. She will try to use it as a way to not give in and be happy with someone else."

He gives me a nod as I feel Simon sit down behind me pulling me closer to him as I melt into his chest. I see Price is giving us a smile when Simon says to him, "Do what you told me Price tell her how you feel then go from there." I can see then it was Price that gave him the push he needed to tell him he liked me.

"As you know it's easier said then done..." I can tell he was worried about her saying no and turning him down I reach over and put a hand on his shoulder. "It may take a little bit but I can tell she likes you to." He turns and looks at me asking how I could tell as I let out a little laugh at him.

"She was blushing when she come back so your doing something right." He gives me a smile then asks, "Are you sure your ok with this?" I give him another smile as I move out of Simon's arms to give him a hug.

He hugs me back as I say to him, "Price it would be a honor to call you my dad one day and yes I'm more then ok with this. My mom needs to finally move on and be happy she just doesn't know it yet." As Price lets go of the hug I move back to sitting between Simon's legs as he wrapped his arms around me again.

"I've always seen you guy's as my kids it's my job to watch over you keep you safe. I'm scared for the first time in my life..." Price says as he looks away from us as I see his face drop at getting his heart broken.

Simon then says, "Price.." He waits for him to look back at him then says, "Love is worth the risk." I look up at Simon and can tell he was worried about the same thing with me when he came to me that night.

"So go tell her how you feel and then give her time if she needs it," I say to him as he gives me a smile then looks away again lost in thought as I feel and hear Simon laugh at him. "Price go find her that's an order." Price gives him a laugh then gets up and walks toward my mom's room as I liked the thought of them together.

"I'm taking it Price had to tell you that the night you came to find me and told me how you felt about me?" I ask as I turn in his arms and pull his mask up to his nose giving him a kiss as one of his hands went to my hair the other on my back pinning me to him.

He puts his forhead to mine then lets out a little laugh then says, "Yes he did to snap me out of my head because I knew before we started dating that I didn't like you.....I already loved you." I give him my real smile then kiss him again.

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