Briefing on Mexican Sec Ops

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Price POV

I really wanted to give Ash and Simon more time together but they asked for them both to be sent to Mexico to help as Gaz and I would be doing another mission. I was thinking about taking Soap with us but decied to send him with Simon and Ash.

I called everyone to the briefing room to tell them about the mission but we were only sending Reaper, Ghost and Soap. I see them all come in I can tell by Ash face she understands even though she hated they couldn't get more time. Then again we all knew what we signed up for when we joined Sec Ops.

"So I have been asked to send Reaper and Ghost down to Mexico to help the Sec Ops down there. So I will be sending you too but also sending Soap to go with you and you also have Shadow P.M.C's joining you down there." Ash and Simon both nod as she's reading over the file already.

"So I will be sending you to meet up with Cor. Alejandro Vargas who is there leader down there. No one is really in charge of you down there but watch each others six and come back to us. Go get your gear ready you leave in 20 mikes." They all three nod as they stand to leave but Ash asks, "Have you ever meet this Commander Graves?"

I nod my head at her then say, "Yes I've meet him a few times on mission they are being sent for there rules of engament will help you get through the red tape." She gives me a nod as she grabs Simon's hand and they leave to go get there things.

I walk to meet them by the plane taking them over there as I look to Ash and say so only she can hear me. "Something feels off about this one keep on eye out for it." She gives me a nod then says, "Who wanted just me and Ghost to go I know Soap was so we aren't alone over there with someone we don't trust."

"You are to smart for your own good sometimes you that?" I ask her as she gives me a nod and smiles at me. "Gen. Shepherd wanted you both to go and if it were up to me I'd send your whole team with you to but it's not I just got away with being able to send Johnny with you." I can see she knew what this meant they were gonna turn on them at some point we just needed to be ready for it.

"Take care of mom and Scotty for me while I'm gone......if something does happen she will be devistaed. I will keep an eye out for it and I promise to do my best to make sure we all make it home."

I give her a smile as she pulls me in for a hug as I say, "I will look out for them both!" She hugs me a little tighter then says, "See you later dad," as she gives me a wink and gets on the plane. I shake my head laughing at her as I walk back to the briefing room where I left everyone else.



I can tell Price liked it when I called him dad and he has more then earned it from me as I sit next to Simon and lay my head on his shoulder. "What did Price wanna tell you?" Simon asks as he wraps an arm around me pulling me closer to him. "Just to keep an eye out he feels like something is off by them only wanting the two of us to go and no one else. Price had to fight just to let Soap come with us he wanted to send my whole team with us."

He gives me a nod as his grip gets tighter on me then I hear Soap ask, "So they only wanted you two....Why?" I look over to him and say, "I'm not truely sure on that but just keep on eye out for it to happen." Soap nods at me are mission was to find and stop these missiles from going off but my main mission was making sure these two made it home. Even if that ment that I wouldn't I didn't wanna do that to Simon. Soap means just as much to him as I do they are brothers in ever sence of the word.

I knew Simon could tell what I was thinking as I was stearing into space lost in thought, "We will all be making it home if I have anything to say about so don't think like that." He whispers in my ear which brings me out of my head as I give him a smile.

Then say, "I know love I'm just use to thinking like that with my team there lives always ment more then mine. I have more to live of now I also know it would hurt my mom and brother if I ever got badly hurt or died.....I wasn't gonna let one of my boys die for me."

He gives me a smile then says, "That's why you are a great leader you put them before you but I want you to think of the three of us as a whole we don't leave anyone behind." I nod at him as we settle in for the long flight ahead of us as I move to be in his lap and lay my head in his neck. I was fast asleep I didn't get much the night before this as I feel him relax to as I did.

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