Trying to find Ash

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Ghost POV

There's no way she's goes out like that she had to make it off that plane as I landed with her team having no idea where my team was. They try to get her on comms as I just stood there looking in the direction she would be in. They get nothing not even my team as Cerby starts going crazy barking in the way she would be.

"Wait guy's quite," Broke says as Creby is now trying to pull him that way. "Cerby what is it boy." He walks over to me smelling me then points his nose the way she would be and barks again trying to pull Broke that way again. I had already told them I didn't think she made it out or I didn't see her make it out.

Cerby goes crazy shaking his head hard then barks pulling hard to go that way, "I think it's Ash she carries a dog whisle with her at all times for if he gets lost. He only shakes his head like that when she uses it she's telling us she made it out."

I don't think twice when I start walking that way with my gun up as I see Broke has followed me when Cerby runs in front of me. He was sniffing for her he must have gotten her scent off me as I smile under my mask. The rest off her team falls in behind me as Broke hands me Cerby's leash I get Cerby to come back to me.

I grab his head lightly making him look at me as I kneel down next to him that ask, "You have her scent?" He turns his head at me as I pull out the patch I had of her's that I pulled off when I tried to hold onto her. He sniffes it like crazy then licks my mask as I say, "Find her buddy." I stand letting him lead the way when we get to where she should be my anger took over when I saw they got her.

Cerby lays down next to the gun as I hand Broke his leash back and kneel down next to it. It was her's all right it had her team logo painted on it I grabbed it putting it on my back. "They got her didn't they Ghost?" Broke asks me as I see her pistol on the ground to and grab it putting it in my vest.

"Yes so I know you guy's know nothing about me.....This man we are after had captured me for 6 months trying to break me. He never did well to say it you can't break somone who's already POS father made sure I was broken before I turned 8. If he finds out her and I are together he wont refrane to use her against me.....He still wants me to be his....for lack of a better word his super soilder kill when and where ever he tells me to."

They were all looking at me like I was lying then I ask them, "You ever heard of Simon Riley?" Jason looks at me as I say that name then says, "Yes we have heard of the name, but he's dead he died in a house fire years ago." I don't think twice when I take my mask off showing them my face.

"Not as dead as they say I am." Jason took in my face as I see them all look at me when Jason says, "I was told everything they said about you being bad was wrong is that true?" I knew he was asking me this because of Ash and I. I give him a nod then say, "Yes I was framed on being the one that killed my family........I did how ever kill the two men that did it then the body they found was of one of them with my dog togs on him."

"So the cartel and Makarov is all true?" Jason asks a turn to look at him asking how he knew all of this about me. "It's in your redacted file held for 6 months by a Mexican cartel and then 6 months by Makarov." I forgot they didn't take that out of it as I sigh and shake my head yes at him.

"How did they not brake you with what they did to you?" Clay asks as I turn to look at him I give him a smile then say, "Like I said you can't brake someone who's already broken." Thats when I hear staic in my radio then I hear Gaz, "Ghost this Gaz! How copy?"

I smile as I heard him the kid was smart he would have found a way to get comms up as I put my hand up pressing the botten to talk. "I copy you Gaz who's all with you?" I can hear the smile in his voice when he says, "Cap, Soap and the Ranger's Lt."

Good everyone else was acounted for I decided I wasn't gonna tell them about Ash tell you meet up with them. "Copy Gaz the seals are with me. Does Price have a RV?" Then I look to her team and say to only them, "We will tell them when we get to them.....We don't need anyone running off to try and find her."

"Sending you the RV Ghost see you soon." I say back, "Copy Gaz! Out here!" As I pull out my phone looking at the spot we had to get to when Jason says, "We should tell them Scotty's gonna be pissed." I shake my head no at him then start walking to way we needed to go as I pull my mask back on then put my helmet on again.

As we were walking they were talking about ways to go and get her when Clay says, "We should just storm the compound and clear are way to her." I shake my head at him then say. "Don't you think I want to get her back guy's? She's the only person that makes me feel like me again I would have gone by now if I knew where she was. Plus that would never work he'd cut his loses and kill her before you ever got close to her."

I see there faces drop as I said that then I shake my head again and say, "Sorry guy's it's hard to shut that side of me off with out her here. She's still alive you can count on that." Jason then asks, "How are you so sure she's alive?"

"He took Trent for a reason and then he took her when he would have just killed anyone else. He wants something from her so she's still alive for now." I say as they all nod at me as we stop talking about it now that we are close to Price and the other's.

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