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"Ash stay close to me." Ghost says as we all get out of the car.

"What's this?" Alejandro asks as he waves to the Shadow's in control of his gate I feel Simon step forward so I do the same.

"This is the immediate future." Graves " Step away from the gate."

"What?" Soap says as I see Ghost eye up the Shadow behind me and the one in front of him.

"You heard me." Graves

"You crazy, this is my base." Alejandro

"It's not a base. This is a sizeable covert facility and I admire it...So I'm taking it. You boy's have been relived. Thank you for your service. Oh Reaper your coming with us." Graves calls me by the call sign.

I look at Simon and he steps in front of me. "No, no, no I don't take orders from you." Alejandro

"Didn't Valeria say that? Now that makes me wonder what else I don't know about your affiliation with the drug-lord?" Graves

"What the fuck did you just say to me, Pendejo....." Alejandro says as he steps closer to Graves.

"Your out of line Graves." Soap says as he steps forward to grab Alejandro.

"Don't do that. Don' that. No one needs to get hurt here." Graves

"Are you threathing us? Oh and Reaper stays with me." Ghost says as he grabs my hand and pulls me to stand right behind him.

"Soldier, I don't make threats. I make guarantees. So let's not do this." Graves

"Who ordered you to do this and am I ordered to go with you?" I ask as I step to be standing next to Simon and give Graves the death stare.

"Gen. Shepherd has put you under me now and not 141 anymore so you are coming with us." Graves says back as I grit my teeth.

"Why are you following this order you know we are not here to hurt you." I say back as I move to be standing in between the cars and Soap in front of me with Ghost behind me.

"I'm calling Shepherd." Soap says as he turn's to walk back to the SUV.

"General Shepherd sends his regards. He told me you'll wouldn't take this well. " Graves

"He knows about this?" Ghost

"He's put me in command of the op from here on out. So you all need to stand down and let the pros finish this." Graves says as Soap and Ghost give each other a look to say I knew it and be ready. "Why the hell we talkin like this is some negotiation? It's not." Graves says as he turns to me.

"I've got my orders now you have yours's." Graves

"If I go with you will you let the rest leave here?" I ask Graves I can tell Simon was more then mad at me as I told him I wouldn't do this.

"Yes they are free to go other then you." Graves says as I turn to look at everyone of them with eye's that says go you will come back for me I know it. I turn to Ghost last I can tell he didn't wanna leave me with him.

"Why can't I stay with my wife?" Simon asks Graves as I see Graves didn't know we got married then he says, "I was told to send 141 home but keep Ash to help me finish this....When this is over I will send her back to you. Regardless of what Shepherd wants....I know what has happened to the both of you."

I can see Simon relax a little at this then he looks dead at Graves, "If she comes back hurt or worse I will kill you." I move over to Simon and pull his mask up and kiss him hard. I can see Graves smile he already knew that to as I move to stand behind Graves wishing I didn't have to do this to make sure they were safe.

They let Al, Soap and Ghost get in the car and leave as I hope Graves is true to his word of letting me go back to him when this was over. I stood there tell I couldn't see the car anymore I turn to Graves, "Why does he want me on Shadow so bad? I will also tell you I will run and go back to him he means everything to me."

Graves lightly sets a hand on my shoulder as I look him in the eye, "He wants you here for something else but I need your help in getting my girl back from him that's the true reason you are here." I give him a look then say, "Why not keep Ghost to then we are stronger together and he's way better at the stealth then I am."

"Well to be honest with you Ash I didn't know you two had got married but my girl means everything to me......I'd give up being Shadow 1 if it ment I got her." I can see his emotions weren't a lie as his eye's light up just thinking about his girl and all I wanted in that moment was Simon.

"Ok who do I have here that you trust with your life to help me?" I ask as I was starting to trust him more now that he let his emotions come accross his face. Graves gives me a smile as he leads me to the room Simon and I used. There were two of his fighters in there as I see all of are stuff has been untouched.

"Ash this is Roze and Diablo they both wear masks two....I've asked them to fully trust you like they do me but I know it's gonna take time." I can see them both check me out then he says to them, "This is Ash Riley she is here to help you with this." They look to me knowing the last name I can see it in there eye's.

"Long story on the name but I'll tell you everything I can about it because it's not really my place to tell you the whole story." I can see they are worried now about me, and Graves I'm sure already knew who Ghost was he knew my last name without me telling it to him.

"What I tell you about who I'm married to doesn't leave this room and I expect you to take this info to the grave with you." I had lowered my voice so they can tell I was serious about them not telling anyone as they both nod at me.

"Ghost is my husband and his real name is Simon Riley.....Everything about him being bad was a lie he was set up and framed and the rest is not for me to tell you. Oh please do not call him by his name when you see him....he is still just Ghost to you." I say as I go over to his bag I pull off my vest and put on one of his hoddies then put my vest back on over it.

I felt better when his smell hits me as I in wordly smile and I see them all smile at me to as I turn back to Graves. "Ok give me the run down of what we know already and am I aloud to talk to Ghost we have a code that we use that only one person in this world would be able to crack." Graves truns his head at me and I say, "Laswell would be that only one to be able to crack it but that's because that's my mom and she knows me as well I know myself. You also can trust her she would never do anything to put me in more danger."

"Yes Ash you can talk to Ghost I'm sure if he didn't hear from you he'd come back to get you and it wouldn't end pretty." I smile as he knows what Simon was capable of then I walk over to the computer and send a message to his burner phone useing are code.

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