First date

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I wake to Simon lightly shaking me awake as I roll over and smile at him then say, "Morning love." He gives me a smile then says, "Get ready Price is gonna let me take you to see London for a day." I sat up then say, "Is that what you went to talk to him about?" He gives me a nod as I pull him down to be on top of me and kiss him hard.

I can feel him smile into the kiss then he pulls back and says, "If you want to see all of London today you need to get up and get dressed love." I can tell he wanted me to but knew how much I've always wanted to go see London.

I get up and get dressed (The outfit from the picture without the heels and purse!!) I put on my outfit I was saving for are first real date. As he leads me to his car helping me get in then gets in himself it felt so wired to be on the side we normally drive from in the U.S.

"I still forget you guy's drive on the other side of the road here. That's gonna take some time to get use to." I say as he pulls out and gets under way for are 2 and half hour drive to London. He gives me a smile as he intertwines are fingers. He lays are hands lightly on my thigh and then says, "Ya it took some getting use to when we go other places like the U.S. I forgot and started driving on the wrong side of the road once."

I laugh at him as we talked about small things on are way to London and I was smiling the whole time as I loved spending time with just him. When we get to London my smile got bigger as I saw all the things people tell you about London. He smiles at me as he says, "So we are going to go get food then I'll show you some of the best places in London."

"Ok baby I can't wait to spend the whole day with you and see London." I smile back as he parks the car then walks around to help me get out as he takes my hand. He walks us a few blocks to a restrant and helps me sit down before he sits accross from me as I look over then menu.

I had no idea what to order as Simon ordered for both of us as we sat and talked for awhile before the food got there and we ate. When we were done Simon paid the bill then moves to help me stand as he pulls me to his side wraping his arm around me.

He walks a few more blocks tell we could see Big Ben and the London Eye as I had a huge smile on my face. We get into one of the cars I laided my head on his shoudler as I looked out over London.

I smile as I look over London which was a part of my home now as it was so pretty. Simon places a soft kiss on the top of my head as I see a kid looking at us. I give him a small smile as he comes closer and asks, "Are you soldier's?" I give him a nod yes then noticed my dog tags weren't tucked in any more as he smiles at us then says, "That's so cool!"

I give him an even bigger smile as I think it's his mom that says, "Sorry!" I give her a nod and say, "It's fine kids are always curious." They both look at me as of course they can tell I'm not from here. "Oh your American?" The kid asks as I can see he's exicted and probaly never meet one before.

"Yes I'm American, but my boyfriend is British and he's showing me London as I've always wanted to come here." I say as I look back to Simon who's smiling at me and gives me a quick kiss on the forhead then asks the kid, "Do you know of any good things I should show her while we are here?"

The kids face lights up as I can tell he's thinking hard about what to say, "Have you taken her to see Buckingham Palace yet?" Simon gives the kid a smile and says, "No not yet buddy, but that was on my list." The kid gives us a smile as he go's back to watching the outside as we were almost back to the bottom now. Simon helps me out as he tucks me into his side again.

As he walks us somewhere I feel my body melt into his and relax as I couldn't wait to see everything he was going to show me. We get to somewhere I didn't know the name of as we walk through some doors. We walk up some stairs and go into another big room as I turn and see all of are friends were here.

141, The seals and thier family's along with the Ranger's and my mom were here as I turn to Simon who has a big smile on his face. I smile as we walk over to everyone, "What are you guy's doing here?" I ask as I start to give everyone hugs then step back into Simon as he wraps his arms around me as they all look at Simon.

I turn to look at him too as he looks at me and says, "I invited them all here." He says as he then steps back and drops down on one knee as he pulls out a little box.  My breath catches I didn't think he was gonna do it now as he takes one of my hands and looks me in the eye's. "Ash Rockne I love you with all that I am. Will you do me the honor of marrying me?"

As he opens the box to revel the ring I see it's the ring my dad gave my mom. She would have made sure to give him this if she was with Price when Simon talked to him about it.

I struggle to stay standing as I was over taken by joy as I say, "Yes. Yes!!" He slides the ring on my finger as he pickes me up and I kiss him hard. He kisses me back as I wrap my legs around him. He smiles into the kiss as he moves his hands to my ass I hear are friends and family clapping and cheering for us. I smile as I pull back putting my forhead on his so I can see him smiling at me.

He sets me back down as everyone comes to hug us giving us their congraultions as I had the biggest smile on my face. We were going to eat at a place a few blocks away as Price had made a reservation for us.

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