Reuntited with my Ghost

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I only had to wait 30 min for Simon to get back to me as I smile at what he sent me he said that they were told be Price to stay with Al tell I was coming home with them. Price knew Simon well enough to know he wouldn't come home without me and where Simon is Soap usely follows. I send back the message I love you as Graves pulls up the files on everything they have on getting her back.

"Her name is Jessica Shepherd." I look over to him I didn't know Shepherd had a kid and I see everything he's done to her. He hits her and could careless about her well being as I felt rage take me over for the life she was living. Graves places a hand on my shoulder he knew what I was feeling as I can see it on his face that he loves her.

"So why does Shepherd want me here and does he know about you and his kid?" I ask hoping he didn't and that would make it all the much easier to get her away from him. "Ash I know you can read people better then most can but you have to promise me something in return. The people in this room are on your side 100% we have seen what that man is really capable of..."

I give him a nod to go on then he says the one thing I didn't wanna hear, "We found out the day you guy's went after Makarov that Shepherd was working with him to get Ghost back to him." I just stood there in my thoughts as Graves then says, "Shepherd was mad when you guys reported him K.I.A......the rest of Shadow is not to be trusted they have been ordered to hunt down Ghost....and kill him."

I froze at that as I know Simon and he would do whatever it takes to live to get back to me but this is a lot of heat coming down on him. "Ghost wasn't the one to kill was me." Graves face changes then says, "That's not what they put in the file." I then explained to Graves what had really happened that day down to me being taken.

"I see why Ghost put it in the file that he killed him....he knew Makarov's people would have come after the one that ended his life." I pull his hoddie up to my face and take a deep breath to calm myself down as I wished Simon was here I needed him close or I was gonna slip back into my darker side.

"Are you against me using Ghost's help to get her back? I also want to tell you that without him near me my anger is something I can't control on my own." I can see he knew that already as he gave me a smile then says, "You will be taking Roze and Diablo to try and 'find them' as a cover but you will be going to talk to them and give them the info I just gave you. Ash tell them everything because once Shadow fully turns on them they will think it's my doing and I don't wanna hurt anyone on 141."

I give Graves a nod as he leaves the room and I send Simon the location to meet me at as I then look to Roze and Diablo. "He doesn't trust easy so please keep your guns down I wont let him hurt you." They both nod at me as I hear back from Simon that they will be there in 30 mikes as we move out and get under way.

It was a quiet drive to where we are meeting them when we see another car coming down the road we all had are guns up tell I saw it was them. I put mine down as I waved them to do the same and they listened right away. I bearly let him get out of the car as I ran over to him and jumped into his arms and hugged him hard.

He lets out a little laugh then says, "I've missed you to love." He says as he puts his face in my neck then he pulls back pulling his mask up to give me a kiss. I knew he could tell in the kiss that something was wrong with me and he pulls back. He sets me down as I tell him everything Graves told me to tell him and that Shadow was going to turn on him.

He moves his head down to my neck again and whispers, "Do you trust Graves?" I knew he was asking this to make sure he wasn't gonna turn on us. "He couldn't fake the feelings he has for her. I've gotten pretty good at reading people love I trust him." He gives me a nod as Roze comes over with Graves on the comms asking for me.

I call back to him as I wait for his reponse, "Ash you guys need to get out of there Shepherd knows where you are." I gritt my teeth together as I ask him, "Is it safe to bring them back with us and can you get me a line to Price?" "Yes Ash bring them back with you they would be safer here," I move quickly as I tell them about what's going on as we all load up in the truck we came in. Roze was driving with Diablo next to her as I was in the middle of Simon and Soap in the back then I hear Price over my comms.

"Ash is that you?" I smile as I heard his voice god it was so good to hear him, "Yes Price it's me and it's so good to hear your voice. How's mom holding up?" I could hear the sadness in his voice, "She's pissed the Shepherd got by us but where's Ghost and Soap?" I turned both there radios to the channel Price was on so they could hear us talk.

"Right next to me Graves isn't bad as well as a few others," I call back to him as Simon pulls me close to him then talks to Price, "Price we are all ok but from what I have been told we help Graves and he will help us get back home. Al and Rudy are on stand by to help so send Ash's team to them but don't put it in the computer."

"Copy that Ghost watch each others six and come home safe," I hear Price come back then I hear my mom over comms. "Ash hun I love you please be careful Shepherd has a lot that he can use agaisnt you."

"I know mom and please don't think the worst if I'm reported K.I.A I have a felling I may need to so he can't find me." Simon holds my tighter to him as to say he'd die before they could ever get to me.

We pull back to base as Graves was the one on the gate to let us in as he gave Roze orders so Ghost and Soap wouldn't be seen by anyone else. As she pulls into a one of Al's hangers.

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