Plan to get Graves girl

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We all go to the room I pull up everything we have on where she is and I think about going to get her while Sheherd is still worried about finding Simon. "She goes to the store everyother day to get food. I think if I can get her to see I'm there to get her back to you she'd come with." I say as I turn to look at Graves.

"She's not one to just trust someone blindly....." He says as he then pulls off a neckless he was wearing and hands it to me. "She gave me this as a birthday gift. Give it to her and she should trust you enough to get her back here to me." I nod at him as I put it on so I don't lose it.

"I'll take Roze and Diablo to cover that I'm with you now but I'll also take Ghost and Soap. Just make sure Shepherd still thinks they are still here in Las Almas and that should give us enough time to get her and come back." Graves gives me a nod as I can see in his eye's how much he's trusting us with this.

I move over to him and put a hand on his shoulder, "Graves.." He cuts me off then says, "Phillip but call me Phil." I give him a small smile and a nod, "Phil I will bring her back to you." He gives me a nod then says, "Thank you Ash I'll own you big time after this."

I laugh at him then say, "We can call it even for making sure Shepherd can't get to Ghost." He gives me a smile then looks to Ghost and gives him a nod. I turn to see Simon give him a nod and can see Simon knows why I trust him now.

"Ok I'll get everything ready for you to leave. Have Roze drive the truck on so Ghost and Soap aren't seen then I'll have you walk to the plane with me to make it look like I'm giving you orders." I nod at him as he leaves to the room I can see both Roze and Diablo have relaxed a lot more when it to comes to trust me.

Simon wraps me in his arms from behind then whispers in my ear, "I see you stole my hoddie." I smile then turn my head to look at him, "Yes I wanted you here so I stole your hoddie to try and keep myself calm."

Roze comes over to me then says, "We will go get the truck ready then I'll come back when it's safe for them to go to the truck." I give her a nod as they both leave the room and once the door was closed Simon takes his mask off.

I turn in his arms as I put my hands on either side of his face and say, "Hi handsome." He gives me a smile then kisses me hard as my body lights up for him I needed him but we didn't have time for that. He pulls back and sets his forehead on mine as I can see he's smiling at me he could tell I needed him.

Roze comes back as Simon puts his mask back on then gives me a hug before they follow her. Graves comes back for me a few mintues later as we walk to the plane we made it look like we were talking but didn't say anything. "Goodluck Ash." Graves says as I hit his elbow with mine then give him a nod as I get on the plane.

I give Graves a smile as the back door closes I see that there is someone else on the plane I hadn't meet yet. I got closer to Roze and ask, "Who's the other guy?" She looks over to him then says, "That's Konig he's Kortac and he's here to make it look like they took her so we have a cover."

I give her a nod, "Does he know about Ghost and Soap?" I ask again as they get out of the truck, "Ya he knows and I've worked with him before Konig is a good man. He's also kinda shy at frist when it comes to new people so don't take it personally." I give her another nod as Simon wraps me in his arms again then I see Konig stand and walk over to us.

Holy hell he is tall as fuck like 7ft he's taller then Simon then I hear Konig talk, "Ghost good to see you again." He nods at Simon as I look to Simon as I can see he's smiling at him then he grabs my hand and we walk closer to Konig. "Konig this is my wife Ash Riley." I can see in his eye's that he was suprised he got married as I give Konig a smile.

"Well congratulations to you both and Ash I was told about your plan I will be on the ground with you. I wont go in with you but I will be in the car to get you both back to the plane and I will come to you if we need it." I give him a nod then say, "Copy that but I should be able to get to her and get her to come with me."

He gives me a nod as we all settle in for the fight I lay my head on Simon's shoulder as he puts one arm around me holding me close to him. I move my head to whisper in his ear, "I love you Simon."

He pulls his mask up just past his lips and kisses my forehead then puts a hand on my chin to bring my head up so he can give me a kiss. I smile into the kiss as I kiss him back then he pulls back and puts his forehead on mine and says, "I love you to baby."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16 ⏰

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