Tending to the wounded

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Price POV

I help Simon with Ash first she wasn't to bad all things considered as she tells me, "No Trent's worse off then me I'll be fine check him first." I give her a nod as Simon stays with her holding her close to him like she was the only thing keeping him breathing.

Her body was starting to relax into him as I go over to Trent when Gaz says then asks, "He was drugged! Ghost what did he give him?" I turn back to them as Simon says, "The same thing he gave me it makes you real loopy and can't think straight so he may be out of it when he wakes up."

Gaz gives him a nod then pulls out two shots one to fight the drug the other is a stim to get his body to kick start and wake up. He gives him the first shot then lets it sperd through out his body then gives him the sim which makes him jolt up. Clay and Ray grab him telling him, "Trent it's ok Bravo has you now brother."

Trent looks around as he's eye's fall on Ash then he asks her, "This is real you guy's found me?" Ash comes over and says, "Yes brother we found you....your safe now and I'm sorry for leaving you on the side lines this time. I won't make that same mistake again." He doesn't say anything back as Ash hugs him he gives her one back then says, "I love you guy's."

They all laugh at him as I see Jason and Full Metal have got Makarov's body ready to take with us as I tell them, "Make sure he's dead." Ash looks over to me then says, "He's dead Cap...." I can see it in her eye's Simon let her kill him I wasn't suprised by this she knew everything the man did to Simon and her family.

"How bad are you hurt Trent don't lie to me." Ash asks him when she pulls back from the hug and has fresh blood on her hands. Ash and Clay move quickly taking off his shirt to see a really bad wound that looks like the ones Simon had when we found him.

"Trent tell me how bad it is!" She moves back to being in front of him as he shakes his head then looks to Simon. Makarov must of told him about Ghost and the things he did to him when Trent asks him, "How?" Simon knew what he ment by how he was standing after going through that for over 6 months.

Simon walks over to him then lifts his shirt to show the wound that looks like his then says, "This was his way of marking people.....like branding cattle it's to show his friends that you belong to him." Trent doesn't stop looking at him then says, "Your a better man then I....."

"What do you mean by that?" Simon asks as Trent looks to Ash then drops his head looking at the ground. "He said if I didn't give him everything on Ash or he called her The Reaper.....he'd kill my wife and 3 year old son." He looks to Ash then says, "I'm so sorry Ash I told him everything I knew about you and how Bravo team works....."

Ash shakes her head but she knew everyone has a braking point as she grabs his face making him look at her, "Trent don't you think for one second that I'm mad at you for that ok. What have I told you sense you joinned Bravo team?" I see a small smile come to his face then he says, "Family first Bravo second."

"Good now tell me how bad it hurts," She asks him as Clay breaks out his med gear to clean the wound. "It doesn't hurt anymore but by your face I'm taking that it's infected?" He asks her as Ash nods her head yes then he asks Clay, "On my scale of 1-10 Clay?"

"8 it's bad brother," Clay tells him as he starts to clean the wound then puts something on it before he wraps it up. Clay also pulled out a new shirt for him as well as a vest as Simon and Ash help him stand up. Clay helps him get the shirt and vest on as he then says, "So what did I miss?"

They laugh at him and Ash says, "We will give you a run down when we get back to base can you walk on your own?" Ash asks as her and Simon slowly let go of him to see if he can stand on his own. "Ya I just haven't had food in awhile Ray you still carry those..."

Ray tosses him a protin bar Trent smiled at him then said, "Thanks brother." Ray gives him a nod then says, "Always brother lets get you home." Trent gives him a nod as he starts to eat the food I turn and make a call to Karen to see if we still had the QRF coming for exfil.

"Karen it's Price where's are exfil platform?" I ask as I can hear she's happy to hear my voice which makes me smile. "Ya John I just need Broke to turn on Cerby's tracker so I can send them right to you."

"Ok got it give me a second.." I walk over to Broke and tell him, "Karen needs you to turn on Cerbs becon to send exfil to us." He nods at me as he kneels down next to Creby turning on the device on his back. "Ok it's on how long tell exfil?"

"They are 20 mikes out and I'm getting them moving to you now," She says back to me and I say, "Copy that Karen see you soon. Out here!" I turn back and look over everyone we had finally got the son of a bitch and everyone lived to tell the tail.

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