Vladimir Makarov

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Price POV

"Vladimir Makarov is a pure evil......he was one of the two that wanted my dad's team dead." Ash says as she then shakes her head. "I knew I should have made my brothers help me kill that man." Simon pulls her close to him as I see her give into him and relaxs then takes a deep breath.

"Ash, Vladimir Makarov was the one behind the nuke's as well." I tell her as I see her put it together in her head that he's the real one after her and her team. "So your telling me he's after my dad's kids now.....meaning Scotty and I aren't safe yet." I give her a nod as she processes the new infomation I can see her wheels turning thinking what we can do to bring him down.

"Simon and I almost had him once....but he always seems to get away like he's one step ahead the whole time." She nods then asks, "He must have someone on the inside! Can we do this one without reporting the op?"

"I already told your team and your mom that this is to stay in house. If we still can't get him you know what means right?" I ask her as she nods her head yes, "Then someone here is the leak but I can tell you I'm 100% sure it's not one of my fighters.....they'd die before they'd let me die."

I give her a nod as I'm sure that was true then say, "This stays in the this office for now not a word to anyone. We will deal with it when the time comes. Ash I've given you Vladimir Makarov unredaticted file read it so you know excatly what we are up against."

I turn to look at Simon and say to him, "I also gave her access to your file. Your full file Simon so it's up to you weather you want her to read it as you explain it to her or just tell her." I can see he's still on the fence about telling her everything, "Simon everything will work out promise me you'll tell her everything after she looks over Makarov's file. She'll have question's for you."

I knew she would put it together when she see's the part about him having Simon Riley, "I will Cap....." He looks to her then says, "Your right she needs to know if we are gonna get him this time."

"Good now go read that file Ash and have an open mind to what he's gonna tell you. Also understand why he wouldn't let you know at first the only people other then me that knows the whole story is your mom and Soap."

She nods and gives a smile then says, "I get it Cap and I will be open minded," She looks to him then says, "I can't promise I wont want to see the world burn for what it's done to you... Makarov is as bad man so I have a guess, but I love you Simon I will give you time to explain to me everything."

They turn to leave as I say to them, "You two were made to be together don't let this come between you." She gives me a smile as he nods at me then they leave.


Ghost POV

"Read Makarov's file first then it's up to you weather you read mine and ask me question's after." I tell her as we get back to my room she grabs her computer and sits on my bed pulling up the file Price sent on Makarov.

She puts in headphones and plays some music as she reads over the file I move and sit down on the other side of the room. I lean against the wall then slide down it tell I was sitting down with my arms on my rised knees. This was it she was about to see me in a different light with every thing I've been through. I look over to her she was focused and reading the file as I thought 'Please don't hate me my love'.

It didn't take her long to read his file as she looks up at me, "Simon Riley?" I knew she'd put it together that was me he had for 6 months tell Price saved me. "Yes," I say as I look down at the floor waiting for her to freak out and she hadn't even read my file yet.

She moves over to me and is on her knee's between my legs as she makes me look up at her, "I love you Simon Riley!" I can see in her face that she wasn't scared of the man I have become from everything I've been through. I pull her closer to me as I say, "I like it when you call me by my name."

I see her smile then I ask her, "So do you wanna read the file then ask me questions?" She moves to look at me then says, "I'd like to read it, but also hear it from you love." I give her a nod as she goes back to her computer and pulls up my file with the only picture ever taken of me. I was all bloodied and messed up it was right after Price brought me back it was to make sure I was who I said I was.

I can see her emotions come over her face as she reads about the shit life I've had I knew she understands the loss of my family. When she's done she comes back to me and hugs me hard as I fell a tear hit my neck. She was crying for me I pull her face back so I can see her and gently wipe her tears away. "Tell me what your thinking Love?"

"I'm sorry about your family...." She doesn't say anymore as she looks at me with sad eye's I didn't think she'd cry for them she didn't know them. "Ok so I'll start from the begining..." I say as I hope she will understand me more after this.

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