Simon's enemy

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Price POV

I can tell when Ash and Simon walk in her rage has taken over, but it seems Simon keeps her in the right head space. I watch the video that was sent to Simon I knew the voice as I'm sure Simon does to. When it was over I look to them and ask, "Who's the guy he's holding?"

"Trent Sawyer Bravo 7......Full Metal is on his way here." Ash says as she grabs Simon's hand to try and stay calm. Ash phones goes off she looks to me and I nod for her to take the call, "Hello?" She asks as she anwsers it she lets out a sigh as she heard someone she knew, "Yes Full Metal Mandy should have everything ready for you to get over here I'll have her send you all the details and Full Metal....Watch your back don't trust anyone tell you get here to us ok."

I couldn't hear what he said back to her but she smiles, "Yes bro be safe I love you and see you soon." She hangs up after that then shoots a text to Mandy I'm sure as she turns back to me. "I was also sent Trent's medical records. He was on med leave for a busted up shoulder he got on are last deployment........he was why I told them to rotate us out with another team."

"Ok we will do everything we can to get him back Ash, but do you know who it is that has him?" I ask her as I can tell Simon has let her in more, but not with his past. She shakes her head no at me, "No Cap I have no idea who that is but he will die if he hurts Trent."

I saw the look in her eye's I use to see her dad have and then I turn to Simon, "Ghost what have you told her?" He doesn't want to involve her in this I can tell but he knows we can't keep her from going after part of her team.

"She know's my first name and I've shown her my face." He says as I give him a nod as I tell them, "I'll give this all to Mandy and Karen for them to get to work on finding Trent." Ash nods as I can tell she knew we know who had him already.

She looked between both of us then says, "Who has Trent I can tell you know and aren't telling me." I don't say a word as I look to Simon he lowers his head when I walk over to him and put my hand on his shoulder. "Simon it's time to tell her....we wont get him back if she's in the dark on this one."

He moves away from both of us then says to me, "Price he finds out about know what I'll do to get her back." I knew he would go back to being on his own he was deadly good at what he does. I look to Ash she could tell this was his anger coming out, "Simon look at me son."

I waited tell he turned around, "We will do everything we can to make sure he doesn't find out about you two. You need to let her in and tell her everything." He looks from me to her then back as he says, "She's gonna hate me when I tell her all that's been done to me and what I did to get reveange."

She doesn't say anything to him and just moves to hug him he didn't respond at first tell he wrapped his arms around her. She then looks up at him, "Simon I'm stronger then you think and it's gonna take more then something you did in your past to make me not love you. I also haven't told you what I did the fucks who took my dad from me."

He gives her a nod to go on if she wanted to, "Well my dad's team was after Bin Laden himself his team was killed along with him. They were ambushed at the exfil.....The whole team was lost. I spent three weeks with nothing but anger in my body as I found out who was behind the ambush. I'm lucky to still be in the military I went off on my own spent three weeks killing everyone for his leaders."

She takes a deep breath then go's on, "I wanted that asshole to know who was coming for the end of it all he knew why I was called Reaper. In doing all this I lost myself who I was on the inside both my bro's John and Scotty came over to bring me home. If they didn't I would have taken my life to join my dad......losing him broke me turned me into something I didn't even know I couldn't look in a mirror for years tell I found my team."

She places her head on his chest over his heart then says, "Simon everyone has a dark side to them. The side that's willing to kill whatever stands in front of them to get there goal done but please don't think I can't handle that side of you. I love you Simon."

He pulls his mask off and kisses the top of her head then he says to her, "Ash I can't promise you'll like everything I'll tell you about it. I love you to." He leans down pulling her face up to kiss her then puts his forhead to hers.

"The man that has Trent is Vladimir Makarov." Simon tells her I see her stiffen so she knew of him.

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