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Then we get to a point were we have to jump into the river I don't think twice before I jump. We start swimming up river as more of the army shows up and hear a broken up message on comms.

As we get closer to the bridge the army pulls up with heavy trucks and more armored men. "Get down we can't do anything to that armor." Ghost says as he ducks behind a rock and I follow to do the same.

"All staions this is Shadow-1 engaging the brdige north of your pos, danger close."

"Good hits Shadow-1," Ghost says over comms.

"All staions no enemy movement detected. Your clear." Graves "Good to see you guy's."

"Likewise Mate." Ghost says back. "This way." Alejandro says leading us to a car and Soap gets in the front Ghost and I get in the back.

"Be advised me have a possable hit on Hassen two-clicks north of your pos." Graves.

"That's cartel land they have a compound there." Alejandro

"You guys good to roll up Hassan with some fire from the sky?" Graves

"Let's wrap this fucker up Graves." Soap says as we start to drive down to road, I move closer to Ghost wraping up his still bleeding arm.

"We need to clean this as soon as we RTB (That mean's return to base)." I say low so only he could hear me as I finish wrapping it.

"I'll be fine I've had worse." He says back as I give him a look that says don't test me. "So you two are a thing?" Alejandro asks as he looks back at us then back at the road. I turn and look at Ghost to see if he's going to answer that or not.

"Yes this my wife." Simon says back as he puts his hand on my leg. I look at him as Johnny gives me a smile.

"One-click out. Let's focus up, get this bastard and get everyone home safe." I say as I put Ghost's hand back on his leg.

As we pull up about 50 yards from the nearest building as I hop out. "Shadow-1 be advised marking friendly's with IR lazer. How copy?" Ghost says over comms as Johnny points a lazer in the sky.

"Copy Bravo 0-7........copy your mark." Graves

"Shadow-1 be advised Hassan is moving with armed gaurd. You cover extranal as we clear the buildings. How copy?" Ghost

"Good copy 0-7, We'll secure the area so you can move in. Stand by." Graves says as I get into cover and Ghost does the same next to me.

"Roger that." Ghost says over comms as we wait to hear back from them. Once we hear we stack up and move in on the Stable's, "Soap freeze down on the right."

"Aye," He says back as he breaks off from us and moves to the right side of the building. Alejandro stacksup on the right of the door me and Ghost are on the left. As we clear the building Ghost is still on comms with Graves and he said to clear out of the building now. Ghost grabs my arm and pulls me to the right toward Soap.

"Clear level that building." Ghost says as we reach the other side of the road. We watch as the building gets shot at by 40mm's rainning down. (40mm means a 40 mike mike it's hard to explain what it is, but it makes a very big mess of anything it lands on)

"Shadow-1 can you get eye's in the green house if you don't see Hassan level it." Ghost says back over the comms once to building comes down.

"Copy 0-7 stand by. No Hassen be advised danger close keep your guys back we are firing on the green house." Graves

"Rog." Ghost "Shadow-1 good effect on target we're moving up."

"Roger 0-7." Graves

As we push up some are still alive, "Dust them." Ghost says as me then Soap fires on them. "Where is this fucker?" Soap asks.

"Has to be in that compound." Alejandro answers him back. As we move to a small shead between the green house and the compound. I start to walk past Ghost to the next cover as Ghost grabs the back of my vest and pulls me back behind him as bullets go flying by.

He calls it out to Graves as he steps out and fires back at them taking a round I go and grab him bring him back over to the cover. I check his vest and thank god it hit there and not him as I kiss his cheek through the mask.

They are firing on everything that moves as Graves comes back over comms, "Ghost no movement detected what's your status?"

"He'll be alright round hit the plate." Soap

"Affrim good thing your aim isn't shite like their's." Ghost says back.

"Rodger that 0-7. Be advised your clear up to the compond, but the gate is blocked at this time." Graves

"Copy give us a way in. Yeah?" Ghost

"We'll open the door for you, Stand by." Graves say I hear another 40mm going down toward the gate. "Ghost doors open your clear to move in."

Ghost and I are still stacked up as we move toghether without saying a word. We clear to the door of the house, "Breaching....Posative ID on Hassan." Ghost says over comms. Clearing the rest of the house as they are pushing Hassan out the door on the second level.

We push and kill his guard and then I see his face and I freeze something I haven't done in years. Ghost notices I've stopped and sees the look in my eye's that says I'm not ok. He doesn't come to me, but steps in front of me blocking me from Hassan as Soap comes over.

"It's ok Ash we've got you your safe." I came back to myself as a tear is rolling down my check and move my hand to catch it. This was the man that got away I remember his face when I had him scoped in with my sniper as they get him bound Rudy comes over comms, "Pulling up outside now."

They put a bag over his head and I couldn't help myself I walked over to him and punched him knocking him up. "What was that for?" Alejandro.

I didn't say anything as Soap gets him up and carriers him to the suv. Once in the car Soap is in the back with Hassan leaving me and Ghost in the middle the other's up front. Ghost pulls me to his side and I melt into him, "Rudy, not a word." I hear Alejandro say in spanish.

I don't cry because I knew we weren't out of the woods yet then I lean up so my lips were right by his ear. "He was one of the one's that got away when I lost my dad." I feel him tence and put his hand on his side arm. I put my hand over his and just shake my head no, "Killing him would be an act of war."

He pulls me closer to him and I fell him kiss my check through his mask. "We need to find away we can spend some time together. I can feel myself slipping away since we got here. This place is not good for me right now."

"I know baby we will find away," He turns to Soap then back to me. "I'm sure Johnny would be more then willing to help us find away." He says as he looks at Johnny.  "I have a few spots back at base that only me and Rudy know about." Alejandro says as I turn to Johnny who smiles and nods at us to say of course I'd help you.

As we pull over to the side of the road as we approch a town that Al said we might find trouble.

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