Recruting Seal Team 2

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Price POV

I invited Ash out to lunch to talk to her about her becoming part of the team I got there first as I got a tea and waited for her. She comes in a few mintues later and she smiles when she see's me and walks over to sit with me.

"So Ash I wanna start out by saying you would be a great fit to the team, but I don't only want you...." I take a breath then say, "I want your whole team. You would still lead them, but you anwser to me"

I see she's excited to bring her team in on this as well, "Wait why do want all of us?" She asks as she places her order then I do as well. "You guy's are a well oiled team you work well together. So I didn't wanna just take you we could use your team on this plus it keeps you all safe."

"I see Sir." She says as I can tell she's still excited to be apart of 141, "Now I expitect everyone to get along and be level headed. I know your team has a big ego with all you guy's have done." She gives me a nod then says, "I will make sure to keep them in check Sonny just get's hot headed sometimes, but as long as you don't order us to leave one of are own behind they will follow you to the letter."

I give her a nod and say, "I'd only give that order if we would lose more lives then we'd save to get them back." "I can understand that Cap." She says then we have a normal converstion tell I bring up Ghost I see her stiffen at his name.

"I see you and Ghost already get along great." I say when she gives me a smile then says, "Ya I can see why my brother liked him so much and he kinda reminds me of my dad who I miss so much." I smile as I remember John telling Ghost that she hasn't found a man that's as good as her dad. I hoped she would bring out the man under the mask he needed someone in his life.

"He's the best fighter I have on 141 so I could see why he reminds you of your dad." She looks up at me as I say that then asks, "You knew my dad?" I smile at her again then say, "Yeah your dad saved my ass back in the day. We did two more mission together before he was taken from us."

We talked more then when we were done eatting I told her, "Have your team ready and meet us on the air strip I'll have a plane waiting to take us all to are base at 0800." "Copy that Cap see you then," She says as I close the door to her car then walk to mine as I headed to the guy's to tell them to get ready to leave in the morning.

I pulled up as Ghost asks, "How did it go is she joining us with her team." I give him a smile then say to him and the rest, "Yes they are so we will treat them like are own Scotty's team should be there to when we get back."

They all nod at me as we all go to get are stuff ready to leave as I look to Ghost and say so only he can hear me, "You remind her of her dad Ghost. Go easy on her tell she's ready to be with you Yeah?" He gives me a nod as I see him smiling under the mask as I leave them to go tell 'Lawsell' about her girl joining us as well as Scotty.

"Karen I need to keep them both close to keep them the safe I promise I'd give my own life before you have to lose another kid." She shakes her head at me then says, "I could live if I lost Scotty......but not Ash that would break me John."

I give her a nod then say, "Ash already has Ghost wrapped around her finger Karen and you know how he is when it comes to protecting his people." She looks at me so fast then says, "Ghost likes my Ash?"

"Yes I'm sure she likes him back she told me he reminded her of Randy...." I say as I see a smile on her face then she says, "Good you tell him to take care of my little girl she's still to broken from John boy's death."

I give her a nod and say, "If anyone can help her with that it's Simon you know that and I already told him to go easy on her tell she was ready for him." "He breaks her heart and I'll kill him." I let out a laugh as I knew Simon would let her. "Don't worry I'll keep an eye on her to and is there anything I need to know about Scotty's team join us all?"

"I almost forgot Johnny or Foxxxy has a thing for her and she gave into him in the past but she ever felt anything for him so keep on eye out for it." She says to me as I nod I wouldn't let him do anything dumb Simon would tear him apart without thinking twice.

"Ok I'm gonna go get some rest hopefully see you soon Yeah?" I ask hoping she'd tell her kids the truth soon about her job.

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