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Price POV

I called all the Ranger's to my office I was more then mad at what happened Scott knocks and opens the door as I wave them inside. I'm standing in front of my desk leaning back on it, "So I told you all when I brought you here to get along. I don't wanna have to send you all away because of this so Foxxxy front and center." I say as he moves to be in front of me.

"If I let you and the team stay are you gonna stop being an ass? Word of advice for you kid.....Ghost is not someone who will hold back I'm honsetly suprised you are still breathing."

He hung his head low he knew his actions are what's gonna put his team in danger. "Cap I can't tell you anything you wanna hear and I can't promise I wont do it again...." I admire him for his honesty as I turn to Scott.

"What do you think I should do?" I ask Scott as he looks to the rest of his men knowing if they leave they could lose anyone of them. Scott looks to Johnny then the rest of the team they all nod at him, "Send us back Cap. I just want my sister happy and she can't be while we are here."

"Ok go get your things you leave in 2 hours." I say as they leave I ask Scott to stay for a talk. "That's a brave call to make even though it puts your team in danger.....Take care of yourselves. Yeah?" He gives me a smile and says, "Always Cap. Johnny knows how bad he messed up and he's the reason we have to go back. I do ask one thing of you Cap!"

He says as he looks dead at me and I give him a nod to go on, "She is all I have left to live for other then mom. When I found out they were having a girl I was so excited I couldn't wait to have a little sister to take care of. We didn't always get alone growing up but I can't lose her Cap neither can my mom."

I can see the pain leaving here brings him but he was a great team leader and knew what he had to do. I move closer to him and say, "Scott I promise you that I would rather died then you lose another sibling. I will treat her as if she's my own and always put what's best for her first."

He nods then let's out a laugh, "Don't underestimate her either Price she is the best of us and can handle way more then you can think. Also tell Ghost she's his to protect now see you agian hopefully Cap." He says as he turns and leaves my office to go get ready and I hated sending him back Karen would kill me if she found out.

I called both Ash and Simon to come see me because I knew she was just like her dad with the anger problems. I didn't wanna send them away but Scott's told me Foxxxy wont play nice so I had no choice. I see them walk in hand and hand it makes me smile I was happy for them as I wave for them to take a set.

"Ash I don't wanna do this, but I've talked to your brother and he doesn't think Foxxxy will play nice. So I'm sending them back to Afganistan. Scott knows the risks and thinks it's better for everyone that they go back." I can see in her face she was upset but understood why I was doing this.

"Ok Cap when are you sending them away?" She asked I knew it was so she could say goodbye to her brother. "They leave in 1 hour." She nods as she stands to go and I say, "Ash if anything goes wrong with them we will go right away."

She gives me a smile as Simon stands to and she says, "Thanks Cap see you later." She says as they leave.


God I wanted to punch the living daylights out of Johnny for doing this and making them be in danger. Ghost grabbed my hand as we walked over to the plane taking them away Scotty sees me as I turn to Ghost. He gives me a nod as he lets go of my hand and I run to my brother who pickes me up in his arms as he hugs me back.

"Please stay safe bro....I can't lose you to." I whisper in his ear as he sets me on my feet but doesn't let me go. "Ash we will be fine I promise you won't lose me ok. I love you." He had both hands on my face so I was looking at him when he told me he loved me.

I lean up and kiss his cheek he lets me go then he walks over to Ghost I smile as I knew he was gonna tell him I was his to take care of now. I turn to rest of his team and Johnny couldn't look me in the eye's, good he knew this was because of him.

"Linky?" I say to him and he looks at me, "You make sure he doesn't die on me?" I feel a tear come out of my eye Lincoln comes over and wipes it away as he gives me a hug to. "Always sister and you take care of yourself!"

I step back and say, "Don't I always?" That gets him and the rest of the Rangers to laugh to as I move and give each one of them hugs tell I get to Johnny. "I know you understand what you did now your job is to keep your team and brothers alive you hear me?" I wasn't stern like I thought I'd be as he finally looks at me.

"Yes Reaper I copy you." I give him a nod as I walk away back to Ghost who was still talking to my bro. Scotty puts his hand out for Ghost to shake and he does to my suprise as Ghost pulls him into a bro hug. "Always mate." I hear Ghost say to him as I wrap my brother in another hug and put my head in his chest.

"Everything with work out Ash it always does," I can tell he knew I was holding back tears so he moved my head to look up at him as he lightly kisses my forhead. "I love you little sister and I will see you again."

He unwrappes my arms from around him as he looks to Ghost who wraps his arms around me as I let a tear fall. I had to worst feeling about sending them away, "I love you Scotty." I say as he walks to the plane he turns and gives me a smile and a wink then gets on the plane.

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