Laswell?? Mom??

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Ghost has me in his arms as he takes us off the plane when my eye's ajust to the sun I see the one person I didn't think I would. "Mom??" I ask as she walks next to Ghost making sure I was ok as he was suprised to see her here.

"How did you know I was hurt?....." I thought back to when we told Laswell Scott and I were both hurt then it clicked. "Mom have you been lying to us this whole time?" I can see I was right it was writen all over her face as Ghost sets me down on the bed and backs up.

"I never told you because it would put you in more danger to know what I do, but now that you both are here....I finally decied to tell you...." I can tell she thought I was gonna be mad as I let out a laugh, "So the whole time when I couldn't tell you anything I was doing you already knew?"

She nodded her head yes at me as the Doctor said I need more blood then Ghost said they could take more from him. "Wait she can only have O- blood!" Mom said as I look to her and say, "Mom he has O- and has already given me a little blood that's why I'm awake right now."

Ghost takes his vest off then pulls his jacket off again and I could see his muscles in his chest as I thought about how much I enjoyed looking at him. They took another bag of his blood as he put his jacket back on, but left it unzipped as I give him a smile. He could tell I liked looking at him as he picked up his vest moving it out of the way.

Ghost then helps me take my vest off then slowly lifts my shirt off so it doesn't hurt the line Clay had put in. "I'll go get your hoddie and sleep shorts of you to change in to. I'll be right back love." He says as he leaves the room as I watch him leave not taking my eye's off him tell I can't see him anymore.

When I turn back to mom she's smiling at me as I shake my head at her, "Yes I know I have it bad mom!" She gives me another smile then says, "I'm just happy your happy he wouldn't have been my first pick for you, but the smile you have when you look at him is all I need."

They hook to blood up at then open it to let it go in as Ghost comes back with my shorts and one of his hoddies. He helps me move to the side of the bed as mom comes around to help me stay standing. He takes my belt off with my leg holster and sets in on the floor then takes my pants off slowly tell he was over where I shot then has me sit to take them off all the way.

He gets my legs in the right spot then pulls them up as I stand again with mom's help and he pulls them all the way on. "I brought you one of my hoddies so it didn't rub up against the IV while you sleep." I give him a smile as he helps me put it on then I say to him, "Thank you love."

I take in the fact he changed to into sweats and a hoddie with a new mask as I can tell he's smiling under the mask as he helps me get back into bed as my mom looks to him, "So Simon you love my girl don't you?" It took me a second to relize she knew his name as I turn to look at him as he gives her a look asking why she used his name.

He looks back to me then says, "Yes that's my first name, but I can't tell you the rest yet. I promise I will when I know I can keep you safe from who will be after you for just knowing it." I give him a nod as he then moves his mask up and gives me a kiss as I kiss him back one hand moves to his face.

When he pulls back he puts his forhead on mine as I try to catch my breath then he turns to my mom. "I know you know about what has happened to me, but she can't know yet and if that asshole finds out she's with me......" He doesn't finish his sentance as my mom nods at him telling him she knew why.

I was kinda mad she knew, but I couldn't be mad then again it was my mom's job intel and she's worked with Price to make 141. The way he said it made me relize they would use me to get to him if they know we are together. I look to him and ask, "Well now that I know your first name can I call you that or should I still call you Ghost?"

He gives me a smile then says, "You can call me that on base, but in the field call me Ghost please love?" I give him a smile as he sits on the bed holding my hand as I say, "I like the name Simon even though I haven't seen your face it kinda fits you." He give me a laugh as he moves to give me another kiss. Then whispers in my ear, "I like it when you call me Simon."

"Ok well I'm gonna go check on your brother get some rest Ash see you tomorrow." My mom says as she leaves the room and I look back to Simon and ask, "Will you stay here with me?" He gives me a smile then says, "Where else would I be love?"

I give him a laugh as I move over so he could lay down with me as he wraps his arms around me pulling me to him. I put my head in his chest and was out in seconds.

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