Kiss Me | Jisung (skz)

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You beckoned your boyfriend to your side with a plan in mind. He came shuffling across the living room floor to where you stood, phone in hand and a devious smile upon your lips. Despite this, he hadn't seemed to notice anything off about you yet. He wore this most innocent gaze as he came to stand before you.

"We are going to recreate booktok men."

Jisung's eyebrows furrowed as he shoved his hands in his hoodie pocket. "Booktok men?"

You nod fervently, placing your phone down on the back of the couch to get yourself into position. "Yes. I'm going to make you do things bookworms think is super hot and you are going to fulfill all my fantasies."

Jisung's frown turned into a grin almost instantly at the mention of making you happy. He waited for you to figure a couple of things out before following closely behind as you guided him to a wall.

"Now, what I need you to do is press me against this wall." You point to the one behind you. "As you do that, you need to take your left arm and raise it above my head, leaning in."

You mimic the actions like he you had seen originally on TikTok. You take your right knee, lifting it up slightly to signify where Jisung needed to put it. After explaining it thoroughly, you clapped your hands together in confidence.

Jisung hesitantly moves, attempting to be gentle with you as he pushes you back by the top of your chest. You smile brightly, noticing how he reacted the same as the video you had seen. Still, you kept silent as he pressed you firmly against the wall, doing exactly as you instructed and leaning in.

However, to make it more comfortable for him, Jisung's right hand slid up your neck, resting softly at the base of your throat as he lent it. He smirked upon noticing your eyes fluttering up at him, feeling confident in the actions he was performing because of your request.

"Like that?" He whispers, face just mere centimeters from yours. Jisung was not the type to initiate such moves on his own without being somewhat tempted. He's flirted numerous times with you before, almost like a daily habit of his, but booktok actions were a whole other genre for him. Despite this, he wanted to please you in any way possible and did exactly whatever you asked for.

The smirk never left his lips as he breathed heavily on you. The sweet scent of him was too tempting, so you pushed yourself off the wall to meet him halfway. Unfortunately, you are dating a tease, and he backed away instantly. You tried not to pout at the loss of his body against your own.

"What's next?" He asks, laughing to himself when he notices your expression.

You rolled your eyes, moving to glance at your phone again. The couple in the videos had a few different positions they reenacted, so you chose a couple of your favorites to save. The next one was a little less intimate, but still extremely attractive.

"So I'm going to place my arm on your left shoulder, I dunno why but I am, and I need you to wrap your hand around my wrist."

You instructed him where he needed to stand for this one, grabbing his left hand to cross over and grip your wrists lightly. He watched carefully as you pretended to yank him forward, informing him every movement. When he finally got it down, you tried again.

"Ready?" You ask, unable to stop the smile forming.

Jisung waits for you to place your arm on his shoulder before enacting his next part, reaching to grab your arm. However, when he did so, he yanked a little too soon and threw you off balance. Immediately you were pulled into his chest, pushing him back against the wall again.

He starts laughing as he pushes you back, grabbing you by the chin and turning your face side to side to check if you were alright. "I'm sorry, babe." He giggles to himself for a moment as attempts to silence the laughter by buying his bottom lip.

You rolled your eyes at him. "Yank my arm off why don't cha," you grumble. You couldn't help but laugh slightly too, the image of his surprised expression etched into your mind.

You both try again, resuming the previous positions with your hand on his shoulder. This time, Han successfully grasps your wrist in his hold and pulls on it, bringing you right up to his face. Your connected hands raise high into the air to give him more room to close in on. You could tell that now you wore the surprised expression.

"Gotcha," he teases, quickly pecking your lips before releasing you and attempting to walk away.

You grabbed his hood for his sweatshirt, forcing him to stop in place. "Not so fast," you warn him, peeking your head over his shoulder. He tried to looks down at you but found it difficult while still facing forward.

"What? You got more?"

It was your turn to smirk. "No, but you owe me so many kisses now."

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