Select A King|Zuho choice

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You have chosen the path for

Baek Juho.This path

is for you, the Queen, to be

married to the prince of Zaharan.

If you wish

to continue, please scroll down.


You peered around the entry way of the bedroom. Inside it was dark and mysterious, drawing you in. Your heart was beating erratically against your chest as your breathing quickened. Curiousity was taking over your body.

In your own home, such reactions seemed ridiculous. But it was difficult not to be curious and anxious, ever since he came here. The night at the ball, when you had chosen him to be your King, you didn't expect him to be this way. To always retreat to a separate room and ignore you, telling you he had important work that needed to be done.

"Being the King for this country is more than loving you," he had said.

It was becoming too much for your liking. Now he rarely came out of the room, not even a simple greeting or smile passed your way the whole month. You also couldn't tell why you felt so strongly about sorting this problem out, but you knew it would only become worse if left alone. So, when not receiving an answer from his servants, you decided to check on him yourself.

But he was being so gloomy, it appeared. The light was not on, nor did you hear anything from inside that would indicate he was even there. You knew he was, though, as he hadn't taken a step out if there since he had run from your last conversation.

Taking a steady inhale, you slipped yourself into the bedroom and closed the door behind you. Hesitantly, you stepped into the complete darkness and held your hands away from your night gown to feel for anything beside you. The slippers on your feet scuffing lightly with each step.

"Why are you here?" The voice gruffly spoke into the room, startling you. There was a twist at the door that was eerily similar to the sound of a lock, creating more tension. "Who allowed you in here?"

You stood still, not turning to look at Juho as you knew he was there. "It is my home before it is your palace, my dear. Remember that." Sighing, you relaxed your shoulders to show him you had no fear. "It should be that way for you, too. Yet it seems you aren't as thrilled with my home as your own?"

He suddenly was closer to you. His hot breath on your neck as he spoke lowly, "Get out."

Your eyebrows furrowed. His change in demeanor was quite unfathomable. You heart clenched at his words and as you go to turn, a hand on your shoulder stops you. "What is the meaning of this?!"

Unintentionally, your voice had raised at him. Whether it was due to anxiety feeling building up, or the thoughts of your brain suddenly becoming more irrational, it had made your body full of quick and sharp actions. Some you were already regretting.

His hand retracted. "Please, my queen," he whispered in distraught. "I'm begging you."

Your heart ached at the way his voice sounded. Rough, terrible, and not the same as what you were use to. Despite his strong feeling of discomfort, you turned to face your husband, not knowing what else you could do.

At first, it was hard to see each detail of him. The nighttime surrounded the both of you and limited your sight. But, with the small wisps of sudden moonlight, you could see it. A gleaming, sharp and stunning white fang protruded from his slightly opened lips. The cherry red color that he typically had was lightened to a pale pink, and the life in his body was seemingly gone.

He was still there, though, and you knew it. His dark brown eyes stared fiercely into your own, both full of fear and surprise. Almost on instinct, he attempted to leave the room and you. But your hand had reached out for him immediately, catching his soft cheek within your palm.

"This is why you have been avoiding me?" You questioned aloud, taking in every aspect of him. "What were you afraid of?" You easily slip a finger over his cheek bone to massage it, before pushing your hand to the side of his head and tangling your fingers in his hair.

He didn't say anything. He watched anxiously as you thread your fingers lightly through the black tendrils that had fallen from the slicked back hair he usually pulls off. You gently put them into place, fixing small parts of him that would have gone unnoticed to any other eye.

But it was you. You had known him for a little while now, after that night. You learned to trust the man and watch as he grew to become a powerful King beside you. A caring, beautiful man whom you started to love. A thing like this moment wouldn't scare you away.

Your hand begun to retract to your side when he grabbed it. Eyes intensely searching for answers, you watched him keep your palm on his cold cheek. "I didn't want you to see this. To see such a side of me. It's hideous."

The stinging in your heart increased a little more. "How long did you plan to be this way? To distance yourself from your wife?" You took a small step closer to him. "You are everything but hideous, darling. I want you to realize that this is just another part of you I have to become accustomed to."

Juho stared down at you, eyes full of disbelief and the same fear. "Why aren't you afraid of me, my queen? Why are you still so gentle to a beast?"

You smiled for the first time in a while. "You are not a beast, Juho. You are someone whom I have fallen for. I can't just ignore you after finding out you have such large teeth."

He closed his eyes and leaned into your palm. "But I'm like this multiple times within my life span. I will get urges that aren't humanely. Thirsting for blood is not the norm! It isn't what a King should do."

"And you won't," you voiced. "You won't become a monster that thirsts for blood, but my husband that needs something else to survive."

Juho takes in a deep breath, closing his lips to hide away the fangs. "Will you be able to love me?"

Standing on the tip of your toes, you place a gentle kiss to his pink lips. "Always and forever, my King." You watch as the small tendrils if hair fall out of place again as he quickly moves to lean closer into you. He pushed his lips against your own again, as if seeking for the comfort you promised to bring.


Thank you for choosing Zuho.

His pathway has ended🍂

Comments and thoughts are welcome🍂

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