Four letters|Geumhyuk(VAV)

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"I can't believe he's doing this."

I smiled at the person who spoke those words, their eyes about popping out of their head. I shrugged at him with a small laugh. "I can. He's been like this for awhile. At least, with me."

He shook his head. "No, no. Geumhyuk doesn't do this kind of thing. I mean, he's a bad guy! He robs people and destroys their homes for fun. This ain't him."

I chuckled at him. I could tell that it was difficult for him to see Geumhyuk in the way he is right now, but I knew better. This man before us had changed a lot. Whether he could admit it or not, he had grown soft. And there was probably only three reasons for that.

His friend sighed, pushing his cigarette into the small container next to him before tossing it in the trash. "It's weird ya know? I've been with this boy for twenty-sum'in years. Seeing him like this? It's not normal."

I nodded, crossing my arms and snuggling into my red sweater. The cool December air was finally getting to me the longer we stayed outside. "But it's not a bad thing," I reason, glancing his way. "Jae, you've known him for a long time. Enough to know that he was capable of changing. But there was a few things in his life that had to happen before he could."

Jae shook his head, scuffing his feet on the iced sidewalk. "Yeah, I know. His mom passing on and all." He shoved his hands into his black jacket before looking back up at the scene before him. "But he's got you two. And that's what he really needed."

I also looked back to the scene. Geumhyuk was playing happily with my daughter. Her four-year-old self was running around the empty park and was going to eventually tire him out. They both were laughing loudly, playing whatever game they happened to create. But it didn't matter what it was, because they were ecstatic nonetheless. It was a special bond only the two of them had.

"He got real lucky," Jae says, breathing out a cloud of smoke as he sighed. "Havin' the two of you is gonna shape his life. I see it now."

I patted his shoulder. "It isn't like you don't have the chance to change as well, Jae. You can make your own decisions. We said we would help support you if that's what it takes."

Jae smiled slightly and shook his head. "No thanks, doll. I like my life now. Eventually, when I see fit, I will change. Doesn't seem like it took a lot for him." He points to Geumhyuk who rested against a tree, my daughter laying against him.

"Four letters can change a person," I whispered softly. "She has a big heart. Even he couldn't resist it."

As we go to walk to the two of them, Jae replies: "He also has you, Chae. That's the biggest reason he is so happy now. If it wasn't for you, he'd probably be dead in an alley by now."

I swallowed harshly, not wanting the image to sit in my mind. I walked up to my boyfriend and daughter and forced a smile before sitting in the snow beside them.

Geumhyuk grinned, wrapping his arms around me to pull me to his side. "Hello, babe. What were you guys talking about?" He places a soft kiss to my temple, rubbing my arms to keep me warm.

I smirked. "Talking crap about you, of course." I reached over to play with my daughter's hair as she laid tiredly against his chest. "And how you give Luna so much energy."

He laughed. "She is the one who has the energy!" He defended helplessly. He then glanced to his friend who sat next to him. "But seriously, what happened? You both look so..."

Jae shrugged. "Just reminiscing the old days when you were a trouble maker. Who knew you were such a family guy." He playfully pushes Geumhyuk's shoulder. "It's weird to see ya being so soft."

Geumhyuk rolled his eyes. "I am not soft, okay? I'm still the same me. I just don't go around causing trouble to get me locked up forever." He glanced down to Luna who started to drift asleep in his arms. "She'll miss me too much."

Jae chuckled, leaning against the large tree trunk. "Just her?"

Geumhyuk stayed silent, his mind probably running with thoughts on how he felt. It didn't take him long to say: "I'll miss her too."

Jae attempted to hide his shock, but eventually it turned into a smile. He let out another laugh and turned to look up at the sky. "Right."

We stayed like that for awhile, just enjoying the night before I deemed it too cold for Luna to stay in. Geumhyuk swooped her in his arms and we all started to head home, Jae leaving in his own vehicle. We bid our goodbyes, Geumhyuk's friend giving me one last proud smile before waving at us.

The minute we got home, he carried her to her bed and carefully took care of her. Then he proceeded to meet me in our bedroom. When his eyes met mine, he smiled sincerely. "Thank you," he whispered.

"For what?" I asked, hanging up my jacket in the closet.

"For everything. For going on a date with me that one night. For continuing to see me. Showing me a better path. Allowing me to meet your daughter."

My heart fluttered as he said that. I turned to see him lying on our bed, his sleeves ridden up to show his tattoos. The newest one was still slightly pink and in black was mine and Luna's initials. I had told him he should reconsider putting permanent ink like that on him, but he insisted. Now I see it all the time. It was more special in moments like these.

I climbed onto our bed, laying right next to him to watch his facial expressions. "How come you care about us so much?"

Geumhyuk gently moves a tendril of hair behind my ear before holding the side of my face. "Because I love you. And I love her. Luna never got the chance to have a good father. I wanted to change for her to show her not all men are bad. You both are my whole world. You gave my life meaning."

I bit my lip as I stared at him. "You mean it? You really want to be there for her? For us?"

"Forever and always, my love. I wouldn't have the heart to live on without you."

Scrunching my nose, I shake my head. "Don't say that. You can live on. You just need courage."

Geumhyuk was silent for a few seconds. He gauges my expression and sincerity behind my voice. After confirming it, he leans in to place a soft kiss on my lips. "I love you, Chae."

"I love you too, Geumhyuk."

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