Chapter 24 : Communication

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Rain's POV

I yawned as I woke up and rubbed my eyes. The sunlight was hit my face through the windows, I looked over to see a sleeping Vix hugging my closely with her head on my chest. I smiled a bit while I crass her long grey and brown hair, I then kissed her on her cheeks. She groaned but she was still sleeping, I looked at the ceiling and thought to myself, its getting harder to wake up.

I then got up thinking, I feel weaker every day, my throat was hurting as I coughed into my elbow, I carefully pulled away from Vix and got up to go wash my face. I warped to the bathroom I ended up vomited blood in the sink, I was a bit dizzy so I held onto the sink for support. I coughed up a bit more blood with my throat feeling like it was scratching sandpaper, I felt a sharp pain in my heart as I fell down grabbing my heart . It burned. I groaned, as I tried to get my meds but then I realized crap, I'm not wearing my clothes. I walked back to the bedroom to get my meds, as I walked I noticed a fully awake Vixen inspecting my medicine.

I froze dead silent.

She then looked at me as she got out of the bed. She walked up to me and looked up at me dead in my eyes, she said quietly,"Explain."

I immediately said,"It's not what you think-"

Vix gripped the bottle tightly, she said slowly,"I want you to be perfectly honest with me, Ash."

I held out a hand and pleaded,"It's true, It's my medicine."

She sighed in relief then she looked at me with concerned,"For what? Are you okay?"

I opened my mouth to speak but said nothing. I wanted to tell her but I couldn't find the words. to. Actually I don't know if I do want to tell her. I wanted to protect her from the pain right?

She then handed me the bottled and said quietly,"Communication is key in a healthy relationship Rain. I won't pry if you don't want me too. But remember you had some toxic relationships in the past because of things like this."

I bit my lip and looked away,"I know."

I was then mindlinked by a voice sounding like Cole, he linked,"Rain, I kinda need your help on something. Like right now."

I took her arms and softly said,"I need to go somewhere."

Vix pulled away and said with her gaze elsewhere,"Yeah whatever, I need to do something too."

I wanted to grab her hand and tell her everything but I decided against it. I put on my clothes and opened up a portal, before walking through I looked back and said,"I'll talk later."

Some Time Later

I came out of the warp, scratching my head annoyed,"What?"

I saw Lexa, Ariel, and Cole standing there waiting for me.

They were all dressed in winter clothing and with packs with camping gear inside, Ariel's blue locks were tied up behind her back, Cole had his hood up and his mask on, Lexa was wearing a long winter coat, first I ever see her cover up, I noticed they all have their weapons too.

Lexa said,"Before you guys's left for Vix's birthday, me and Ariel did a scouting mission here, that's how we got hurt before."

I then realized the snow that was falling wasn't snow. It was ash. We were at the mouth of the Ash Valley. I frowned and said,"What in the name of the goddess would you come here for? It's not exactly a vacation here."

The valley was a large a valley between two massive mountain ranges that go up to the skies. It was special since it seems like nothing lived there, the trees were bare and withered, the ground was covered the gray mush with ash mixed in with a mixture of mud and half melted ice. It snowed constantly of just ashes, it was always so windy that you could barely see the ground infront of you. But the most important thing you need to know about the valley, the foaming mouth disease.

Cole said while twirling his scythe,"I was also called onto this mission now, it's to retrieve the supposed elemental crystal here. It was apparently a matter of the upmost importance."

I frowned,"Yeah but why am I here?"

"Cole said that you lived here before? I know it's a bit much but can you help us? Please I'll owe you, plus if we went in there again we'll probably die without you,"Lexa pleaded. Ariel gave a reaffirming nod to try and help.

I looked at the valley, man I really don't wanna do this.  Didn't have good memories going in, also this place is like the worst.

I warped my swords to my back and said,"First things first, everyone mask up, I assume part of the reason you didn't get far is becuase you where breathing in ash."

Ariel and Lexa hugged my happily, Lexa said,"Thank you!!!"

"Yeah whatever, you owe me,"I said

"I knew it!!"Cole said while pointing at me,"See? Told you to not breath in that crap."

Lexa rolled her eyes and whispered,"With him we didn't even get five feet in."

"I heard that!!"He called out.

I snickered a bit and I asked,"Okay but I need to know what you guys did exactly in there to get hurt so I can lay down some ground rules."

Lexa leaned onto Ariel and looked up at the sky,"Well first we tried warping in but it was like some invisible force kept us out, we got slammed into a wall. Then we tried walking in, fell into a ditch, then we just decided to use our powers to move the ash away and that were things got weird."

I sighed,"Let me guess, it went out off control bouncing everywhere and you all almost died?"

She nodded, I held up my hand and said,"Okay first rule, don't use powers ever. You were lucky that time but next you could have torn yourself in half. I never found out what it is but that place is a dead zone for powers. Two, travel light and fast always be ready to move at a moment's notice. Three-"

"Wait,"Cole said,"If we can't use our powers, doesn't that mean you can't see? Maybe you shouldn't-"

I punched his arm and said,"It's fine, I can still move around okay with just my hearing, just don't rely on me too much in a fight okay?"

He nodded concern, I thought to myself, It's actually better for me anyway.

I continued,"Three, don't ever engage with the foaming mouth disease wolves unless absolutely necessary."

Ariel said worriedly,"They're actually real?"

Lexa put her hand on her hip and said,"We kinda need some info on them, all we know is that they live in this valley and that they are extremely dangerous."

I leaned against a tree and thought about it. I sighed and said,"It's kinda hard to explain but to put it simply their zombies, they usually have parts of them missing and there a stench of rotting flesh too. Don't get touch by their blood or saliva and definitely not the foam. Also keep in mind some of them do have some level of intelligence and can even past off as a normal werewolf. Other than that, your good!"

Ariel covered her mouth and said,"That's horrifying."

Cole went up to me and asked,"How did you live with them? Why would you chose to live in such a horrible place?"

I said nothing. Then I stood straight and said,"Okay let's get going pups!! But first Ariel I'm going to need some of your blood."

I jumped behind her and sank my fangs into her neck, she yelped and said,"Whyyy meee!?!"

 I could feel Cole's gaze on me but I chose to ignore it. Ariel's blood tasted kinda like syrup, I licked the wound and then walked infront of them,"Okay so who want to adventure into certain death?"

Lexa raised her hand and said,"I do!!"

I pointed at her,"That's the spirit!! Let's goo!!"

We traverse the ash covered snow as I led them into the depths of the valley of ash.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SO THIS MARKS THE HALF WAY MARKER OF THE BOOK, WOOOO!!!!! THIS NEXT PART IS GOING TO BE EPIC!!!!! :)

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