4. Testing

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Sorry it's late my internet when out yesterday😭

Morticia and Gomez were already on their way to Nevermore. They had called Larissa the night they got the call to inform her they were going to be picking Wednesday up early from school again.

"Thank you Lurch we'll be back in a bit" she said walking into the academy with Gomez.

"Amor, look it's a picture of Wednesday and her roommate winning a trophy together" Gomez said stopping to look at his little raven.

"I'm not surprised she hasn't told us this" she said knocking on Larissa's office door

"Come in!" Larissa said while putting her things away "Morticia Gomez glad to see you guys again. So since you're picking Wednesday up I need you to sign this form to confirm it's for health reasons" she said handing them the forms.


"Ok thank you, I hope to see you guys soon and hope everything works out well with Wednesday's appointment" Larissa says softly while putting the form aside.

"Thank you Larissa, see you soon" she says walking out making her way to Wednesday's dorm

"Wednesday we're here!" She says knocking on her door

"Good morning Mr and Mrs Addams" Enid says opening the door, it opens enough to see Wednesday tangled in her blankets asleep.

"Hello Enid, why hasn't Wednesday woken up yet?" Gomez said while looking at Wednesday from the doorway.

"Oh! I just woke up sorry so she isn't up yet I was just about to take a shower you guys can come in and get her if you'd like" Enid said moving aside

"Thank you Enid" she said walking in with Gomez

"Yeah no problem see you guys soon" she said walking into the bathroom to take her shower

"So... how do we wake her?" Gomez asked.

"Well how about you wake her up and I pick her out some comfy clothes?" she exclaimed while walking to Wednesday's closet

"Alright" he sat down on her bed "My little raven it's time to wake" he said softly rubbing her back

"Mmm" she said tiredly opening her eyes

"Oh dear you look terrible" he said worriedly looking at her almost transparent looking face

"Thank you father" she said weakly her eyes drooping

"Here dear wear this okay we have to get going" she said, setting the clothes on her desk

"We'll be just outside the door okay?" Gomez said walking out with Morticia

Wednesday knew she didn't have the strength to get dressed by herself right now. However, she had to give it a shot because she knew it would be embarrassing for her to have to ask her mother for help. The pain in her throat and head was unbearable and not enjoyable. She had no choice but to ask her mother for help.

"Mother! I need some assistance" she said loud enough for her to hear. Soon enough the door opened and closed revealing her mother.

"What seems to be the matter dear? Want me to help you up?" Morticia then helped Wednesday get up and change.

"You feeling a bit better now dear? Or do you want your father to carry you to the car?" She said helping Wednesday to the door

"I can walk" she mumbles seeing her father teary-eyed as she starts walking to the car


Wednesday had started to feel a bit better now but her head still hurt and her parents seemed to notice while they started driving to the hospital.

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