14. why

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Warning: this chapter's complete dog shit

Wednesday had woken up at six in the morning drenched in her own sweat. Her mother came over to check if she had a fever. She didn't and she didn't feel nauseous either but her body did feel tense. Her mother gave her an extra pair of clothes she had brought for her just in case. She walked into the bathroom to change. She noticed that the area where she had radiation was irritated. She grabbed the bottle of lotion she had been given and put it on her chest. However, she couldn't quite reach her back so she had to call her mother over for some help.

Once she had finished getting ready they had to go in for her treatment and then they were told by a nurse that they could go home. They walked in for her treatment repeating the same process as yesterday but she felt a bit more comfortable this time.

Following her treatment, they were told they could leave. Her mother was signing her out while she was walking out to the car. Lurch walked out of the front seat and opened the car door for her. She slipped into her usual spot in the car while she waited for her mother to finish signing her out.


When they got home and entered the house Pugsley and her father immediately ran up to her. They took turns giving her a light hug but her father wouldn't let her go when it was his turn. She eventually got him to let her go by saying they could have a family dinner.

Her parents led her to the dining room acting like this was her first time in the house. She took her usual seat next to Pugsley, who was eager to start eating. After her father served everyone their food he took his seat next to her mother signaling everyone to dig in.

She was starving and couldn't wait to eat. After she took her first bite of the food she noticed she was having trouble swallowing and this didn't remain unnoticed by her now worried parents.

"What's wrong my little raven? Feeling nauseous?" Her father asked her worriedly

"Is it the food? Because your father could always cook you something else if it's making you feel sick" her mother says setting her fork down

She hated all the questions she was getting from her parents. She hated the attention they were giving her. She wished they had stopped caring so much.

"If it is nausea then we could always give you some medication for that hun" her mother said scooting her chair back to stand up

"No" she mumbled out loud enough for her mother to stop her actions

"I'm not nauseous" she divulged "my throat just hurts."

Her father immediately got up and walked into the kitchen. A couple of seconds later he came out with a painkiller and a cup of water. She said a quick thank you before taking it. She slowly ate her food hoping not to hurt her throat too much with each swallow.

After she finished eating she made her way up to her room and walked over to her typewriter. She hadn't written in a while so she took a seat at the desk her fingers hovering over the keys of the typewriter. All the ideas she had thought of at the hospital were gone in an instant. She frustratingly put her head in her hands.

Why couldn't she write? Why was this so hard for her to do? Why couldn't she focus?

She was angry with herself, why couldn't she just do this one simple thing? After a while of trying to force herself to think of something to write she gave up walking over to her bed and collapsing onto it. She rolled over lying on her back staring at the ceiling. What was wrong with her? Why couldn't she do anything anymore? All of these questions she asked herself made her wonder what would really happen if she died. Would anyone care? Would anyone even bother to attend to her funeral?

Her thoughts were interrupted by the vibration of her phone. She opened up her phone hoping it was Enid texting her to call but it wasn't, it was Ajax.

"Hey Wednesday! How are you doing?" he asked excitedly

"I'm okay thanks for asking, what do you want?" she asked wanting to get straight to the point

"Well... I was wondering if I could go over to your house!"

"Why?" she asked curiously

"Because there is a shit tone of drama I want to tell you about"

"Why can't you just talk about the drama with someone else like Yoko?"

"Because we're shit and drama talking buddies Wednesday"

Whenever we are alone, we always talk about drama and shit. And honestly I do miss hanging out with him. Not that I would say that to his face.

"Alright let me ask my mother. I'll text you later"

"Okay bye Wednesday" he said before hanging up

She made her way slowly downstairs walking into the living room where her parents were watching TV.

"Mother can I have a friend over tomorrow?"

"Yes of course, are they sick?"

She shook her head no.

"Then sure but they can only come after your treatment so I say eleven" her mother said with a smile

"Thanks" she said before walking upstairs to her room to text Ajax the news


Because she felt incredibly gross at the moment, she decided to finally take a shower before going to bed. When she stepped foot into the shower she immediately felt a hurtful sting from where she had radiation done. She had to turn the water pressure down so she could bathe comfortably without experiencing any pain. After her shower she grabbed the lotion and spread it on her chest and back with the help of thing.

She walked over to her bed without her braids. She had decided to leave her hair down because it was starting to fall out easily with just a gentle tug and since she liked her braids tight she knew she would end up accidentally pulling a chunk of hair out of her head. She plopped down onto her bed unable to sleep starting at the blank boring ceiling. However, at this moment it seemed to be the most interesting thing in the room.

Thing immediately understood that it was one of the nights when she would have trouble falling asleep. He scattered over to her typewriter and began typing random things into it, knowing the sound calmed her down enough to send her to sleep. Thing stopped till he could hear the calm, quiet breathing of Wednesday sleeping. He walked over to her bed pulling the covers over her and putting her phone and headphones to charge. He then walked over to his cozy corner in the room to put himself to sleep.

1204 word
Sorry this one is ass
But I'm already starting to write the next chapter so I promise yall the next one won't be as bad as this one. My mind was just not working today sorry😭

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