17. fault

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Within a couple of days of getting the CT-scan done, Wednesday definitely started to feel much better than she had been a couple of days ago. Though she was still feeling nauseous at times it wasn't as severe as before. But her throat was still hurting pretty badly, but her coughs were getting better.

Morticia had gotten a call from Wednesday's doctor telling her that they had gotten back the CT-scan results back and that they would like them to come in I next day so they could discuss this in further detail.

Wednesday had woken up on the day of the appointment feeling weirdly refreshed. However, she knew not to keep her hopes up about being better knowing that tomorrow she was probably gonna feel like shit. All this was a pattern. As soon as she felt like normal again the next day, she would feel awful. But ever since the day of the CT-scan she hasn't been feeling well at all till today which she was quite grateful for.

Once she had arrived at the hospital with her father they walked into the waiting room soon being called in by her doctor. Dr. Martinez led them into his office. His shelves were full of awards and small collectible cars, framed photos of him and what seems to be his wife and kids scattered around his room. They took a seat at his desk while he opened up Wednesday's file and laid it out on his desk.

"Hello good morning its a pleasure to see you guys here today" he said flipping through her file "So from the CT-scan we have found out that the treatment has been working well but.... the mass is not shrinking as much as we had wanted it to " Dr. Martinez said looking at her father.

Gomez froze. It felt like time had stopped for a moment. "So what will happen?" He asked nervously.

"Well the mass has shrunk a significant amount to the point where we would like to only add a few more sessions of radiation therapy to her upcoming cycle" he answered


A couple of days later Wednesday found herself back at the hospital but with her mother this time for her regular chemo and radiation treatment. After she had finished with her chemo she was taken straight to radiation therapy which she had started to hate deeply. She was still thinking about the news that she had gotten from Dr. Martinez a few days earlier. She didn't know what to think about it. While she didn't know much about emotions, she knew the emotion she had made her feel like she had an unpleasant knot in her stomach that caused her to feel sick.

Dr. Martinez had prescribed her two more bottles of anti-nausea pills since at her last visit she was feeling incredibly nauseous. Like she could only look at one point on the wall and if she turned away she would feel herself start to throw up. Luckily the medication actually was starting to help better than her other bottle of anti-nausea medication it didn't fully take her nausea away but she was definitely aloud to look at any were in the room without having the need to throw back up her breakfast.

The only symptoms that bothered her were from radiation therapy. The next day after radiation therapy she would always have a terribly sore throat. However, she also developed a painful rash on her chest. Her back wasn't as inflamed as her chest but it still hurt if she put a bit of pressure on it. Her rash had gotten so severe that she had to go through her brother's closet looking for a soft enough shirt that she could wear. This is because she apparently didn't have any soft clothes to wear.

She was sitting in the waiting room in her usual spot in the corner of the room. She was on her phone looking for upcoming books to buy once she felt good enough to read again. This was because all she was able to do all day was sleep eat and the one spot on the ceiling that kept her from throwing her food up. She had her headphones, which blocked any loud noise she didn't want to hear. Everything was quiet while she was listening to some of her favorite classical music when she heard clapping and cheering outside of the waiting. Normally she wouldn't bother to look but she was far too bored to not want to take a look. When she looked she saw a little boy with a prosthetic leg hugging one of the doctors that stood next to his parents who had huge smiles on their faces. Their eyes were also puffy from what might have been from crying.

She didn't bother to ask questions about what was occurring on. Instead, she just went back onto her phone till she and her father got called in by her doctor.


She was now having trouble sleeping for some reason. Her mother said it might have been because she sleeps all day and stays on her bed all day but who could blame her? Who actually decides to do something productive when they are feeling terrible... that's right nobody.

She still couldn't fall asleep and it was the middle of the night so she thought everyone would have been asleep by now but she thought wrong. When she stepped into the hallway to head downstairs to look for something to do since she was feeling a little better, she heard voices coming from her parents' room. She slowly walked over to her parents' room looking through the crack in the doorway.

She spotted her mother sitting on the side of her bed. Her head was in her hands while she sobbed. Her father was right next to her and crying as well while trying to calm her down. This is because her mother looked like she was on the verge of having a panic attack.

"What are we going to do?" Her mother rasped out her voice tremblingly as she continued to sob

"Morticia, Amor, I d-"

"We can't lose her Gomez! She's far too young to leave so soon" her mother said cutting him off

This was her fault. Everything was always her fault. They were crying because of her.

Wednesday felt everything around her go muffled. She could only hear her own breathing, which was too loud for her to focus on what her parents were saying. She now regrets spying on her parents knowing she now wouldn't be able to look away from the scene that was happening right in front of her eyes. She could feel her legs becoming weaker. She forced herself to look away from the scene that was happening right in front of her eyes. Slowly, she made her way back to her room collapsing onto her bed.

She stuffed her head into her pillow letting out a suffocating sob she didn't know she was holding. It felt like everything around her had stopped. She pulled her blanket on top of herself trying to calm herself down trying not to make too much noise to alert her parents that she was awake.

Her eyes were droopy after all her crying. She didn't even bother to check the time. She just let herself fall into a deep sleep.

Her parents actually cared for her....

1248 words
Sorry if there is any grammar mistakes I didn't have enough time to properly check this chapter

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