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Apparently Nadia had to receive her treatment after that incident which occured and so Eren too. Sometimes I'm in a little bit suspicious about that Female Titan who chase after me. Even I covered my head with my hoodie, she still can recognize me. I don't understand and I still get no clue from that.

Suddenly, the door opened and it was Commander Joakim, Commander Erwin and Captain Levi. I stood up as they entered the room

"Sir, I really sympathize about what's going on. I hope that she will recovering from her consciousness," I said to Commander Joakim.

"No, it's ok, Armin. It's not your fault. But, you have to come with me and discuss about that expedition few days ago, ok?" I nodded after hear his order and left Nadia and Eren while slowly recovered on her bed.

In the meeting, we were discussed about that Female Titan.

"Armin, I need you to answer my question. While during the expedition according one of your comrades, they saw Female Titan didn't only attack you. Do you have any idea why she didn't attack you?" Commander Joakim asked me that question which makes me.

"Sir, I...." I know I was about to tell the truth but even I feel this is strange that she didn't attack me but ran away from me for a while.

"Jean? Reiner? Both of you were with Armin, right?" He then asking Jean and Reiner about the same questions.

"Yes, sir!" Jean and Reiner answered in unison.

"Is it true that it happened to Armin?" He then asked again.

"True, sir! But I managed to kill her but she almost crushed me in her fist," said Reiner

"Hmm, but my guess is you're the only one who didn't cover your head with the hoodie. That's really strange," said Commander Joakim to Reiner.

Oh no, don't tell me that I realized the same fighting technique that Annie usually used during combat training. Could that be Female Titan is... Annie?

Suddenly, Commander Erwin banged the table with his hand. "I think I know who's the person behind the Female Titan. It's someone who has been an imposter among us but not from this regiment,"

As Commander Erwin said that, my eyes widening and wants to know the answer from him.


Man, being the part of Military Police regiment in first week was pretty tough for me. Marlo woke me up as I slept quite late for the duty. I had to take a shower and put on my MP uniform. Marlo asked me to hurry up and we got down together on the stairs.

We lined up in the same line. There's me, Marlo, Hitch and others. Annie would be the last one would appear in our line. The corporal of MP would give our first MP task for guarding duty.

Marlo raised his hand as he didn't got the point about the guarding duty so the corporal urged him to lead in charge for this week's duty. This is the worst idea he ever got.

I would scolded my roommate for being an idiot douchbag. Even Hitch laughed at him for being an asshole. I would suspected that Annie didn't talk a lot and she always being alone.

"Annie? You're alright? Why are feel like a bit dead inside?" I asked her if she's doing ok.

"Yeah, I'm alright. I'm just... I'm just need fresh air to relax..." Annie replied. It's rare to see the girl who likes to be alone. I didn't mean to interrupt her, just asking her if she's doing alright.

We would then lined up in a group, marching together with rifle in our hands. As usual, Marlo lead his squad.

Things gotta little bit wacky while Marlo is in charge for the squad.

The Commander's Daughter (Sabaton x AOT x my OC)Where stories live. Discover now