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I'm glad as Historia would officially become the Queen of the Walls. Things has also changed for good.

After celebrate Historia for her early days as the Queen, my son would come to see me.

"Audie, how's it going, son?" I hugged him.

"Really great, Papa. I actually have something to tell you," he wanted to say to me as I know what he wanted to say

"What is it? I'm listening on what you say," I told him to continue.

"Papa, I made up my mind. I think I need to join Survey Corps with you and big sis Nadia. Now, I realized that I was wrong for joining the MP as they keep underestimate you and the Survey Corps," Audie really wanted to join the Survey Corps.

"Really? That's a really great news! Audie, you can't blame on yourself for this. Sometimes it can be really harder for you but you know decide your right choice for your better future," I advice him and pat his shoulder to always motivate him

"Anyway, I granted your request, my son. You can now join both of us in this regiment," I continued.

"Thank you, Papa. I guess I need to go then," he smiled as he has something to be settled.

"Alright, you may go," I allow him to go as he left me.

At the banquet, not only him arrived but he also brought his roommates who also made their minds to join the Survey Corps together. He brought Marlo and another one named Stanislaw Jankowski. I think I remember that he's the son of Corporal Wladyslaw Jankowski.

Nadia also welcomed Audie's roommates to Survey Corps and she really fascinated when she knew about Stanislaw. She really wanted Stanislaw to be her assistant. Stanislaw agreed with no hesitate and always assist her by her side.

The good thing right after the Orvud defense, we got a little developed technology which Hange tested on the weapon to kill Titan, thanks to her research and it did work.

The next day, we would planning for out next mission which is so important for us: reclaim back Wall Maria. I named this operation as Operation Magdalena.

Before we start the Operation Magdalena, me alongside Erwin, Hange, Levi and my daughter gave the salute to high officers so we would do our best for this operation.

People keeps cheering for us and even motivating us before we begin the mission. And even our junior comrades.

"As far as I'm aware, this is a first," said Erwin.

"Either do I," I would continued.

Erwin and I would stare at each other and raised their fist to the air and screamed fearlessly.

Erwin would unsheathed his sword and would begin Operation Magdalena, "The final operation to retake Wall Maria will begin from now!"

We would gathered in cavalry to begin our march. "Charge forward!" Erwin and I command them to charge forward for Operation Magdalena.

We screamed fearlessly like the Viking ancestors who once fought fiercely in the battlefield. My daughter, Audie and Stanislaw would always on my back.


At night, Stanislaw (or I would call him as Stani) would assist me by holding my horse strap as we hold the lamplighter to lead our way in darkness.

Stanislaw would helped that one soldier who accidentally surprised the horse. Levi scolded him but Stani told that it's ok.

The Commander's Daughter (Sabaton x AOT x my OC)Where stories live. Discover now