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After Gabi explained the truth about Eren's vision. We also worried about what happened to Falco as Connie is about to bring him to Ragako village.

We went to Ragako village to save Falco. Lana also with me and Armin.

"Nadia, why didn't you kill me back in the airship? Why did you all of this all along when I first met you," Gabi asked me.

"I don't know. I do my job to get the information on what Marley wants to do with my people. But the kid like you, I intend no harm on you at least," I explained.

"Why? Just because you're a soldier but we're on different sides, why don't you just punish me and kill me then?" she asked again.

"Listen, Gabi. I actually no ordinary soldier as you might know. I also the daughter of Commander Joakim Brodén. I'm not kidding because I learn a lot from my Papa. I also have siblings and you really reminded me of my younger sister," I keep explaining to Gabi.

"Really?" she was shocked after she knew that I have a sister.

"Of course. Her name is Petra. When I was around your age, I have replaced on late Mama's duty and she sometime being stubborn and picky girl. But as she grew up, she became more mature because she understands how struggle for older sibling like me to handle the younger ones. For now, she's on Garrison Regiment and she stays with Mikasa," I said to Gabi

"I see. It's not your fault but I intend no hate on you. I understand your struggle and pain," said Gabi.

"Also talking about no ordinary soldier, I also training a lot with Papa , just like you when you always train with Falco. Why? I found out that I have the blood of Northern warrior clan called Vikings. Same as my family. There's a long history about that. Maybe I should tell you about it more after the battle ends," I explained to Gabi.

"I mean, you're wonderful and fearless person I ever met, Nadia," Gabi impressed about my family origins.

"Yeah, I really got you. I also some kind of person who hates killing children. That's not natural instinct in me. They also potential to live and also have their bright futures," I said to her. She smiled.

"Now, it's good that both of you are like sisters. I really appreciate that," said Armin.

"Wait, I think we almost reach to Ragako village," Lana noticed that we're getting closer to Ragako village.

"What are you going to do with him, Connie?" I asked him far away.

"Falco, get away from him!" Gabi warned Falco from Connie's trick.

"Gabi..." he said her name.

"He's trying to feed you to that Titan," she continued

"Connie, stop it!" Armin warned Connie.

"Don't do this shit, Connie!" I also warned Connie as he's about to threatened Falco.

"Stop right there! I said stay back!" he put his blade on under Falco's face. We stopped before he would kill Falco

"Connie!" Armin called him.

"Have you lost your mind, Connie?!" I said to him.

"Shut your goddamn mouth and I don't want to heat anything! Don't say anything! You wouldn't know how I feel! You're going to tell me it's better to keep him alive! That's why  I should give up on my mouth, right?! I'm sure someone as righteous as you wouldn't understand an idiot like me" he continued to warned us.

"Connie, please. Calm yourself down! Don't force yourself to do this. I know that your mom is not going to like on what you said, right?! Just don't let her down! I beg you, please let Falco go!" I told him to calm down.

The Commander's Daughter (Sabaton x AOT x my OC)Where stories live. Discover now