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It's the year 857. 3 years passed since the Battle of Heaven and Earth happened. That year was so historical year for us. That year also we saved the humanity from Eren's cruelty.

I was so busy on babysitting Queen Historia's daughter as she and her husband are held the birthday party for her.

Even after Eren's death 3 years ago, I still can't forgive him although he killed Papa. I was so devastated. The memories of Papa's death keeps haunting my mind. After Papa's death, I officially become the head of my family. I would responsible for everything for this family for this big role.

After the war, I really want to do something better. I have the brighter vision. My next goal is to help people who were the victims of war or I should say as "war refugees".

About Audie and Petra? Apparently Audie just dating with Hitch and now she's his fiance. That's a good news for me as she might the part of my family.

Petra? She wanted to open her bakery business as she and Niccolo share same interest. She really inspired for Niccolo. After the war, she resigned from the Garrison regiment.

Lana and Luca? They make their decision to stay in Paradis after the war. I often visit them as me and Lana being best friend. Luca also told me as he want to date me. Since the first day I meet Luca 5 years ago, my first thought us I never express my feelings to him but now it's clear I do love him even during the war.

But there's a little bit one thing I don't really like until now. The Jaeger Faction still traumatized me, reminded me of the Jaegerists and Floch. Luckily, I made my decision to resign from Survey Corps before the nation of Eldia was formed.

What about Armin, Reiner, Jean, Pieck and Connie? Well, I heard that they have become the world ambassadors. I was so delighted to heard that good news.

So I did discuss with them about the idea of helping war refugees. Armin thinks that it's the very good idea about my suggestion. He also suggested that I should make an organization for war refugees and he also very delighted to hear as I also suggest for genocide prevention. We both thought that's very best after what happened on that Paradis War.

The Paradis War really wiped out approximately 1.6 billion people in population 3 years ago. Even that war was over, I still against the genocide which has taken innocent people's lives including Papa and late Hange.

That war has been taken everything we got from us which was also ruined our lives.

Even after the war, I still can't forget about Gabi and Falco. As they grew older and they're both are now 15 years old.

I frequently visit them as Falco will always brought Levi in the wheelchair. At this point, Levi couldn't move his legs anymore due to that battle.

I also brought Gabi everywhere for lunch and she even has a new taste of fashion as we always tried on some new clothes. She said that I'm also make her smile as always.

She really reminded me of myself as I'm just like Papa. Yeah, I'm indeed just like him. We both treated each other like sisters.

I also often invite Levi for tea time. I know he enjoys so much tea. He also said to me that he has a dream to open the tea shop for his business.

About Armin, Reiner, Jean, Pieck and Connie, they might quite busy with their ambassador's duty right now. Maybe I should discuss more about the war refugees later.

Even after Audie resigned from Survey Corps regiment, he continue to work as aviation mechanic. I've seen his profession when he help Onyankopon during we need to prepare the flying boat 3 years ago.

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