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(Author's note: This chapter is just an additional chapter to appreciate artist who inspired me to create my AOT OC. A huge shout out to @/larkei and please don't be so offensive in the comment section 😉. I make this chapter special for my OC Nadia and Larkei's OC, Lana Blair)


For now, I'm not allowed to join some of the missions as I should recovered my injuries after the Stohess District incident. But the good news is I still allowed to get out from the ward room from time to time.

I would even spend my time in the library, reading the history books like Papa usually read. I still remember when Papa told me the bedtime stories about historical events when I was a kid.

Levi wouldn't always join the missions. As usual, he would take care of me being injured. I usually would walk around the alley to relax my mind.

At one moment, me and Papa had a lunch and guess what? He invited Levi to have lunch with us. It may sound so nervous when I have my lunch with him. But, it's ok anyway. We would have a little bit chat after the lunch.

When I returned to the HQ, I could feel the strange vibe of loneliness without the Levi Squad. Seems quiet and lonely. Since the tragic deaths of our comrades,the surrounding might not be the same for me. They're also like my family in Survey Corps besides Papa.

Petra, Eld, Günther, Oluo and my roommate Adelheid. Hmm, if only they would make it alive in the forest on that day and would survived the Female Titan attack, things would never be like this.

Petra Ral was like my big sis to me. At least she cares about me whenever in need. But now, I have to survive my basic life without her.

In case you don't know that my comfort zone would be the forest that me and Papa used to training. I might also in love with the beauty of nature. Having a horse riding with Fabian would be a perfect time for me as I wouldn't allow to join missions for this time.

I still remember when I was a kid, I used to climb on the tree. I didn't hesitate to do that just because I'm just a girl. The boys on that time would tease me that I was just a wild weirdo girl but O didn't care those words. Until nowi still do the same as I used to as a little girl.

I brought my journal along and wrote some thoughts in it. This would be my venting stuff that I would express my feelings.

Suddenly, I heard a voice calling me from far away. "Nadia, is that you?" I turned my head and saw Lana as she also walked in the forest.

"Lana? What are you doing here?" I called her name.

"Just walking around in the forest. Can I climb up and sit beside you?" she approached in front of me and ask the permissions if she wanted to talk to me.

"Yeah, sure. Why not?" I allowed her to do so. Lana would also climb on the tree and sit next to me on the same tree branch.

"You look sad," said Lana.

"Yeah, it's not going to be the same for me. I lost my dearest comrades Levi Squad after Female Titan killed almost all of them. I felt a little bit lonely and quiet after that incident," I express my problem to her.

"Oh my gosh, I'm really sorry to hear about that. May them rest in peace at last," Lana sympathized about my comrades.

I smiled but not fully smiled. There's still sorrow in me about my comrades' death.

"Hmm, I also miss them so much. Anyway, how's Eren doing now? Is he fully recovered?" I asked her about Eren's recent condition.

"Well, he's doing fine. I also visit him days prior alongside Mikasa and Jean." she answered.

"Well, you seemed like a nice person I've ever meet. I actually appreciate on you since day one you're in Survey Corps." I tried to comfort and tried to be close friend on her.

"Hey Nadia, can I tell you a little bit secret of mine since you're a Titan shifter besides Eren? And promise to me that you'll never expose this to anyone?" Lana would then exposed her own secret to me.

"Alright, what is it?" I kept my promise to make sure that her secret is also safe in my hands and wanted to know about her.

"Well, during the mission with 104th Cadet Corps, I got a strange feeling that I have a talk with Dahlia and Hange and also Eren about my Titan form. It's hard to describe but I actually inherited this Titan form from my parents too," she explained.

"Hold on, you do have parents?!" I was a little bit shocked after finding out her parents are also Titan shifters as hers.

"I do have my parents but my mom passed away when I was so young. My father had sacrifice for us after mom's death. And, I do have my brother and his name is Luca. Luca and I were actually being separated when we were kids. I don't know if he's still alive, searching for me anywhere," she continued.

"I'm sure that he won't give up on searching for you. He might be missing you for years since you both being separated. Trust me because that's how family bonds truly exist in us. Like how close I am to Papa and my siblings," I comforted her as she's actually lonely and thought she's only survive in her family.

"Thank you, Nadia. I think you're the one who can trust on my words. For me, you're just like my older sister who really understand my pain," Lana held my hands as she appreciate how much I do care on her.

She hugged me and suddenly I feel a strange memory of her in a glimpse, I saw her memory about her family and her dark past. Her family were the descendants of what I should call as "the Harpy Titan". It's true on what she said and my Titan sense won't lie. But,my biggest question is she's not from the part inside these walls. What is she working for actually?

"Uh, Nadia? Is there anything wrong here? Something matter about me?" she was clueless that I have to hugged a little bit longer.

"Well, it's nothing. Anyway, if you have any problems, you can talk to me anytime,if you want," I had to change topic to avoid from being confused.

"Yeah, it's great to have a talk with you. I think I should go back to the squad right now," Lana would leave me as she get down from the tree branch.

"Of course, you may go. Next time, if we have time, we should training using our Titan forms, ok?" I allowed her to return to her squad and actually want to training her in the other time.

"Ok, I promise. See you later!" she waved her hand to me and I did the same as her.

I think I've become closer to Lana after that. It's being too late here. I need to hurry to return to the HQ. I slowly get down from the tree alongside the journal in my hand.

I rode Fabian along to the HQ, and feed him as we reached to the HQ. I would have dinner after that as I actually 60% fully recovered from my injuries.

At least, Fabian is the only one who really reminded me of The Levi Squad as they presented me him for my birthday present. I would take care of Fabian as a part of my family.

At night, I would spend my time playing piano as I remember Papa usually play piano for me. He also teaches me on playing piano since I was 6. Playing piano is also my passion as Papa's. I would forget the problems by playing piano.

In the midnight, I would have some cookies while writing thoughts on my journal before go to bed. My head is full of thoughts and I couldn't bear on holding all of them, including everything about Lana.

I can't think too long for this. It's almost 3 a.m. and I have to get into bed. I tried to sleep although I can't as my eyes are barely feel so tired as before.

Finally, I feel really tired and having a nice sleep. Hope that I can forget the problems which surrounding my mind.

The Commander's Daughter (Sabaton x AOT x my OC)Where stories live. Discover now