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(Author's note: Well, this is an extra chapter to appreciate the artist who inspire me for my OC /larkei . I'm going to let Nadia to fix the friendship between her and Lana)


That night, I can't sleep although I tried. I quickly get up from my bed and get the oil lamp. I had to walk slowly in the alley. Gazing at the night sky from the HQ in my white night gown. I couldn't imagine what Eren tried to say about the freedom and what's beyond the sea.

As I slowly walking without footsteps sound, I saw Lana would sit at the swing on the tree. She was alone. I know I didn't talk to much since we saved Eren from Reiner and Bertholdt. I need to talk to her. I need to apologize, after what I did to her last time really humiliate her feelings.

I was a worst friend for her. I can't forgive myself for being such a naive person. I need to do the right thing for her. I have to come closer to her but I didn't mean to disturb her.

"Hey Lana, I uh... I didn't mean to disturb you in the night like this. Are you still lonely here? Can I have a talk with you?" I talked to her as she seems to be surprised as I encounter her from behind.

"Well, Yeah, I need time to relax and sure, you can," she allowed me and I would sit next to her.

"Lana, you know.... I'm not supposed to say that to you on that day. I know I was super enrage on you and I was misunderstanding about your truth. I also didn't speak to you for days just because my rage blinding me. Look, I actually not like Papa. My Papa is different, at least he understand about your pain," I explained my own true feelings on her.

"Nadia, you can't simply blame yourself like that. I know you in the very start. You were so friendly to me when we first time met each other. You such a nice person that I ever met. I thought that you will become good friend to me and you did with no hesitate," said Lana while holding my shoulder.

"Look, I know you still mad at me just because I'm a traitor and you didn't accept me after the truth being exposed. I actually didn't mean to be a part of them. I was forced by them and they made me as a lab rat and their puppets. My early life was perfect with my family and everything has been taken away from me by those evil hands. I have to become what I am and actually didn't to be part of them and rather to be their traitor to save my friends here," she continued.

I realized about what she said. I was wrong about what I was thinking about. "Lana, I realized that you're right. You were innocent in this case. You know, our lives are quite different. I only live with Papa and my siblings after Mama was being murdered. That was one. Since I joined Survey Corps, I lost Levi Squad members, Uncle Hannes and now, Uncle Erwin who I also love the most." I said to her.

"I also understand about your pain. I really feel bad about your parents and I know you were worried about your brother. At least I'm here to comfort you in distress. I was hesitate to apologize to you at first after that incident, but.... after hearing the whole backstory of yours, I think it's time to apologize to you so I can fix our friendship back," Lana widened her eyes as I wanted to apologize to her.

"Really?!" Lana was a bit surprised that I want to apologise to her.

"Of course, I am really sorry for hurting your feelings on that day. I'm sorry for ignoring your apology on that day. I'm sorry for underestimate you for claiming as a traitor. I'm really sorry for everything," this time I apologized to her. I really don't want to see her negative side again.

She saw me burst in tears. I was really guilty for being worst for her. She tried to comfort me, "Don't cry, Nadia. It's ok that I'm here too. I also forgive you for everything. I also just want to be your friend. It's good that now I'm on your side too,"

Lana would hugged me and we both crying in the middle of the night. We then become closer since that day.

I would stop crying while we hugged and I tried to change topic to ask Lana. "Does Jean apologize on you after that incident?"

"Well, he did apparently although his cold stare really says a lot to me. Our relationship has also been fixed too," said Lana.

"I see. Well, it's quite late at night. I'll see you this morning," I would leave her before going back to the HQ building.

"Hey Nadia, before you leave. I want to say something to you," Lana pulled my hand as she has something to tell me.

"What is it?" I asked her.

"Next time, should we go on training with our Titans?" she asks me if I want to train with her.

"Yeah, sure then. I would love to. See you later, Lana," I tried to let go my hand from her and leave her. She waved her hand to me and I do the same to her.

As I get back to the HQ building, I was surprised as Papa and Audie stared behind the pillar to see me from behind.

"Papa, Audie, I almost got a heart attack to see both of you," I scolded to them as I saw both of them.

"Well, you did a good job, Nadia. You apologize to her at least," Papa seems to be satisfying after I apologize to Lana. I could only smiled to his statement.

"Papa, I didn't know that you both spying on me while I was talking to Lana alone," I scratched my head while talking to him.

"What? Who says only both of them spying on you? We also did the same," Jean would also approached to me, including Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Connie, Floch, Stani and Sasha.

"You guys.." I was surprised to see them.

"You did a great thing, Nadia. I didn't expect you will forgive her," said Connie.

"Well, it's good for you. Seems like you and Lana are now best friends again," said Armin.

"Well, I made up my mind to forgive her after realizing her truth and I know I keep waiting for the right time to apologize her," I said to them.

"Well Jean, I guess I know that you also apologize to Lana. She told me about that," I told him.

Well, situation is getting a little bit noisy until we shocked as we heard the voice that we know.

"Oi, what the hell are you guys doing here? You guys are really noisy here and it's almost late night," it's Levi as walking on the alley. Out face reaction turned as our eyes widened as we see him.

"Captain Levi!" they make a salute pose in front of Levi immediately. Knowing that they didn't mean to be to rude to him.

"Captain, we didn't mean to make you feel annoyed. We just-" Eren tried to explained but Levi paused on Eren's statement.

"I don't want to hear any statement from you guys. Better go to bed or you'll face punishment the next day," Levi crossed his arms as he tired on hearing their statement.

"Yes, sir!" they immediately left us and back to their bedrooms, except him, Papa and me.

I exhaled my breath as they leave. Levi would then asked me after that, "Nadia, what are you doing in this late night?"

I bit my lips and started to explain, "Well, I thought I want to apologize to Lana. I think I made up my mind that I would fix the friendship between us. I know I'm being the worst friend to her but in the end, we're humans too, right?"

Levi seems to understand with my statement. "I see. Now, I understand you have to go in this late night. I didn't mean to disturb your private time but I just can't stand on noisy brats which disrupt your time,"

"Yeah, sometimes they need to be teach some lessons. Anyway, I apologize if I let you down." I also apologize to him because I don't to make him angry to me.

"No, it's ok. You don't need to apologize to me. I forgive you," Levi would apologize to me back.

I could only grin to him. "Well, Levi, I'll see you this morning. Good night, Levi," me and Papa would leave him as we heading out way to our bedrooms.

"Good night, Nadia," Levi would do the same as he also wanted to heading his way to his bedroom.

As we finally reached to the bedroom, I jumped on my bed and layed my head on the pillow as my eyes staring at the ceiling.

Well, friendship problem finally fixed and hope that I can get closer with Lana the next day

The Commander's Daughter (Sabaton x AOT x my OC)Where stories live. Discover now