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Now I'm fully recovered from my injuries and I'm back for continue the mission with my remaining comrades in Levi Squad.

Chris, Hannes and Tommy had follow me for rescue mission at Utgard castle where our juniors were in danger. Ymir was attacking the other Titans and realizing that Ymir also a Titan shifter like Eren and Annie makes me feel hard to believe. I'm quite suspicious about that.

We rode in cavalry and we suddenly saw Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Jean and Sasha are also on the way as mine.

"You guys! Right on time, we must save our comrades at Utgard castle!" I command them to follow us the Levi Squad for the rescue mission.

"Yes, ma'am," they agreed and follow us. Our convoy to Utgard castle took a long time to reach there.

As we reached there, there are a bunch of Titans who tried to surrounding our friends. Ymir who turned herself into Titan fought against these scumbag Titans already out of her energy.

Christa tried to save her but the Titan wanted to her. Luckily Mikasa come right on time to save Christa by killing that Titans.

We then would do the same as we would kill those Titans. Eren too but he would only kill once in his own real form.

Our arrival to our comrades would come to save their day from this ordeal.

Our simple mission is complete. I go to Ymir and Krista and I heard Krista tell her own true name to Ymir. Krista's true name is actually Historia. Why did she had to hide her true name all this time?

After that, we brought them on Wall Rose. Uncle Hannes had to check on something. "We can't find any holes,"

"What do you mean?" said Hange. I heard the rumors that the Titans suddenly came mysteriously. But how?

Papa also with us. Reiner, Bertholdt and Lana went a talk with Eren. My sharp hearing didn't lie that I heard their exposed secret.

"Actually I'm an Armor Titan and he's a Colossal Titan. Lana is a Harpy Titan," I knew it what Reiner tried to expose to Eren. No more secrecy on us because he's already spill the tea.

"I can't believe that you expose your truth on us, Reiner! Lana, is that true on what he's actually said?!" I was also shocked and desperate wanted the answer.

"I.... I'm sorry, Nadia but yes. Yes, he actually said that," Lana thought that she wanted to cover it up but it's too late. She had to with no hesitate.

Mikasa was also furious on what Reiner said instantly attacking him but Bertholdt protecting him and Lana. They were injured and I can see those lightning sparks came from them.

The betrayal which would scarred in my mind. All this time for them I care especially on Lana is all foolish game by them?!

Reiner, Lana and Bertholdt turned themselves into Titans and causing our comrades blown from the wall.

Eren and I didn't hesitate to turn ourselves into Titan too. Eren had to fight with Reiner and I had to fight against Lana.

I fought against her mercilessly. I know I really can't forgive those filthy traitors like them. My rage drove insane, caught brutal on Lana.

I almost took Lana down in my fight but I see Reiner and Bertholdt kidnapped Eren and Ymir, it's already too late. They're too far away.

I had no choice but to brought unconscious Lana on the wall unti6 she's awake.

I just keep waiting until Lana is awake. Papa and Hange were injured too. I also waiting and care about Papa. As Papa awake, I told him to ease him as he's being injured.

The Commander's Daughter (Sabaton x AOT x my OC)Where stories live. Discover now