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As I witness Papa's death before my eyes, I screamed for him deep to my lungs. "PAPA!!!!!!!!"

I can't control my sadness. I'm losing my control for this sadness. My siblings managed to calm me down.



My legs couldn't work as I fell on the floor. They managed to hug me. As Papa's losing his life.

Not only both of them, Lana also hugged me and she tried to calm me down. "I'm really sorry, Nadia! I'm really sorry about your dad!"

The Northern Squad including Aunt Floor and Aunt Sharon managed to calm me down. I could slowly managed myself to calm down.

Aunt Sharon has a motherly figure in her. She rubbed my arm. "It's ok, Nadia. Stop crying,"

That day I saw my Papa's sacrifice and his death will keep haunting me for my entire life. The haunting imagery that I couldn't escape from my eyes.

"Goodbye, Papa.... You can rest now..." I bid farewell to him as he leaving this cruel world.

I still hold his sunglasses in my hands which he had given to me before he and Hange set themselves for last mission. The waterfall of tears has been dried on my cheeks after stop crying.

I still can't forget on what he said. He's also the person who made me laugh. His joke and his laughter... I'm going to miss it so much. I think I'm losing the part of my life which is him. He meant a lot to me.

"Hey Nadia, I'm really sorry about what happened to your father. I'm sure he's going to be proud of you," Chris send his condolences to me about what happened to Papa.

"Yeah, whatever he had done is to protect us all. He was so friendly person and he was like our father figure in this squad," said Hannes.

"Exactly, without him, maybe this squad will never exist and we might never met each other. But, at least you're here as his successor to lead this team," said Tommy.

"Nadia, we are so sure that you going to be like him. Fearless and genius. We can help you on any command that you will told us to. You are like our Valkyrie," Pär's word make me feel motivated plus when he called me as Valkyrie, I should deserve that nickname.

"Yeah Nadia, you are the Viking lioness . You also deserve for that. Why? Because you are have no fear in your heart. Keep charging forward with no hesitate. You also just like Commander Erwin and your dad. You will always be on Armin's side and even assist him for the charge," said Jean.

"Thanks Jean for your words," I thank him.

"That's such nice nicknames for her," said Connie. Everyone could agree what they say.

"I'll take that nickname as well. I love it on how you describe me," I smiled and so they too.

"So, the Viking lioness. Should we do this together?" Armin ask me if I could join him.

"Yeah sure, let's do this," I would agree and so Armin set up a plan to take down Eren.

"Good to see you in good mood again. I'll better assist Onyankopon for the flight," said Audie as he went to the cockpit to become his copilot.

So he would draw the body of Eren's Founding Titan to set up the plan.

"Pieck, Captain Levi, Section Commander Nadia, is this roughly the shape of the Founding Titan?" said Armin.

"Yes, though I didn't get a great look at it," said Pieck.

"I thought the same but I clearly see it in front of my eyes. I swear that this is his true form when he emerged before Wall Maria collapsed. Quite enormous skeletal form," i could agree on what Pieck said but I can add on some details.

The Commander's Daughter (Sabaton x AOT x my OC)Where stories live. Discover now