Chapter 1

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"No Seb... I dont want to meet your friends... I get it they are your best buds now... But i have no desire to go to Boston to just attend a house party of people i dont know... I have nothing in common with those people..." I say letting out a sigh. 

Seb has been bugging me to come to Boston with him to be his plus one at a party one of his Marvel buddy's is throwing... "Please Neve... It will be fun..." He says pouting at me and i sigh... "Where are we going to stay?" I ask and he blushes... "We can stay over at his house... He has reserved a bedroom for us..." Seb says in a posh tone and i shake my head... "Were am i going to stay when you decide to hook up with some groupie in that bed..." I say putting my hands on my hips and he blushes knowing this has happened before... We had a big fight about it because i had no place to sleep and walked home alone at night through New York...

"I promise i wont... I will use the bathroom..." He says smirking and i roll my eyes... "Please Neve... I promised i would bring you along..." He says and turns bright red looking as if he got caught... "Promised who...?" I said looking at him and he shook his head... "I promised to bring someone along not you specifically..." He mumbles and i look at him skeptical... "You are not lying to me right..." I said and he smiled... "Nope not lying..." He says and i sigh... 

"Come on... We make a fun trip out of it... We drive to Boston have some fun along the way and i even let you pick the music in the car..." Seb says smirking knowing i love road trips... "Fine... But i swear to god if you hook up in the bed i have to sleep in i will kill you..." I say and he smirks and hugs me. "I promise... I dont want you to walk back from Boston to New York..." He says smirking... "Oh i won't walk... I will Uber and put it on your credit card..." I say looking serious and he chuckles... 

"I am going to call and tell him we are coming..." Seb says and grabs his phone... "Whose party is it anyway..." I say letting out a sigh... "Chris... Chris Evans... You remember him from the premier..." Seb says walking off and i groan knowing i am screwed and he did promise to bring me along... Essentially lying to me about specifically bringing me along... I dont get why Seb pushed this... He knew Chris his reputation...

The whole premier Chris had been hanging around me flirting... Trying to get my number... Trying to get me to go up to his hotel room with him... I heard the stories about him and i was adamant to not become another number on his list... Being friends with Seb i knew i had to see him in the future as they had more movies coming up together and i was not wanting it to be awkward in the future... I had to admit he was cute and seemed sweet, but he has a bit of a reputation and i was not going to fall victim to that... I was not the type of girl to jump into bed with a guy for one night...

I take a deep breath and sigh again... "What the fuck did i get myself into..." I mumble to myself. "Chris asks what kind of drink you prefer..." Seb says walking in with the biggest smile on his face... I shrug my shoulders... "I am not picky beer is fine..." I mumble but i know i will watch my alcohol intake because there is no way i am going to lose control in a room of people i barely know... 

"Yeah beer... But i know she also likes Rum and Coke..." Seb says smiling through the phone and i roll my eyes... "She loves pancakes in the morning..." Seb says smirking and i had enough... "That is not necessary we can have breakfast on the way home..." I say but Seb ignores me... 

I shake my head and just walk off to my office not wanting to listen to the conversation anymore... Seb mostly stays with me when he is in New York even though he has his own place... He hates staying alone... He only lives there when he is dating someone... I dont mind... I like the company... 

I work from home mostly as an author so when he is over it is a nice change of pace... He pulls me out of my little hermit phase and i pull him out of the crazy Hollywood lifestyle for a bit... I still dont understand how he could deal with the craziness sometimes... The premier he dragged me to was crazy... The screaming and yelling from the fans the constant flashing of cameras not to mention the rumors after that of him and i dating... 

Seb and i were friends since we were little... Practically my brother... We never kissed never fooled around the idea never even came to our minds... At least not to me... I never had the urge to take it a step further... 

"We leave tomorrow at 10..." Seb says appearing in the doorway of my office as i was doing some research for my next book... "Why so early...?" I ask and he smiles... "So, we can help set up and have dinner with Chris and some friends and his brother... Besides it is a 4-hour drive... 5 if we stop along the way for lunch..." Seb says and i smile thinking of Scott... Him i didn't mind... I like Scott... We had so much fun when Seb and Chris had to go and work at the premier... He was so funny and crazy he made me laugh so hard that we almost got kicked out if Seb and Chris hadn't stepped in and told the organizers to lay off... If Scott was going to be there maybe it was not going to be so bad... 

I stood up and sighed... "Okay i will go pack..." I said and Seb followed me... "What are you doing?" I said as he sat down on my bed... "Helping you chose and outfit... You need to look hot..." Seb said smirking and i rolled my eyes... "I am capable to pick my own outfit Seb..." I said and he chuckled... 

"Chris is excited you are coming along..." Seb said as i was going through my closet and i rolled my eyes again, but he couldn't see... "He keeps asking for your number..." Seb said continuing... I sigh at Chris his apparent persistence... I smirk and pick out the tight jeans that shows off my curves perfectly and makes my ass pop... I pick a little shirt barely covering anything and a bra was out of the question underneath it and put it in the suitcase... I put a leather jacket in just in case i wanted to go outside to get some air during the party... 

"That is what you are wearing?" Seb asked and i nodded... "Is that a problem?" I ask and Seb shakes his head... "No... But dont be surprised if it will attract attention to you from a certain person..."  He says grabbing the piece of fabric holding it up... I shrug my shoulders and walk back into the closet to get some more clothes for the next day... Something comfortable... But i smirk "I just want to look nice... It is a party after all... Better dress the part..." I said still smirking... 

"Yeah of course..." Seb said and i chuckled because if Chris wanted me there so bad and Seb was lying to me about him wanting me there specifically i sure as hell was going to torture him a little... Have fun with it... I might be a bit of a loner and dont go out much but when i do i knew how to have a good time... I grabbed some heels to make my ass pop even more and put them in the suitcase... Chris was going to see what he can't have... What he will never have... And with that thought i was looking forward to the party...

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