Chapter 4

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"Ready to go..." Chris says smiling and i nod... "Yes... Do you have a list of what you need...?" I ask and he shakes his head... "It's okay we will make one in the car..." I say walking out and wait for him to point to which car we are taking... He walks around me and in front of me opening the car door and i chuckle getting into the car and he closes the door with a little smirk on his face before jogging around the car and getting in the driver side... 

"So what do you need..." I said pulling pen and paper out of my bag and he chuckles. "Beer... Rum... and some more snacks... According to Scott i dont have enough..." He says and i look at him... "That is, it?" I ask... He nods and i put the pen and paper back in my bag... 

"So, you and Scott seem close..." He says as we are on our way... "We are... We kept in touch after your premier..." I say looking out the window... "You mean the premier you and Scott almost got kicked out off..." He says and i turn to look at him and grin... "I can't help that your brother is hilarious..." I say and Chris chuckles but i can see he is a little bit tense about it... 

"So, Liam..." He starts... "Nope..." I say cutting him off... "Nope?" He asks and i nod. "Nope... We are not going to talk about that..." I say and he nods... "Okay... No Liam..." He says with a little smirk. "So, what is the occasion for the party..." I ask and Chris shrugs his shoulders... "I felt like throwing a party... I have some time off for the first time in a long time and felt like it..." He says and i smile... 

"Must be tough being away from home all the time... Not seeing your family as much..." I say and he nods... "Sometimes it is... But it is something you have to deal with if you want to make it... But when are you a bit more established or have a movie deal like i do you can plan some more time off in between projects... Besides i love what i do... That makes it a bit better..." He says smiling... 

"What about you... Are you working on a new book?" He asks and i smile... "Doing research at the moment trying to get some inspiration... The last book is just out..." I say and he smiles... "I know i read it..." He says and i look at him surprised... "You did?" I ask because there was no way i would ever think he would like my kind of books and to be honest i am surprised he reads at all... 

"Well thanks..." I say and he laughs... "You sound surprised..." He says and i chuckle... "That's because i am... I didn't know you could read..." I say grinning... "Ouch..." He says putting his hand on his chest as if i had hurt him deeply... "I read scripts you know..." He says and i chuckle... "Really... I thought your assistant read them to you..." I say and he laughs again... "No... I do it all by myself..." He says and i can't resist... "Wauw gold star for you..." I say and he laughs even harder... 

We arrive at the store and after Chris got a cart, we walk in... People are staring and some girls are giggling and i shake my head. "Doesn't that get annoying?" I ask and he shrugs his shoulders... "It is not as bad here... In LA it is much worse..." He says and i nod... "I now... Went to LA with Seb once... Never again..." I say and he chuckles.  

"Excuse me... Can we get a picture..." The girls who were giggling earlier say and i chuckle as Chris nods. "Do you mind taking it..." One of the girls says looking me up and down as if i am disgusting... "No problem..." I say and take a few pictures handing the phone back. "Are you his girlfriend..." She asks still with a disgusted look on her face and i chuckle... "God no... Absolutely not..." I say and the look at me as if i am crazy...

"It was nice meeting you ladies..." Chris says taking my hand and dragging me away... I look at his hand around my hand and for a moment i feel a weird sensation but i snap myself out of it... "You can let go now..." I say and he releases my hand and looks at me... "What...?" I ask as he keeps staring at me looking tense... "Nothing... Never mind..." He says and i grab his arm as he wants to walk on... "Spit it out Chris..." I say and he sighs shaking his head... "Not here..." He mumbles and walks off... I sigh and shake my head following him. 

After we got the beer and rum, we walk to the snack aisle... "What do you need..." I say and he shrugs his shoulders... "What do you like?" He asks but he is not even looking at me and i dont know how i feel about that... 

"Okay you need some things salty..." I say throwing thing in the cart... "You need somethings to soke up the alcohol..." I say smirking and throw more things in the cart... "And for me something sweet because when i have a few i always want something sweet..." I say smiling and throwing some candy in the cart... "Do you have enough Coke to go with the rum?" I ask and he shakes his head, so we walk over to the soda aisle and i grab some bottles of Coca Cola... 

When we walk through the barbecue aisle i grab a pair of BBQ tongs... "What are those for...?" He asks confused... "To remove that stick from your ass..." I say and he looks at me perplexed... A Little smile finally breaks through and i push him... "Finally..." I say and put the thongs back and his smile grows... We walk to check out and i chuckle and pull out my wallet... 

"Yeah, you are not paying..." He says and tries to grab my wallet... "I know... But Seb lied to me and i told him he would pay for it..." I say smirking holding up the credit card i still had... "How did you get that?" He asks and i smirk... "He gave it to me... Like i said he lied and is now paying for it..." I said and hand the cashier the card as she rings us up... Chris just chuckles and after i paid we walk out with our groceries to the car... 

"Want to tell me now why you got your panties in a twist..." I say when he sits down behind the wheel... He sighs and shakes his head looking down... "Chris... Out with it..." I said hoping i would not regret that... But he said nothing and i took a deep breath... 

"Chris... Whatever you thought would happen with me being here... Please dont... Look you are nice, sweet and yes you easy on the eyes..." I whisper and he chuckles... "But i refuse to be another number on your bedpost... Besides that, would get messy... We are bound to run into each other again seeing as we are both friends with Seb... Let's not complicate things and just be friends..." I say and he looks at me with a sad look on his face and he takes my hand in his... I can feel that weird sensation i can't place again... 

"Neve... Are you telling me you dont feel anything..." He whispers as he runs his thumb over the back of my hand sending tingles through my body and i sigh looking at our hands... "Chris please..." I say softly and he sighs letting go of my hand starting the car... For a moment i am sad at the loss of contact but i shake it off and look out through the window as he drives off... 

We arrive at the house, and he stops me as i am about to get out of the car... "I am not giving up Neve... I like you and i am serious about you..." He says and gets out of the car leaving me behind in the car shocked and unable to move as he walks to the back of the car and getting the stuff out... He has already made 2 trips inside when i finally snap out of it and get out of the car... 

I just walk in shaking it off and Seb looks at me weird while Scott is smirking and i roll my eyes now feeling really annoyed... I just walk to the bedroom and sit down on the bed trying to gather my thoughts and snap out of it... There is a knock on the door... "I am changing..." I lie... "Oh okay... Just wanted to say we leave for ma's house in an hour..." I hear Scott say and i groan... "Great... Dinner with just me... Seb, Scott, Chris and their mother..." I mumble... "This isn't weird at all..." I mumble again before getting changed and fixing my hair and putting on a little bit of make-up... 

"You can do this..." I say to myself in the mirror... "Tomorrow you are home again, and you can leave this all behind and Chris will forget all about you and move on... He just wants you because you keep saying no... It is the chase... Once you gave in, he has what he wants, and you will never hear from him again... It will lead to painful and awkward encounters... It is not worth it... You are not a one-night type of girl..." I whisper to myself as some sort of mantra and take a deep breath... I spritz on some perfume and walk out of the bedroom and to the guys in the living room...

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